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AllAboutFaeries : Kelli's Fairies in Vancouver Washington Park
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From: MSN Nicknameleprechaunlight  (Original Message)Sent: 11/5/2007 7:19 AM



Wonderful story, so interesting. Lots of love, light and hugs.
&, Uma
This summer something happened that's so amazing I feel I have to share it too.

There is a park with a half mile long ravine in Vancouver, Washington that is literally inhabited by fairies. I've known it since I was 17 and used to live there. I'd go there almost every day and feel a presence there that was unmistakably otherworldly. I feel a symbiosis with this place and went back there to visit it last summer after not seeing it for almost 20 years. I now live in Northern Idaho.

The first night I saw it after not being there for so long was overwhelming. The feelings were just so strong. I remember running across the meadow where the back end of the park is and crying I was feeling so much joy. I'm usually a rational person, and no other place I know of affects me this way, only this one! Maybe I'm the wood wife or something!

When I climbed the 25 feet or so to the bottom of that end of the ravine, I was surrounded by sunlight through the very tall trees that made it look like a cathedral. There is ivy growing up some of the trees, and at the end of the trail where the trees sit on a hill, their roots stick out in weird patterns. It is so quiet down there that it feels as though everything is listening and watching, aware of your every move. It's beautiful, haunting and disturbing. I felt the presences so strong down there and felt like it was a homecoming of some sort. I even put on my Lord of the Dance music and started skipping and dancing down the path. It was like being in another world, and I've come to believe that this forest is a vortex or gateway into that other world.

I returned two days later when it was overcast and there were no people in the park above. I took pictures this time and in two of them you can see mist and a blob of blue light. The pictures of the ravine didn't show up though, because it was too dark.

I also heard the running of feet into the foliage that suddenly stopped, just like it used to happen when I was 17 and 18. The weird thing besides the exact same thing happening like it used to, is that I could never see the owner of the feet. There was a pitter patter right by me, the feet would run into the little stalks of foliage and then stop. I looked and looked but couldn't see anything like an animal or bug. It was like their way of saying, "We remember you, do you remember us?"

I feel pulled by this place, almost addictive, like if they had their way, I would live there. I've enclosed one of the pictures I took, where you can see the weird light and mist. I'm going back there this summer to see what else happens, and even writing a story about it. It just has such an effect on me.

And that's not the end, either. When I got home, my neighbor told me we had the worst windstorm she's ever remembered, and also growing in my front yard, which has NEVER been there before, was a ring of huge mushrooms! That's something that doesn't grow in southern Idaho. They have them all over the place in Washington and northern Idaho though. But not down here. The weirdest thing is, they only appeared for a day or so, then disappeared, never to return.

I almost feel as if I'm being initiated into some kind of relationship with the fairies of that forest, something very serious and reverent that's almost frightening in its intensity. It's like being under a spell or something, it brings me joy but also scares me because it's so strong. Maybe I'll get pulled into their realm and not return one of these days.

I had one weird reaction in that ravine where I couldn't get to the middle part, that's why I want to go back and see if I can walk all the way through it. I'd get a few feet in, and then feel dizzy and see everything spiraling in front of me. it scared me so bad I had to run back up the trail to the surface. maybe it just wasn't time for me to go all the way in. Strange, because when I was a teenager, I never had a problem walking all the way through it. It felt more lighthearted then, too, for some reason. Now the forest feels more ominous, and deeper and seems to have grown to twice the size it was before. I think the fairies are feeling the encroaching of civilization and are more fiercely guarding their realm. Or they are guarding me from getting too close and getting sucked into their realm. Maybe next time will the be the right time for me to see the middle part.

I even have dreams about this place, and it always looks the same yet different, and of course, I see fairies there too. Next time I'll throw sugar cubes down for them. I have a friend who does that when she goes to inhabited places, and they seem to like it.

Sorry for rambling so long, but I'd love to share this with people. I feel obligated to. Maybe someday this craziness will all make sense. In the meantime, I just want to keep my feet firmly grounded in sanity.




A Bee Bg

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