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From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_  (Original Message)Sent: 10/9/2007 4:29 PM

The Ferret

The ferret is a member of the weasel family.  They are happy playful animals with the curiosity of the raccoon and the gentleness of a kitten.  Archaeological and historical sources suggest that ferrets have been domesticated for at least 2,500 years.  Historical documents from Greece mention the ferret about 450 BC, and Roman documents mention the use of ferrets to hunt rabbits at about the time of Christ. Adept at tunnel hunting it is believed that the ferret was used by the Egyptians as well as farmers and mariners to control rodent populations in barns and on ships.  However, the history of the ferrets domestication is speculative without actual proof giving this little animal an illusive quality.

Ferrets are opportunists  They will steal anything they can drag away hiding it in a safe place to be used at a later date.  Intelligent and crafty this little animal teaches us how to use our ingenuity to create a safe haven for ourselves.  They remind us to stock up on  necessary provisions that might be needed.  Always well prepared for any situation that might appear the ferret is a helpful ally in times of hardship.

The ferrets eyes point forward straight down their nose.  Extremely focused on what is in front of them they remind us to stay centered on our goals to reach a desired outcome. Ferrets hold the power of observation. Their keen sense of smell coupled with their ability to see clearly in the darkness links them to the underworld where the secrets of creation are stored.  Its intuition is sharp and its sensitivity acute. Ferret has the ability to see and know the hidden meaning behind all things and can assist those with this medicine in understanding themselves, their lives and the experiences they have more clearly.

Those with this totem need to remember to use all of their senses equally. If this medicine is underdeveloped the tendency towards tunnel vision is common. Rigid consciousness creates unnecessary worry and anxiety so caution is advised. Playful activities and a lighthearted attitude is helpful.

When frightened or excited the ferrets tail bushes up and a musty scent is excreted. Although this scent does repel some predators the ferret does not feel completely safe until it has burrowed deep inside its tunnel. In man this symbolizes the need of a secure home life.  A place for reflection and nourishment is mandatory for those with this totem.

Ferrets are incredibly fast and agile and show us how to move with lightning speed to avoid danger.  Do you need to move more quickly in some aspect of your life?  Are you stuck in rigid thought patterns that limit your view of the bigger picture?  Have you created a safe haven for yourself?  Is your power of observation a hindrance or a help?

Always remember that the ferret is a powerful ally and can help you discover a hidden part of yourself. Buried deep beneath the surface are the answers to life's mysteries.  If you are having trouble understanding some part of your life invite the ferret into your meditation, listen to what it has to tell you and then act accordingly.

The Fish

Fish are amazing creatures. Some are bright and colorful others are translucent and plain. Powerful yet graceful swimmers, they live in the water and ride its currents. Water is the primordial life source, a symbol of the womb, motherhood and woman. Those with this totem will have strong ties to these qualities.

Many races of antiquity have honored creatures inhabiting water. Early philosophers and scientists realizing all life has its origin in water chose the fish as the symbol of the life germ. Water is dynamic and constantly in transition and can reflect the same in a persons life. When fish appears to you it signifies a time of movement and change.

The subconscious and unconscious mind has always been associated with water. Because fish live here they are linked to the elements of the unknown and hold the energy of transformation. Fish swim under water and can reveal to those with this totem their hidden fears and deepest desires.

Fish were sacred to the Greeks and Romans. In early Christianity three fishes were used to symbolize the trinity. Fish is also one of the eight sacred symbols of the Buddha. Throughout history fish have been associated with religion and worship. Prayer and meditation are important balancing elements for those with this medicine.

The Flamingo

The Flamingo is a bird with many faces.  They live in large flocks and are seldom seen on their own.  Living in large groups gives them a sense of security and protection.  Those with this medicine feel comfortable and safe in groups. They have difficulty being alone or on their own. They are followers rather than leaders
and need to pay attention to what they are following and make sure that it honors their personal truth.

Flamingos are fascinating birds with a striking appearance.  Their pink color is caused by a food they eat which contains carotene.  Without this food in their diet their feathers turn white.  The ability to change colors gives them the magical properties associated with illusion and shape shifting. Those who hold this medicine have the ability to appear to be what they are not.   This ability serves as a disguise when appropriate and allows them to slide in and out of situations gracefully. They make excellent actors and performers.

The word Flamingo comes from the Latin word flame.  The Egyptians revered the flamingo as a living embodiment of the sun God Ra.  Because the eye of the flamingo is actually larger than its brain they are associated with clear sightedness.  Flamingos see exceptionally well but due to the smallness of their brain they are not always able to interpret what they see efficiently.  This is one reason why they live in groups. They rely on one another and work with group consciousness rather than individual awareness.

Although those with this totem have psychic abilities they need to strengthen the reasoning powers of the mind using their logic and intuition before making decisions and remember to weigh all sides of a situation before taking action.

Flamingos have a long life span.  They are social birds and are very vocal.  They are extremely sensitive to loud noises and chaotic situations and will flee from them instantaneously.  They teach us how to follow suit and not engage in situations that are detrimental to us on any level.

Flamingos breed for life and are loyal to their partners.  They have the longest migration of any other bird.  Those with this totem are dedicated to their choices, loyal to their causes and have a tendency to reach further than most to accomplish their goals.

The Fox

There are several different species of fox, but they all share the extreme cleverness and cunning that gave rise to the expression, "sly as a fox." Fox speaks of the need to develop the art of camouflage, invisibility, and shape shifting. It is agile, skilled, and unpredictable.

A fox being pursued by hounds will run across the tops of walls, cross streams diagonally, double back on its trail, run in circles and do anything to break the trail of its scent. It has a great ability to outwit both predators and prey. Fox teaches us how to slip out of unpleasant situations quietly and unnoticed.

Those with fox as a totem are often clever and witty but must remember to keep their crafty and clever nature balanced or it could backfire. Fox can also suggest that your actions might be too obvious and you need to learn to be more discreet.

Fox is one of the most uniquely skilled and ingenious animals of nature. Because it is a creature of the night, it is often imbued with supernatural powers. Author Ted Andrews states that fox are usually seen at dawn and dusk.  Dusk is the beginning of its day, and the dawn its ending. These are the in between times, when the world of magic and the world in which we live intersect. It lives on the edges of forests and open lands, the border areas. Because it is an animal of the between times and places, it can be a guide into the faerie realm. The fox has a long history of magic and cunning associated with it. It can move in and out of situations restoring order or causing confusion depending on the situation. If fox is your totem pay attention to the way it moves and follow its lead. This is a powerful medicine to have and those that it belongs to should learn to use its skills for the benefit of all, including you.

The Frog

There are numerous species of frogs found all over the world.  Their bodies are designed for jumping and their sharp eyes help them capture their prey, mostly insects.  Because the frogs eyes bulge out from the sides of the head they are able to see in nearly all directions. This provides them with excellent depth perception.

Frogs  have a well developed sense of hearing.  Behind each eye is a large disked membrane, an external eardrum that picks up sound waves and transmits them to the inner ear and then to the brain.  This coupled with their exceptional sight give them both clairsentient and clairvoyant abilities.

The frog produces sound similar to the way humans do by forcing air from the lungs over the vocal cords.  Their variety of complex calls from ribbets to croaks associates it with language. Those with this totem have the potential to take command of the spoken word and are often bilingual.

Tree frogs are strong jumpers and despite their toes being only half webbed they are also strong swimmers. One of the most interesting characteristics of the tree frog is the changing of its colors from bright red, green, orange, to aqua.  Color change is brought about through the stimuli of light and moisture which create physiological change and result in contraction or expansion of the pigment cells in the skin. These bright colors appear on flanks, groin, surface of the thighs and the belly and serve in species recognition or in confusing predators.  One species native to South America has brightly colored eyespots on its rump.  When approached by a predator, the frog lowers its head, elevates its rump thus confronting the predator with a seemingly much larger head. The study of color and its affects on a persons psyche is helpful.

With the exception of a few species, most frogs do not care for their young.  They mate and then abandon their eggs.  Because of this lessons associated with survival are common in frog medicine people.  Scientists believe that the health of frog populations reflect the health of the eco system as a whole.

Because frogs are found in water and on land they hold the magic of both. Water has long been associated with emotional cleansing.  Mud the combination of earth and water is used in healing therapies to rid the body of toxins. Because those with this medicine are extremely sensitive the use of mud baths is advised.

The frog is a totem of metamorphosis.  Most frogs undergo a two stage life cycle.  Eggs hatch into tadpoles which grow and eventually become adults. This signifies the awakening of ones creativity.  When frog leaps into a persons life it is an invitation to jump into their creative power. To do this it is helpful to know which stage of life you are presently in. By studying the characteristics of the frog the discovery of your present life cycle is known.

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