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Animal Totems : Animals A - B
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From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_  (Original Message)Sent: 10/9/2007 4:07 PM

The Alligator

The Alligator has walked on Earth mother for millions of years and are known in many myths and lore as the keepers of ancient wisdom. Alligators hide themselves in water and mud waiting for unsuspecting creatures to happen by, and then snap. They eat any animal they can swallow and if they cant swallow it; they tear it into bite size pieces.

They only eat when they are hungry and do not consume food unnecessarily. Waste is not a part of alligator medicine. Those with this totem should be careful about over consumption. Digestive disturbances are common with alligator medicine people.

The eyes of the alligator are positioned high on their head allowing them to remain relatively hidden beneath the water and still see above it. Symbolically this hints to clairvoyant abilities.

Hiding in the water ties the alligator to the emotional body of man. The alligator holds the teachings of the discovery and the release of emotions that are locked beneath the surface.

Alligators dig deep burrows when the water is high so that during the dry season they can have a wet alcove to retreat to. These alcoves serve as reservoirs from which other animals can get water. Water is the nectar of life. The sharing of these reservoirs indicates the alligators respect for all life forms.

The power of alligator is its power to survive. They have no known predators. If alligator shows up in your life or in the dreamtime it might be telling you to take care of yourself and secure your basic survival needs.

Alligators come together only for reproduction. They have distinct individual personalities. Those with this totem are usually loners and only join together in groups when mandatory. Alligator medicine people can be great leaders. They know how to survive in any situation and are strong enough to hold their ground.

These fascinating creatures digest their food slowly. Those with this totem should remember to digest and assimilate all experiences thoroughly before moving forward in haste. Alligators teach the art of patience and appropriate timing. They know when to hide beneath the water, peak above it, or take action and snap.

The Ant

The ant is very industrious. Some ants are solitary but most are part of a large community. Within the community there is a repertory of activities and behaviors. Their activities include gathering and hunting. Within a community each ant knows its place and performs its duties with total loyalty to the whole.

Worker ants are excellent architects and can  show us how to construct our dreams into reality. Ants are very persistent and can teach this skill as well.

The power of ant medicine is teamwork. Each ant will do its part to ensure the survival and health of the whole colony, regardless of the role it has been assigned. If ant has to fight, it will; if ant has to dig tunnels, it will; if ant has to carry leaves for miles, it will,  all for the good of the community.

Ants are selfless servants always looking out for their fellow ant. They focus on the best outcome for the community and teach the art of self sacrifice and true service. The queen ant has wings and the ability of flight until fertilized. Once fertilized she pulls off her own wings sacrificing her own flight for the birth of a newborn. Although there is a caste system within the ant community all ants honor and respect each other and work for the common good.

Ants are tireless workers and hunters and teach the art of perseverance and patience in all that they do. Those with this totem will find that many of their life lessons will involve the mastery of patience in some way.

Ant medicine is subtle yet powerful. It teaches us how to release our egos and aligns us with the virtue of equality. Imagine what the world would be like if humanity held and applied the values that the ant expresses. The next time you step on, squash, injure or kill an ant intentionally, ask yourself why you are choosing to destroy the unconditional love that the ant shares so freely. Valuable insights about yourself and your history can be learned from this tiny little totem.

The Badger

The badger is a member of the weasel family. They range is length from two to three feet and are about twelve inches high. Family members often mark each other with scent for recognition since their sight is poor. Their senses of smell and hearing however are excellent. Those with this medicine would do well in professions that incorporate sound as a healing tool. On a personal note, badger medicine people need to develop clear sight, both psychically and physically and not just rely on their other senses for survival.

Badgers have solid muscular bodies.  Its outer skin is loose which gives it a deceiving appearance.  Because of this it is often associated with illusion. What you see is not always what you get!  Its strong powerful jaws represent discrimination of speech. Words can cut, tear and crush or encourage, teach and compliment others.  Those with this medicine have the ability to do both.

Badger dens are extremely clean and well organized. They change there bedding often, backing into their dens with straw, so as not to make a mess in the process. Fastidious about their surroundings they will correct any disorder quickly.

The badger brings the gift of tidiness and organization. If badger has come to you in some way it may be saying that you need to concentrate on maintaining an orderly environment to better facilitate your day-to-day living. . It can also teach you how to manage your time more efficiently.

Badgers will fight to their death if cornered.  Bold and ferocious they are unsociable animals.  Those with this medicine have difficulty relating to others. They will  shun authority and stand their ground in any situation. Expressing themselves in a concise balanced way is one of their greatest challenges.

The badger is a remarkable digger and can get beneath the surface easily. This ability ties the badger to the mysteries of the underworld, where the magic of life and creation is stored. It also symbolizes a strong connection to plant and animal spirits and can teach those with this totem how to align with life both above ground and below it.

The Bat

There are different species of bats, which have widely divergent characteristics. Some are small and others are large. With one or two exceptions, the large bats live on fruits and find their way visually. The small bats feed mostly on insects, catching them on the wing by a process known as echolocation in which an animal produces sounds and listens for the echoes reflected from surfaces and objects in the environment. When this medicine is fully developed in man intuitive and clairaudient abilities are accurate. When underdeveloped psychic perception becomes clouded by imaginings of the mind.

Studies on bats found that when they are placed in a refrigerator, they will go into an instant state of hibernation and come out unharmed when they are warmed, which is unique for a warm blooded mammal. This indicates that the life force of the bat is strong and is able to regenerate and replenish it when needed. Those with this medicine also have this ability and would benefit from all types of yogic practices especially those related to awakening the kundalini.

Bat holds the power of adaptability.  Everything about them, senses, feeding, flight, mating and size is suited to their particular environment.  When bat appears in your life its message may be to examine your surroundings to discern what bounty is being offered to you, and then alter your patterns so you can receive it.

An out of balance bat will get scrambled and confused and will fly into things.  Are you crashing into barriers as you try to get what you need and want in life?  If so, bat may be trying to tell you to take a moment to get your bearings and determine the relative importance of what you are seeking.

When bat flies into your life transformation of the ego self  is about to occur.  The old familiar patterns and ideas that have been your truth are about to change. That which once worked for you may no longer.  The process of transformation represents a death and a rebirth.  Bat offers you the wisdom necessary to make the appropriate changes for the birthing of your new identity.

Author Ted Andrews writes that bats have needle like teeth and can sometimes carry rabies.  Rabies is an infectious disease of the blood and can cause a person to go mad.  Fears that are allowed to spread, uninhibited will eventually permeate our system and can create a kind of madness within our lives.  Bats reflect a need to face our fears.

Because the bat is a sociable animal it can indicate a need for more sociability or increased opportunity with greater numbers of people.  It has great auditory perception and can navigate through the dark easily.  Their built in sonar enables them to know what lies beneath the surface.  Those with this medicine have uncanny abilities to discern hidden messages both from people and the environment..

When bat appears it is asking you to surrender yourself to the process of change.  Opportunities unknown to the conscious mind are about to manifest.

The Bear

There are several types of bear including the Grizzly, Brown, Black, Kodiak and Polar.  Bear has played a prominent role in many Native cultures.  They are considered to be a highly desired ally and spirit helper because of its fearless power. It is believed that the power of Great spirit lives through this animal.  Because of this a constellation was named for it, Ursus Major, The Great Bear. Some tribes  prayed for medicine dreams that would show bear to be their guide. Others felt the bear was too powerful a medicine and would only hunt them if it meant not starving.

In some traditions bear is the spirit keeper of the West. The place of maturity and good harvest.  The gifts that bear offers to those with this totem are strength, introspection and knowledge.

Unlike other animals who are active during a specific time of day, the bear is active both day and night.  This symbolizes its connection with solar energy, that of strength and power, and lunar energy, that of intuition. It enhances and teaches those with this totem how to develop both within themselves.

Bear can sometimes be too quick to anger and too sure of it own power. While they have little to fear they can forget caution, which is an important trait to have. If bear is your totem be careful that you don't throw your caution to the wind.  Being unaware of your limits in certain settings can be disastrous.

Many years ago while hiking in the woods I was surprised to meet a black bear face to face.  As it stood before me the power that the bear held intimidated me.  Fears surfaced and I was sure I was going to die. I rose my arms high over my head appearing larger than I was.  Because I created an illusion of size and strength my life was spared. The bear watched, dropped down onto all four legs and slowly moved away. Bear taught me the importance of appearance by gathering my inner strength and presenting it outwardly.

During the winter bears spend several months sleeping in dens without eating, a condition that resembles hibernation. The more fat their bodies have stored up the deeper the sleep.  Bears live on this fat throughout the winter. It teaches us how to go within and find the resources necessary for our personal survival.

The bear holds the teachings of introspection. When it shows up in your life pay attention to how you think, act and interact. Use discernment in all that you do and discriminate with care. Bear teaches you how to make choices from a position of power.

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