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AllAboutFaeries : Kelli's Second Visit to Vancouver Washington
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From: MSN Nicknameleprechaunlight  (Original Message)Sent: 11/5/2007 7:25 AM


Kelli shares more wonderful adventures!


This is an update to my experiences in David Douglas Park in Vancouver Washington.  Anyway, you're not going to believe this, but this past July I went back there(during a visit to the Faeryworlds Festival in Oregon, which is another monumentous event in itself!) and actually SAW two fairies on my last evening. You can put this in the reports if you want. I had felt the urge to visit it one last time before I had to go home, and for some stupid reason, I wanted to sing and dance for them. They gave me more than enough evidence that they were listening. First of all, the only other people there were some picknickers far away down the meadow, and they couldn't see what was happening on the baseball diamond side near the front part. You have to cross the diamonds before getting to the woods. Before I even got out of the car, a short dust tornado whirled over the baseball diamond and dissolved in front of me in gusts of wind. That mayor may not mean anything in and of itself, but I hardly ever see those. I took my tape recorder that had my music on it and ran down into the part of the woods where the trees are all covered up to the tops in ivy. The sun was bright and beautiful this time, and it was so green. First I did a slow dance, then I sang a song. It was during the singing part, when I was standing still on the trail, that two inch long pale green fluttering featureless "bugs" came up to me, hovering. One of them zipped away while the other one landed right on my lip, then went over to hover right by the left side of my head! I stopped singing and just stared at it. The wings were just a lighter shade than the body, and there were no eyes or other features on its face, which was perfectly round. I've never seen bugs like that before. The wings were also traced with transparent yellow, and they made no noise. When it left, it just seemed to vanish. I couldn't tell where it had gone. I left the woods ecstatic and honored that I had seen an actual physical vision of their presence. Now I KNOW I'm right about this place!


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