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AllAboutFaeries : Andi's Many Encounters
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From: MSN Nicknameleprechaunlight  (Original Message)Sent: 11/5/2007 3:01 PM


faries.gif faries picture by leprechaunlight

Introducing Andi's Many Encounters. Lots of love, light and hugs.



Some sightings to report, from myself, my father, two of my uncles, and few of my friends.... all in New Brunswick, Canada.

I'll start with the earliest:

Early summer morning, 1967, my Christian Conservative uncle who is Irish, was hunting in the woods. As he aimed his rifle at a buck in the distance, he heard whistling. He looked down and went into complete shock. A little man, about knee-high, walked right across his path only a few feet in front of him. He was wearing old fashioned farmer's clothes, holding an axe or some sort of tool over his shoulder, dark tan face, old looking, with a pointed hat. He didn't look at my uncle and didn't say anything, just whistling as he walked by. My uncle put down his gun and left the woods for the day. The only thing he could think it could be was a "hobbit".... he had heard nothing about little people other than hearing about the Tolkien book.

Summer, 1986. My childhood friend who was of Irish decent as well and six years old, lived on a farm. There were many large potato barns and fields. She was running through one of these fields when she looked across the field and saw a figure standing in the entryway of the barn. She thought it was one of the farm hands, Barney, who used to give her candy and tell her jokes. She yelled "Barney!", but got no answer and started running for the barn. As she got closer to the figure, she noticed it wasn't Barney at all. It was a tall, transparent figure with no features, no eyes, no mouth, nothing, but it had the outline of a tall, slender, bald man. She said she felt like it was "beckoning" her though it didn't say anything. She said when she looked through it was like "looking through time" though she can't explain it. She said she never saw anything that even remotely resembled it until she saw the liquid figures in the Terminator Movies or the TLC "Waterfalls" video. It scared her deeply at the time and she eventually ran away from it. She told her family she had just seen "the Gingerbread Man."

Summer, 1987. A 10 year-old friend of mine, also Irish, was out hunting partridge with his grandfather and they came to a stream. My friend looked into the stream and saw what he thought was a GI Joe doll that some one had left in the water. As he moved closer, he saw that it is alive and moving. It was a little green man, maybe 8-10 inches tall, completely green and naked. He called his grandfather over to look at it and asked him what it is. His grandfather stared in shock for quite awhile, and pulled his grandson back away from it and said, "You just leave that alone. It's not bothering you. You just leave that be", and he never spoke of the incident again until 1996.

Midsummer Dusk, 1988. My best friend and cousin on the same Irish side of the family, was out on a four-wheeler in the woods with another friend. They stopped because they saw a blue sparkling light along the side of their path, moving up and down rapidly as if it were connected to an invisible wire. Being just young, they immediately at first thought it was "tinker belle" but then remembering that tinker belle was a cartoon and not real. My friend then said, "Maybe it's an alien." To which they both sped off as fast as they could.

1991, my other older uncle, also Christian conservative, woke up in the middle of the night and felt something staring at him. He opened his eyes and saw a little man sitting on his dresser, staring at him. Small, about the size of a cabbage patch kid. Black, vacant slanted eyes, tall red dunce looking hat, tan face. He was so overwhelmed by what he saw he passed out back to sleep

1997--My high school Art teacher told a couple of interested students, including me, that he had come home from school one afternoon to find a group of 5 or 6 little men in his living room. A couple of them had been sitting on the couch watching TV and a couple were sitting on top of the TV. When he saw them he dropped his bag of groceries and just stared. They laughed and jumped around and then all ran out of the room. He never saw them again but he said they were little wearing red blue and green clothing with little shoes and little red hats.

Dawn, summer 2003. My father was standing outside on his porch, sipping his morning coffee trying to enjoy it before he had to go off to work, while the rest of the neighborhood lay deep asleep. He noticed a strange beam of light casting onto the side of the garage. He looked at it curiously, and then noticed fluttering hummingbird like wings. As he stared at it he was slowly able to rule out any insect or bird or humming bird, and he noticed a white female body and legs protruding. It soared up the beam of light and then both it and the beam of light were gone.

Dusk, July 2004. At some point during the summer, a strange, rainbow circular impression embedded itself into my bedroom window. I have no idea how, but you know those crop circle things? It looks something like that, except its rainbow colored and its impressed right into the mesh of my window screen. Near the end of July, I spontaneously went over to this window to see if a car were parked outside. When I lifted the blind I saw something that had attached itself to the rainbow quickly retreat. I ruled out bird or insect. It had large long wings, clear like a dragonfly, but as I watched it fly away I saw long human-looking legs sticking out of the back of it. The color impression I saw was a creamy, peachy orange with white. I have searched high and low on the Internet to try to find ANYTHING that resembled what I saw and I found nothing until I found your web site. A lady had captured a picture, in which she was having a whip cream party and happened to catch a fairy on her film. The color, shape of the wings, everything I saw looks strikingly like that photo.

Having done some research on the Internet because of all of this, I decided to leave an offering in my jungle-like garden out back. I placed mint candies inside an interesting looking seashell that I had collected when I was in Australia. I placed it in a special place and called out that it was for the faeries.

I went to look one week later, no trace of my offering whatsoever.

July 2004--My 4 year old niece, Molly, in another city close by. My niece was outside playing by herself in her backyard. She came indoors and told to her mother, "Who are the little men?" to which her mother responded, "What do you mean?" Molly said she was outside playing when she saw a little green man, who was "green all over" and stood only as high as her knee, underneath the deck/veranda. She said he was talking to her and she was talking to him. She did not seem one bit frightened, only curious, much the way kids are when they first see a human of another race. (Why is that man's skin different mommy?) Not scared, didn't sound like she was pulling a string, but genuinely curious.

Having heard all of these stories, I was always fascinated, but never imagined I'd ever see anything myself but I'm certain tsightings to report, from myself, my father, two of my uncles, and few of my friends.... all in New Brunswick, Canada.

I'll start with the earliest:

Early summer morning, 1967, my Christian Conservative uncle who is Irish, was hunting in the woods. As he aimed his rifle at a buck in the distance, he heard whistling. He looked down and went into complete shock. A little man, about knee-high, walked right across his path only a few feet in front of him. He was wearing old fashioned farmer's clothes, holding an axe or some sort of tool over his shoulder, dark tan face, old looking, with a pointed hat. He didn't look at my uncle and didn't say anything, just whistling as he walked by. My uncle put down his gun and left the woods for the day. The only thing he could think it could be was a "hobbit".... he had heard nothing about little people other than hearing about the Tolkien book.

Summer, 1986. My childhood friend who was of Irish decent as well and six years old, lived on a farm. There were many large potato barns and fields. She was running through one of these fields when she looked across the field and saw a figure standing in the entryway of the barn. She thought it was one of the farm hands, Barney, who used to give her candy and tell her jokes. She yelled "Barney!", but got no answer and started running for the barn. As she got closer to the figure, she noticed it wasn't Barney at all. It was a tall, transparent figure with no features, no eyes, no mouth, nothing, but it had the outline of a tall, slender, bald man. She said she felt like it was "beckoning" her though it didn't say anything. She said when she looked through it was like "looking through time" though she can't explain it. She said she never saw anything that even remotely resembled it until she saw the liquid figures in the Terminator Movies or the TLC "Waterfalls" video. It scared her deeply at the time and she eventually ran away from it. She told her family she had just seen "the Gingerbread Man."

Summer, 1987. A 10 year-old friend of mine, also Irish, was out hunting partridge with his grandfather and they came to a stream. My friend looked into the stream and saw what he thought was a GI Joe doll that some one had left in the water. As he moved closer, he saw that it is alive and moving. It was a little green man, maybe 8-10 inches tall, completely green and naked. He called his grandfather over to look at it and asked him what it is. His grandfather stared in shock for quite awhile, and pulled his grandson back away from it and said, "You just leave that alone. It's not bothering you. You just leave that be", and he never spoke of the incident again until 1996.

Midsummer Dusk, 1988. My best friend and cousin on the same Irish side of the family, was out on a four-wheeler in the woods with another friend. They stopped because they saw a blue sparkling light along the side of their path, moving up and down rapidly as if it were connected to an invisible wire. Being just young, they immediately at first thought it was "tinker belle" but then remembering that tinker belle was a cartoon and not real. My friend then said, "Maybe it's an alien." To which they both sped off as fast as they could.

1991, my other older uncle, also Christian conservative, woke up in the middle of the night and felt something staring at him. He opened his eyes and saw a little man sitting on his dresser, staring at him. Small, about the size of a cabbage patch kid. Black, vacant slanted eyes, tall red dunce looking hat, tan face. He was so overwhelmed by what he saw he passed out back to sleep

1997--My high school Art teacher told a couple of interested students, including me, that he had come home from school one afternoon to find a group of 5 or 6 little men in his living room. A couple of them had been sitting on the couch watching TV and a couple were sitting on top of the TV. When he saw them he dropped his bag of groceries and just stared. They laughed and jumped around and then all ran out of the room. He never saw them again but he said they were little wearing red blue and green clothing with little shoes and little red hats.

Dawn, summer 2003. My father was standing outside on his porch, sipping his morning coffee trying to enjoy it before he had to go off to work, while the rest of the neighborhood lay deep asleep. He noticed a strange beam of light casting onto the side of the garage. He looked at it curiously, and then noticed fluttering hummingbird like wings. As he stared at it he was slowly able to rule out any insect or bird or humming bird, and he noticed a white female body and legs protruding. It soared up the beam of light and then both it and the beam of light were gone.

Dusk, July 2004. At some point during the summer, a strange, rainbow circular impression embedded itself into my bedroom window. I have no idea how, but you know those crop circle things? It looks something like that, except its rainbow colored and its impressed right into the mesh of my window screen. Near the end of July, I spontaneously went over to this window to see if a car were parked outside. When I lifted the blind I saw something that had attached itself to the rainbow quickly retreat. I ruled out bird or insect. It had large long wings, clear like a dragonfly, but as I watched it fly away I saw long human-looking legs sticking out of the back of it. The color impression I saw was a creamy, peachy orange with white. I have searched high and low on the Internet to try to find ANYTHING that resembled what I saw and I found nothing until I found your web site. A lady had captured a picture, in which she was having a whip cream party and happened to catch a fairy on her film. The color, shape of the wings, everything I saw looks strikingly like that photo.

Having done some research on the Internet because of all of this, I decided to leave an offering in my jungle-like garden out back. I placed mint candies inside an interesting looking seashell that I had collected when I was in Australia. I placed it in a special place and called out that it was for the faeries.

I went to look one week later, no trace of my offering whatsoever.

July 2004--My 4 year old niece, Molly, in another city close by. My niece was outside playing by herself in her backyard. She came indoors and told to her mother, "Who are the little men?" to which her mother responded, "What do you mean?" Molly said she was outside playing when she saw a little green man, who was "green all over" and stood only as high as her knee, underneath the deck/veranda. She said he was talking to her and she was talking to him. She did not seem one bit frightened, only curious, much the way kids are when they first see a human of another race. (Why is that man's skin different mommy?) Not scared, didn't sound like she was pulling a string, but genuinely curious.

Having heard all of these stories, I was always fascinated, but never imagined I'd ever see anything myself but I'm certain that I did. I was not expecting it at all. And how can I discount all of these stories? I don't know what to think, but I know what I believe. I do believe in Faeries.



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