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From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_  (Original Message)Sent: 10/9/2007 4:38 PM

The Hawk

In Native American cultures the hawk represents a messenger.  It often appears in our life when we need to pay attention to the subtle messages found in our surroundings and from those we come in contact with. As with all messages received it is important to recognize its underlying truth.  Because their are so many varieties of hawk its messages vary and can affect all levels of our psyche.

One thing that all hawks have in common is the skill to move between the seen and unseen realms gracefully connecting both worlds together.  Their acute vision compliments this ability and their discriminating nature keeps them out of harms way.  The broader vision of the hawk allows them to see what the future holds.  In man this symbolizes prophetic insight.  If this medicine is underdeveloped a tendency towards over analyzing everything is common.  In so doing, clear vision is lost.  Those who hold this totem should remember to keep their analytical mind under control and not allow it to run wild.

The hawk has many foraging techniques.  The most typical in their pursuit of prey is swiftly following the animal's efforts to escape.  Once the hawk has secured the prey with its powerful talons, the bird dismembers it with its sharply pointed, strong beak.  In man, this suggests that we can run but we cannot hid from our destiny.  Sooner of later it will catch up with us.

The destiny of all humankind is to awaken from their spiritual amnesia and realign with the original intention of their soul.  When the hawk flies into our life we will be asked to evaluate who we have become and rip out the threads of our self created illusions.  This enables our inner truth to surface.

Hawk signifies union with Great Spirit.  A bird of the heavens the hawk orchestrates the changes necessary for our spiritual growth.  Having this totem can be bitter sweet.  If we accept its presence in our life we will be asked to surrender anything that doesn't honor the integrity of all life.  Be it an idea, a feeling or an action.  Although hard work is involved the rewards the hawk offers us are great.

The Heron

The heron is a long legged wading bird. There are about 60 species of heron including several species called egrets.  Most egrets have white plumage that is highly prized as ornaments in oriental ceremonies.

Herons are often seen standing motionless, as if in a meditative state, on its long thin legs.  This stance symbolizes its ability to maintain balance through proper focus. Its inner foundation is secure although not fixed.

When the heron feeds it stands in water.  Its neck is bent in an S shape.  The flowing pattern of the letter S reflects the rhythm of this bird.  Understanding your personal rhythm and responding to it accordingly is imperative for those with this medicine.

Water is associated with the mysteries of life.  It is connected to the emotional body of man.  When you see a heron standing in water notice how deep the water is. This depth can symbolize the depth that needs to be explored within self.  The deeper you go the more you discover.  Whatever is discovered take the time necessary to stand in silent reflection.  In this way clarity of understanding is known.

Those with this medicine have strong emotional natures. They feel things deeply and with passion. The challenge here is to keep passionate thoughts and feelings under control in order to maintain a balanced emotional nature.  The advantage of this energy indicates the passion and ambition needed to complete tasks and accomplish goals.

Herons are seldom seen flocking together.  They are solitary birds that enjoy their own company.  Heron medicine people are independent and willing to make changes when the need arises.  They do not need a lot of people in their lives.  This can sometimes lead to challenges in personal relationships especially if the other person has needs that require constant attention. Maintaining some type of social interaction and not withdrawing from others completely is helpful.

Herons stand out in their uniqueness and know how to take advantage of things and events for their own benefit.  By observing the heron, its actions and its lack of action we learn how to perfect out personal flight through life.  Herons hold a silent power, their grace, agility and majestic presence reflect balance.  This balance is
the gift they offer to all who choose to receive it.

 The Hippopotamus

The Hippopotamus is an amazing animal that lives both underwater and above ground.  It combines the elements of earth and water and teaches us how to integrate the attributes of both into our daily life.

Water is associated with intuitive knowing and earth is associated with practicality and stability. The hippopotamus asks those with this totem to act upon their intuition without analyzing it while maintaining a practical grounded life style.

Hippopotamus are amphibious and have special adaptations for life in the water. It can safely stay underwater, able to breath, hear, and see the world above without having to expose its body.  When this medicine if fully developed those with this totem have an innate ability to know what lies beneath the surface of any situation.  They speak and see truth and demand that others respect that truth

Hippo’s need water deep enough to cover them because there skin is delicate and thin and vulnerable to overheating. Those with this medicine are susceptible to sunstroke and sun related problems including dehydration so care should be taken when outdoors.

Although the Hippopotamus is extremely agile and flexible in its movements it has a tendency to develop set patterns. When they leave the water at dusk, they prefer to follow the same path creating a rut in the ground several feet deep.  The hippopotamus teaches us to find a path that works for us and to stay on it to reach our true destination.

The Horse

The horse symbolizes freedom and the power that comes with being free. They pulled the wagon trains across the prairies opening up new frontiers to be explored.  Horses helped turn the Lakota and other Native tribes into the powerful mounted warriors and nomads that they became, although taming the horse wasn't easy, as their spirit for freedom was a fire that burned within them.

Those with this medicine can be fiercely independent and have little tolerance for anything or anyone that limits their free expression.  This characteristic can create challenges in relationships of all kinds, especially co-dependent ones.  Those with this totem are teachers to their partners, friends and family showing them how to stand solid within themselves. Individuals who choose to be involved with a  horse person do so because the need for self empowerment is strong. They seek the horse and the power it holds rather than the horse seeking them.

Because horse medicine people hold the energy of power their leadership and teaching skills are usually in demand.  Intuitive and wise they make excellent therapists. They enjoy helping others but often feel as if there is no one to lead or teach them. If people become too dependent they will respond like a bucking bronco. Personal relationships often lack emotional or mental nourishment especially in the earlier years of life.  To compensate for this they are forced to go within and strengthen their bond with spirit.  This bond provides them with the nourishment needed to evolve their soul while staying grounded in the earth experience.

Horses give their riders the safety of speed and the promise of adventure.  Natives tribes used the horse to run,  fight, send messages, hunt and move their villages quickly. The horse carried people and their belongings into new uncharted territory and the challenges that it held.  If horse has come to you, you are being offered a gift of safe movement.  Is there somewhere that you want or need to go?  Horse can help you get there, whether the place is physical or spiritual.  Is their a new venture you want to undertake?  Call on horse to help you create it. Are there challenges in front of you that you dot want to deal with?  If so, the horse asks you to awaken your inner power and move forward with courage.

Before this continent became so populated, it was well suited to the Mustang.  They had adapted themselves to live in harsh environments on diets that wouldn't sustain most horses.  However, their need for freedom made them unsuited to a country whose people seem compelled to control and dominate everything.  Because of this the mustang is just about gone.

When the horse, either wild or domestic, appears in your life the following questions should be asked.  Are you pushing boundaries that are going to cause severe repercussions?  Are you trying in your need to be free, to not play by the rules?  If so, this may not be a bad thing, but learn the lesson of mustang, there can be a high price to pay for freedom.

The Hummingbird

The hummingbird brings us the gift of beauty. The ruby throated hummingbird is one of the most common species in North America. This energetic little bird migrates 1800 miles from the Eastern US to spend winter in Central America.  This distance alone indicates the hummingbirds stamina and perseverance.  They can show us how to go the distance without becoming depleted.

When hummingbirds mate, the male claims a territory and attracts a female to it. When she appears, he does a courtship dance, flying back and forth in a perfect arc. The arc symbolizes a luminous bridge connecting one life to another. Male hummingbirds start the process of procreation and the female completes it.  The arc then becomes a circle, a cycle of completion.  When the hummingbird flies into our lives it can indicate a need within ourselves to complete a specific lesson that we have been avoiding.  Once the mating act is done the males go to look for other females.  The mother lays and incubates the eggs for the required 16 days and then raises the young by herself.  The number 16  is important for those with this medicine.  It represents change within a 16 day period.

Hummingbirds flap their wings at the fantastic rate of 90 beats per second during normal flight and up to 200 beats per second during courtship, giving them their humming sound.  They have excellent maneuverability in flight.  They can hover in the air, fly backward, forward and sideways.  The hummingbird flies everywhere because it cannot walk well.  Hummingbirds have the advantage of seeing things from all angles and can show us how to expand our perceptions.

Hummingbirds are small but expend so much energy flying that they require large amounts of sugar rich flower nectar to stay alive, having to eat twice their body weight a day.  Because of its small size and its high degree of activity, it loses body heat quickly, so it must digest food quickly.  Those with this totem need to watch their own sugar levels and take care of their digestive system.

The hummingbird serves to remind us of the beauty  and wonder of the world.  While their speed and sound may sometimes startle us, they help pull our attention out of the mundane so that we can acknowledge and appreciate the beauty of Creation.

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