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Animal Totems : Native American Animal Symbolism
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From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_  (Original Message)Sent: 10/9/2007 3:56 PM
Native American Animal Symbolism
Dog - Loyalty, Companionship
Dolphin - Joy, Harmony, Connection with self
Dragonfly - Skill, Refinement, Relentlessness
Eagle - Potency, Healing, Power, Illumination
Elk - Pride, Power, Majesty
Feather - Spirit
Firefly - Communication, Illumination
Fox - Cleverness, Subtlety, Discretion
Frog - Cleansing, Peace, Emotional Healing
Goat - Tenacity, Diligence
Goose - Safe return, Love of home
Hawk - Awareness, Truth
Hedgehog - Self-preservation
Horse - Freedom, Power, Save movement
Hummingbird - Beauty, Wonder, Agility
Kokepeli - Joy, Fertility
Ladybug - Delight, Trust
Lizard - Letting go, Illusiveness
Loon - Communication, Serenity
Moose - Unpredictability, Spontaneity
Mouse - Illusion, Charm
Otter - Joy, Laughter, Lightness
Owl - Wisdom, Vision, Insight
Peacock - Recognition, Self-Assurance
Pelican - Abundance, Plenty
Pheasant - Warning, Concealment
Porcupine - Innocence, Humility
Quail - Protectiveness, Group harmony
Rabbit - Conquering fear, Safety
Raccoon - Curiosity, Inquisitiveness
Ram - Strength, Determination
Raven - Mystery, Exploration of the unknown
Roadrunner - Speed, Agility
Salmon - Determination, Persistence
Sandpiper - Quickness, Foraging, Scavenging
Scorpion - Defense, Self-protection
Seagull - Carefree attitude, Versatility, Freedom
Seahorse - Nourishing, Fathering
Seal - Contentment
Skunk - Perseverance, Determination
Snake - Power, Life force, Sexual potency
Spider - The Web of life, Interconnectedness, Industry
Squirrel - Trust, Thrift
Swan - Elegance, Nurturing
Turtle - Love & Protection, Healing, Knowledge
Whale - Creativity, Intuition
Wolf - Teaching skill, Loyalty, Interdependence
Woodpecker - Change, Persistence

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSweetNativePrincessAnnaSent: 11/1/2007 11:49 PM
my birth animal totem is grey wolf
then my nimal totem exspands through cultural path
it goes
grey wolf
great bald eagle
brown bear
white buffalo