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From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_  (Original Message)Sent: 10/9/2007 4:47 PM
The Jaguar

The South American name "jaguara" means carnivore that overcomes prey with a single bound."  One Indian myth says that the jaguar acquired its beautiful spotted coat by dabbing mud on its body with its paws.  These spots easily distinguish the jaguar from other big cats like lions and tigers.

Jaguars have very large paws and a broad head with powerful jaws.  The jaguar often kills its prey by piercing the skull with one swift bite.  It does not roar like a lion.  Instead, the jaguar grows, snarls and makes deep grunts.  Those with this totem have a good command of language although their words can have a tendency to cut, tear and shred others apart.  Learning proper communication skills is important for those that hold this medicine.

The jaguar's powerful limbs carry them for hundreds of miles searching for prey.  It is an agile climber and shows us how to attain goals through flexibility and steadfastness.  Unlike many other big cats, the jaguar has no rivals - no other predator can compete with this powerful cat.  Those with this totem make excellent leaders and diplomats.

Jaguar is at home in the dark and has good night vision.  It moves without fear and teaches us how to trust our personal instincts.  It can awaken psychic sight in those who hold this totem.

The jaguar was once found from the U.S. Mexican border southward to Patagonia, Argentina.  Its preferred habitats are usually swamps and wooded regions, but jaguars can also live in scrublands and deserts.  Jaguars live in caves and canyons close to a source of fresh water.  In mythology caves are associated with isolation and retreat.  A place to go to facilitate soul work.  Water is associated with the emotional body in man.  When the jaguar appears it is asking you to go within, release your fears, heal your emotions and awaken your inner sight.

When you come out of retreat the jaguar will be waiting for you.  It you choose to follow its lead it will guide you into the underworld where the secrets of life and creation are found.

The Jay

The blue jay and the stellar jay have a reputation of being a robber of campers food and of nesting materials.  They wait until other birds have gathered the necessary essentials for the nest building and then rob them of it.  Although jays do posses these tendencies it has other qualities that are far more important. Jays carry the power of presence.  They are confident and fearless.

Both the blue jay and the stellar jay create a tremendous amount of noise when engaged in a robbery. This noise works to the jays advantage.  The more noise they make the more chaotic the situation appears.  This distortion of energy becomes the jays victory song.

The jay reflects lessons in how to use personal power correctly and efficiently.  They remind you to pay attention and not allow yourself to be placed in a position in which power is misused against you. Those with jay as a totem need to heed this warning.

The bright blue crest on the top of a blue jays head links it to father sky, reminding those with this totem that true power must be utilized with integrity and balance.

Jays are incredibly resourceful. This can represent a need within you to learn adaptability for survival with the least amount of effort.  Since the jay doesn't usually migrate and stays around all winter, it serves as a teacher who will settle in and work with you as long as you need it.

Jays are fearless and have been known to gang up and drive away hawks and owls.  They know how to play the game of life and succeed.  Jays reflect great talent, but that talent must be developed and used properly.  If the jay has flown into your life it indicates that you are moving into a time where you can begin to develop the innate wisdom that lies within you.  Jay is willing to teach you fearlessness, adaptability and survival but you must be willing to follow its lead and become "power through presence."

The Jellyfish

Jellyfish live in the warm seas of the entire planet.   During warmer seasons they tend to drift pole ward, and during cooler months, they float toward the Equator.  The powers that jellyfish hold are acceptance and faith.  They know that the Creator will provide what is necessary for their survival.  They are the only creatures dependent upon movement for the sustenance of its life that has virtually no ability to move on its own.  Jellyfish rely on the currents of the ocean and the directions of the wind to move it in ways that it needs to go.

There are many species of Jellyfish.  The Man of War is the most well known ranging from 3 to 14 inches long, and rising up to 6 inches out of the water.  Its tentacles dangle as long as 45 feet or more below the surface.  The tentacles are composed of a colony of polyps, which posses muscular stinging cells.  When they sense a fish, the stinging cells shoot out barbs into the fish and inject a deadly poison.

Jellyfish know how to survive and do not take more food then they need.  They move in harmony with the currents of life and can teach us how to flow with the natural forces of Mother Earth.  Some ancient  healers believe that the tapestry of true spiritual knowledge is held within the transparent form of the jellyfish.

Maintaining balance in all areas of ones life is an important lesson for those with this totem.  When the jellyfish appears to you ask yourself if you are flowing with life in a balanced way or are you spending too much time drifting and not enough time actively crossing the currents and heading toward your goals.  By observing yourself and the jellyfish balance can be attained.

The Junco

The junco is a member of the American finch family. There are over 300 kinds of finches. This in itself is symbolic and indicates its ability to multiply and intermingle comfortably within a wide variety of environments.  Those with this totem often find themselves in the company of others where valuable lessons about equality and communication are learned.

When a junco flies into a persons life it brings with it the energy of increased activity and opportunity. This amplification produces movement and change in one or all areas of our life.  It pushes us into new doorways, amplifies our strengths as well as our shortcomings and shows us how to merge everything together.

The junco's favorite habitats are mixed or coniferous forests, though they are often seen in fields, thickets and city parks.  It is a perky and sometimes assertive bird and can hold its own against many forms of predators.  For those with this totem it offers the teachings of adaptability and survival.

Juncos are small birds about six inches in length.  They are variable in color although they are generally gray.  They have white outer tail feathers that are flashed in flight to the accompaniment of snapping or twittering calls.  The junco has a wonderful ability to sing.  In humans the voice is the expression of spirit.  Because of its playful nature the junco can show us how to express the truth of spirit in a joyous and lighthearted way.

When this little bird appears it is asking you to pay attention to how you express yourself.  Are you honoring your truth and expressing it adequately or are you talking just to hear yourself talk.  If the later is true you will need to discover the reason behind your chatter and then ask the junco to carry it upon its wings and release it into the wind.  The junco will be happy to honor your request.

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