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From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_  (Original Message)Sent: 10/9/2007 4:33 PM

The Giraffe

The giraffe is a graceful animal in spite of its ungainly appearance. Its most recognizable features are its long thin legs and its slender long neck.  Its neck, supported by seven greatly elongated vertebrae is very strong. Giraffes are often seen wrapping their necks around each other to test their strength.

The giraffe only requires between two to four hours of sleep a day. When sleeping they kneel down with their neck and head wrapped around them resting it in the crock of their leg.

Some legends claim that the "sleep time" of the giraffe is connected to ancient Eastern cultures. The giraffes incredible flexibility allows it to take on positions similar to yoga therapies in which the body is twisted and contorted while in a meditative state.  This coupled with its kneeled sleep position made many believe that it was actually praying instead of sleeping.  When it awoke and stood up its great height would invoke feelings from fear to respect.  The giraffes strength and flexibility shows us how to gain control of our physical bodies while expanding our mental and spiritual faculties. Many cultures honored the giraffe including the Egyptians whose art featured giraffe designs.

Because of the great distance between the head and the heart, its vascular system is equipped with valves so sufficient blood reaches the brain. The elastic blood vessels in the neck and head handle changes in blood pressure due to head swings. Blood pressure fluctuations and circulatory conditions are common in giraffe medicine people so proper care is advised. What we think and what we feel on a heart level need to be aligned in order for this medicine to benefit us.

Giraffes are highly attuned to danger thanks to their height, keen sense of smell and eyesight.  With their heads towering high in the sky and their feet firmly planted on the ground they serve as links between the higher and lower worlds.  Its flexible neck allows it see what's behind it, alongside it and in front of it.  This gives the giraffe the ability to know the future and understand the past while walking in the present moment. It holds the teachings of clear sight and can be a powerful ally for those with this totem.

Giraffes can go for a month without drinking. Like the zebra, each animal has a unique set of markings that helps them distinguish each other. They are quiet animals making little noise except for an occasional bleat.  This silence is a great teaching for those with this medicine.  The giraffes lack of vocal communication suggests that we follow suit.  Words often distract us from silent reflection. Learning to balance ones speech with quietude is important.  When this medicine is underdeveloped speaking just to hear oneself speak can be a downfall. Because the giraffe communicates through body language those with this medicine would benefit from some type of movement therapy.

Although the head of the giraffe appears dainty its three horns give it the ability to strike a nasty blow.  One of its horns is somewhat hidden located under the skin just above its eyes.  This placement is similar to that of the third eye in man and reminds those with this medicine to honor their visionary abilities. The giraffe teaches us how to increase our perceptions by viewing life from all angles. When we look up, forwards, sideways and down  the past, present and future is known.  A wonderful totem to have the giraffe is a bearer of many gifts.

The Gnu

The gnu also known as Wildebeest is a member of the African antelope family. It lives in herds, often of large size and grazes on the grasses and scrub of open plains. Gnu herds are on the move almost continually as the animal seeks pastures that have been renewed by the rains. Those with this medicine will continually feel a need to seek out new horizons and not let their energy or lifestyle become stagnate. Renewing themselves through movement and change is part of the teachings that the gnu totem holds.

When gnu's are disturbed they dash away for a short distance and wheel around abruptly to gaze at whatever frightened them. This trait has significant value. When gnu medicine is properly developed in an individual the ability to know when to act and when to retreat works to their advantage. Their power of observation is keen and their timing impeccable.

In flight the gnu's toss their heads, prance about and throw up their heels in a wild, erratic manner. Its unusual and wild behavior causes confusion in a focused predator. The gnu can teach us how to shape shift our personal realities by using body language in a variety of ways. Movement conveys many messages, some subtle and some obvious. The gnu can show us how to get a message across to others effectively. Those with this medicine would do well in the performing arts.

Gnu's stay within twenty to thirty miles of water sources which they visit every two or three days. Those with this totem benefit from all types of water therapy and need to live close to large water reservoirs to maintain optimum health and well being.

The gnu is one of the most abundant of all wild grazing animals in eastern Africa. Virtually all the calves are born within a few days of each other once a year. This ensures the survival of the majority of them because lions, hyenas, and other predators can kill and eat only so many calves in the short span of time before the calves themselves become fast runners.

True communication through group interaction is one of the skills the gnu teaches us. It suggests that abundance in any form can be obtained for those with this medicine as long as it is shared freely with others. Selfishness must be transformed into selflessness. The gnu is a powerful totem to have. When it appears in your life get ready for an awakening of your strengths, weaknesses, hopes and fears. The life you have been living is about to change.

The Goat

Their are many different breeds of goat. The many breeds may be roughly grouped:  Swiss goats; the eastern, or Nubian, with  long, drooping ears; and the wool goat-- Angora. While it is usually easy to distinguish goats from sheep, certain hair breeds of the latter are only distinguishable from goats by the direction of the tail, upward in goats, downward in sheep.

The mountain goat is noted for its surefootedness on high rocky ledges.  It has excellent climbing abilities due to its highly flexible skeletal abilities.  Because the goat is associated with the astrological sign of Capricorn those with this totem would benefit by studying the characteristics of this sign for a deeper understanding of themselves.  The goat can also link you to past lives associated with Greece because it shows up prominently in Greek mythology. Studying greek mythology can be helpful for those with this medicine.

Goat teaches us how to create a solid foundation on which to stand and helps us develop confidence as we move towards new heights and aspirations. If the mountain goat appears to us we should examine our present foundation and make sure it is serving us appropriately. It can also indicate a need to let go of the "security of our insecurity" and undertake new endeavors pertinent to our growth.

Domesticated goats showed up in the East, perhaps during  prehistoric times. It was used as a source of milk, cheese, mohair, and meat. Its skin has been valued as a source for leather. In China, Great Britain, Europe, and North America, the goat is primarily a milk producer.  Goat flesh is edible and is much prized in the Mediterranean countries, particularly in Spain, Italy, the south of France, and Greece. The Angora and Cashmere breeds are famous for their fine wool or mohair.

Goats hold the energy of abundant nourishment.  They show us how to sustain ourselves and remind us that we must develop independence and strength.  They take care of our basic needs and teach us how to master survival skills. Because goats are attuned to natures energies they are able to maneuver difficult terrain and go where other animals cannot.  For those with this medicine the goat serves as a guide into the uncharted and unexplored aspects of ones true self.

The Gopher

The Gopher understands the necessity for being prepared. It does not hibernate at all during the winter months and lives off the food that it stores. They live almost their whole lives underground in complex tunnels that they dig. Each tunnel intersects with the next affirming to us that everything is connected in some way. In mystical lore the underworld is known as the keeper of life's secrets. The Gopher knows what lies beneath the surface of any situation and can show us how to uncover hidden truths.

Gophers have poor vision and when confronted by an attacker they use their tails as an antenna to feel openings in passageways to escape danger. This ability keeps them out of harms way. Knowing which direction to go is an important challenge for Gopher medicine people as well as the care and health of the physical eyes. Most people with Gopher as a totem are very sensitive to vibrations and do well in all types of work related to vibrational healing.

Gophers run forward and backward at incredible speeds and remind us to pay attention to our action or lack of action. They can show us how to flow through life in a balanced way by always staying connected to the rhythm of earths heartbeat.

Because Gophers tunnel under gardens pulling large numbers of plants down into their burrows it is easy to blame them for destroying the growth of crops. When Gopher appears in our lives it is telling us to pay attention to our own growth process, take responsibility for it and stop blaming someone or something when problems arise.

Gophers are very sensitive to sharp or piercing noise. It throws them off center confusing their usual sense of balance. For those with this totem avoid loud noise whenever possible and take time for quiet reflection.

The Gopher is a friendly and powerful totem and can be a beneficial guide into the underworld. If you choose to take its tour get prepared. Deeper truths will awaken in your consciousness and your present reality will be rearranged. The discovery of who you are, who you have been and who you are becoming is on the horizon.

The Gorilla

Gorillas have excellent memories and a keen sense of observation. They are found in groups and are quite social. If a person tries to harm anyone in their group the gorilla remembers that person and will have a tendency to charge that person every time he or she approaches.  This indicates their undying loyalty to family and loved ones.  Respect is very important to the gorilla.

Gorillas have acute hearing and respond to unusual sounds that are not part of normal activity.  For those with this totem this indicates clairaudient abilities. Gorilla medicine people can hear vibrations and frequencies that others cannot.  Hearing is one of their main gifts.  They are great listeners and really hear what others are saying and respond accordingly.

Gorillas are conservationists eating only a few leaves from each plant always leaving several leaves so that the plant can replenish the leaves quickly.  Those with this medicine care about the environment and need to have access to nature and its elements to maintain balance and harmony within themselves.

Gorillas have a gentle strength, patience and clarity of vision.  Once they create a goal they stick with it until accomplished. They are extremely intelligent.  Gorillas have been taught to use sign language to communicate words and have even been know to form simple sentences, this indicates an ability to utilize sound to its fullest.  Many Gorilla people choose professions working with the deaf and dumb and are compassionate insightful healers.

The Goshawk

The goshawk is a magnificent bird approximately 2 feet in length with a wingspan of up to 4 feet.  It has long been used in falconry where it once was reserved for the higher clergy.  Those with this medicine often have past life ties associated with royalty and leadership.  In their present life they have a natural charismatic presence that draws people to them.

The goshawks ruby red eyes covey an air of mystery and intrigue.  Red is a life force color and symbolizes the power and presence of spirit.  Those with this medicine are reminded to channel this life force appropriately for the benefit of all.  Using the eyes to see what lies beneath the surface is important.  Clairvoyant abilities are common amongst goshawk medicine people although egotistical tendencies can develop.  One must remember to stay centered in the truth of spirit and honor the true attributes of this totem.

In pursuit of prey the goshawk swiftly follows the animals efforts to escape.  It keeps its eye on its objective.  Seldom does it lose its focus.  Once the goshawk has secured its prey with its powerful talons it dismembers it with its sharp pointed beak.  For those with this medicine pay attention to how your words impact others.  If this medicine is underdeveloped difficulties can arise from the improper use of words.  The goshawk is precise in all it does and asks those with this medicine to refine their personal skills and follow its lead.  Learning a second language is helpful and good communication skills are essential.

The goshawk builds soft lined nests of sticks in tall trees indicating its desire for comfort.  Those with this totem will have deep desires for the comforts of physical life and can obtain them with right attitude and perseverance.  Because goshawks are found in various parts of the world one must honor the direction of where it is found and learn the lessons that are associated with that direction.  The South and North directions on the medicine wheel represent lessons associated with physical life.  The East and West directions represent rebirth and renewal in the spirit world.

Majestic and graceful in its flight the goshawk flaps its wings more than other birds of prey.  It maintains an even consistent rhythm in its movement and can teach us how to balance our actions, thoughts and words with the grace and purity of spirits intention.

The Grasshopper

The short horned grasshopper is related to the locust and both will be discussed here.  As with all insects, they are cold blooded and are more active when it is warmer.  Their are about 10,000 species and each has its own unique song.  With a few exceptions only the males can sing.  During courtship, male grasshoppers take turns singing songs, competing to outdo each other for the attention of the females.

One of the gifts these insects hold is the power of song and sound.  Song is an ancient way to alter consciousness and communicate with our animal and spirit relations.  Some Native American songs date back at least 20,000 years.  If these insect singers have caught your attention with their song, they may be asking you to honor your ancestors and reconnect with your true heritage.  Listening and responding to your inner voice as well as using it in a complimentary way towards self and others is equally important.

The grasshopper-locust is associated with astral travel.  They have the ability to leap through time and into space where the true mysteries of life exist.  People with this medicine have the wisdom necessary to overcome obstacles efficiently and are able to jump into successful ventures without preparation or planning.  When the grasshopper-locust appears to us we are being asked to take a leap of faith and jump forward into a specific area of life without fear.  Usually that specific area is one that we have avoided and is often connected to change on a larger scale.  This can represent a change in location, relationships, career or just in the way we perceive ourselves.

Overcrowding and food shortages turn normally peaceful grasshoppers into the dreaded locusts, capable of stripping a forest or farm in the blink of an eye.  They turn dark, almost black, so that they can absorb more sunlight to have heat and energy to maintain their swarming.  They will continue this frenzy until they reach a place with enough food, or enough of them die or are killed to control the population. Those with grasshopper-locust as a totem must remember that the gifts of mother earth are available for everyone if used in a sacred way.  Sometimes a person forgets that sacred balance and takes more than is needed.  This can also be symbolic of individuals taking from you.  Are others demanding too much of your time, your energy?  Is responsibility being placed on your shoulders that is not rightfully yours?  These are some of the questions to ask yourself if the grasshopper-locust presents itself to you.  Remember life only becomes more difficult when we refuse to leap forward into the magic of change.

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