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AllAboutFaeries : A BLADE OF GRASS
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From: MSN NicknameUma7777  (Original Message)Sent: 6/9/2008 6:59 AM

afairy.gif picture by leprechaunlight

This shows we never forget our special fairie encounters. Enjoy, lots of love, light, hugs and blessings.

&, Uma




"I was in third grade when we moved from Bellevue to Idaho. The move was drastic, for our new property rested in the nook of a mountainous hill--woods on all sides, very different from the rich suburbs of Bellevue and the buzz of city life that I was so used to. However, since my father was going to build our house, we obviously couldn't enjoy it yet. So we moved downtown in a rented little run-down house. The house was so small, my brother and I had to share a room. Our surrounding yard, however, was huge and wild. In the front we had an omnious looking plum tree and in the back a wild overgrown garden. All around, too, were broken structures and nailed boards that were obviously the remnants of half-hearted ambitious building projects. It all looked very romantic and interesting, I thought.
Well, one night soon after we moved there, I found myself unable to sleep. I was a shy person and a new school was a struggle to deal with, so I laid there for a while just thinking. For some reason, though, I suddenly had an urge to get up and go outside. There was no reason for it, I just felt that I should go out into the back yard. So I got up--unusual for me, being so shy and introverted--and crept out the back way. Once outside I was overcome with exhaustion, and I laid down in the grass almost against my will. (In lieu of what ensued after that I'm not sure whether I dreamt or not, but I seem to have evidence otherwise)
The moment I laid down the blades of tall grass around me grew bigger--or I shrunk--and a number of persons approached me. People with bright eyes and high cheekbones and wide mouthes and who were dressed in envying robes of beauty. In fact, everything about them seemed benevolent. They began speaking at me, all of them, all at once. Talking and smiling and offering hands and circling around. One actually plucked a large blade of grass and laid it across my palm, covering my hand completely, then she smiled and nodded at me as if we now shared a secret. Then they left as suddenly as they appeared, starting as if something had startled them and scattering quickly away. The world rushed into it's proper perspective and I was my size again, fully aware and awake. I sat up, confused, and realized I was holding something tightly in my dominant left was a small blade of grass.
Later I learned that my leaving had woken my brother and he was watching from the bedroom window--he had seen them and they had seen him."


Assembled by ~ Uma

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