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AllAboutFaeries : A Man's Experience With Fairies
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From: MSN Nicknameleprechaunlight  (Original Message)Sent: 11/5/2007 7:31 AM




Another fun fairie story I collected, hope you are all enjoying them.
&, Uma
I have 2 days ago experience something that i cannot come to terms with. i was in bed at night when i started to see dark shapes in the air . i thought i was dreaming . i got up and turned on the light. my dogs were there, my girlfriend was asleep beside me. the darkness went but the shapes were still there but more silvery colour. when i turned out the light i could see what i thought were shadows, but i could see they were what ithought were thousands of little flies or moths. if i tried to look closely it seemed the backed away. out of the corner of my eyes i could see them taking shape, the longer i could bare this,the more the shape was forming. but i kept loosing my nerve and trying to shake it away . i woke my girlfriend and she sat up with me, in the semi-darkness i could very easily see the shapes but my girlfriend could not. i asked her if we were both awake and said there were things in the air.i held out my hand and could feel something brushing the hairs on my hand and arm. i was terrified but didnt feel any terror. i asked my girl to hlod my hand while it was in the air. i could sort of see little things and i could definetly feel them, but she couldnt. i tried to relax and let the shapes get closer, but i got so scared. i am a sensible person and i said. i must be imagining it or we are both asleep and this is a dream.i put all the lights on and lay back. i covered myself with a blanket up to my forehead and lay there shaking a bit like scooby doo, but until i fell back asleep(after four hours of them touching my arms and any skin not covered) i could feel the touch on the top of my head,(the only part of me out of the duvet) and any part of bare skin it was like a very light touch or breeze. i am afraid of this and i am not a religious person. can anyone who has any experience, shed any light on this. please dont try to "pitch"  (no offence meant) me on a religion i am 36 yrs old and i think if i was  to belive in a god i would of found out by now. i was at the time thinging about re-incarnation is that anything to do with it or am i just hallucinating. ? hope this is not any trouble to anyone. ian


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