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AllAboutFaeries : A Young Adult Recounts a Childhood Of Enchantment
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From: MSN Nicknameleprechaunlight  (Original Message)Sent: 11/5/2007 7:15 AM




A very good story. Lots of love, light and hugs.

&, Uma


A young adult recounts a childhood of enchantment!

I have a few sightings. I was raised in Wisconsin in an old oak forest, next to a river. The forest was thick and had all sorts of hills, cliffs and ravines.

I was raised pagan and my family and I would celebrate Mid-Summers Eve every year. In our ceremonies we would have bonfires and throw herbs in them, in hopes of blessings. Some of our herbs like thyme and rosemary were thrown in to draw the fey (fairies) near. As children we would take plates of food out in the woods to

leave as offerings to the wood spirits. Often we would see small orbs of blues and pale colors in the distance, and in the forest we never went too deep, as we might get lost or anger the spirits.

I remember going to the woods one year with my little brother and a few other people. We saw an amazing sight! The forest was lit up with hundreds of lightning bugs and in the thicket we heard a flute noise and it was the most beautiful music I've ever heard. We ventured only a little nearer to see fires over the ravine with

figures dancing and orbs galore. We were slightly afraid and ran off. When we got back to our family, we could still hear the music and chanting. Our family and others sat and listened all night to it.

Another year we had made ringlets of flowers for our heads and for around our necks. We always heard giggling, not from the other children but from the thicket. A bunch of adults were with us at the time and we saw this very tall, slender manly figure come out of the thicket and watch us. He looked like he was part tree. He was

extremely handsome, and had a piercing gaze. He stood there on the edge of the ravine and just watched us. He had a mist around him. After a while he went back into the forest.

Even when it wasn't a celebration or holiday we'd see the fey. When we were young children, I was about 6 or 7 and my siblings were younger, we would venture out to the woods and play hide and seek in the old oak trees that had fallen. I remember a couple that would come play with us. They were very elegant and had a flowing

beauty about them. Their eyes were bright greenish-blue. They were very slim beings and never spoke, but played music for us on a flute and small violin looking instrument. They would escort us to the edge of the wood when our mother called us. However she never saw them, but was amazed we always came home ok.

We always saw the orbs and colored spheres about. I always saw something in those woods, but would never have enough paper to write on to tell you. I'm 21 now, and I moved away last year because my Father passed away. My Mother and siblings ended up moving too, she could not stay there and moved closer to her mother, who is

in a different state, I moved with her, and I miss the place so much. I still think back to all the things I saw and heard. I hope that one day I might be able to go back again. I hope that all these were not the mind of a child playing tricks.



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