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From: MSN NicknameUma7777  (Original Message)Sent: 1/3/2008 6:03 AM

autumnsprite2.jpg picture by leprechaunlight

Another beautiful fairie encounter to start our special New Year!  Lots of love, light and hugs. Happy New Year!



When my daughter was only a few months old and sleeping in a bassinet in our room, I would often get up in the night just to look at her illuminated by the ever so subtle light of the street lamp outside the bedroom curtains. I would marvel at her beauty and the wonder of her being in our lives.

One night, as I was standing there looking down, just for a moment I thought I saw a gentle little light go on for a split second and then it was gone. Unsure whether I had seen it or not, I stood there for several seconds just watching. Sure enough, there it was again, a gentle going on of a small light just by her blanket and then off again, as if a firefly or a lightening bug had gotten into the bedding. I turned on the light and taking the baby out and laying her on the bed, I ripped the bedding apart looking for the insect but there was none and then I realized . . . . It was February - there are no bugs in February! Confused, I put the bedding back and the baby back and turned out the lights. Once more, I stood by the bassinet watching. Just as before, a little spot of light came on slowly and then extinguished slowly. Not only that, this time there were two and then, three of them. I was amazed and did not know what to think. Alarmed that something was happening to my baby, I picked her up out of the bassinet and carried her to the bed with me. All the while the little lights flickered on and off around her and on her. I called to my husband to wake up and asked him if he saw it too. He said that he did but he was sure it was just static electricity, but I was sure IT WAS NOT just static electricity. I got into bed with the baby and put her on my stomach under the blankets. But even there, when I lifted the blankets, the lights were going on and off underneath where she was.

The next day I was just frantic. I opened the telephone book to the yellow pages and called every number that I could find; psychics, metaphysical, colleges . . . just to find somebody - - anyone to ask what the phenomenon was and if it was dangerous to my baby. Finally, I reached a psychic and I told her gulping and hysterically what I had seen and begged her to tell me what she thought it was or if she could tell me someone I could call who could tell me what it was. She said "shhhhhh - it's okay, calm down now . . . I know what it is." "What is it?" I asked frantically. She said "It is Fairy Lights - Your daughter must be very, very special. The Fairies are protecting her - she has a close bond with them." I thanked her and slowly hung up, amazed at the thought. The phenomenon did seem very gentle, the way the lights went on and off slowly. I decided I would keep watch but I did feel better about it.

That night, and many many nights thereafter, I would get out of bed and stand above my daughter's bassinet and watch her beauty and the beauty of the fairy lights gently going on and off on her and around her. No longer fearful, I would smile and feel strangely safer and comforted knowing she was being cared for so tenderly and lovingly by them.

My daughter is now 6 years old and she is, indeed, very special. She is developmentally delayed but she has a wondrous spirit, bold but also sensitive with a natural empathy on board. I know the fairies will always be with her, keeping her safe and guiding her. My love for the wondrously magical creatures shall always remain steadfast and strong, and always I will smile when I remember those nights watching their magical lights, beacons of safety and love, glimmering in my baby's bassinet.



Assembled by~ Uma

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