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From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_  (Original Message)Sent: 10/9/2007 4:50 PM

The Kangaroo

The kangaroo is mostly terrestrial and all are herbivorous.  They are found throughout Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea.  They have long powerful hind legs and feet for hopping and leaping, their predominant forms of locomotion. Their long tails, thickened at the base are used for balancing.  Each long narrow hind foot has four toes. The number four is the number associated with foundation.  When the kangaroo appears it is asking you to review the foundation on which you stand, your ideals, beliefs and actions and then take a giant leap over all obstacles that have prevented you from attaining your dreams.

The feet are rich in symbology. It is through the feet that the body makes its essential contact with the earth plane, and through the muscular control of the feet that balance in the body is maintained.  Feet represent that part of the individual which is most closely akin to the material plane of manifestation. The kangaroo teaches us how to balance our material life with our spiritual knowledge.  When this medicine is underdeveloped foot and leg problems can occur.  Kangaroo medicine people make excellent reflexologists and movement therapists.

When kangaroos have a chambered stomach that is functionally similar to cattle and sheep. They regurgitate the vegetation they have eaten, chew it as cud, then swallow it again for final digestion.  The digestive and eliminatory systems of those with this medicine are very sensitive.  Proper care of the stomach, chewing food thoroughly and incorporating herbs and digestive aids into the diet is helpful.

When kangaroos are chased by predators they are incredibly fast.  They hop quickly and effortlessly to safety.  They don't stop and think about where they are going, rather they allow their instincts to move them.  This is a great teaching for those with this totem.  Instead of contemplating each and every step we take in minuet detail we need to follow the kangaroos lead and allow our instinctive knowing to guide us.  Instinct balanced with intellect restores our trust in spirit.

Kangaroos are incredibly focused.  Their energy field is tightly woven around them preventing distractions.  Those with this totem need to keep their personal energy fields clear of outside influences to aid them in staying centered and focussed.

When the kangaroo hops into a persons life get ready for adventure and change.  The kangaroo dares you to leap into the unknown without fear, connect with your personal rhythms and honor your intuitive knowing.  The choice is yours.

The Kestrel

The kestrel is the smallest member of the falcon family.  Like all birds of prey it is strongly connected to the accuracy of movement.  Speed and grace in hunting are its strongest attributes.  Kestrels perch themselves high above their prey.  When the timing is right they swoop down, hoover in the air and attack.  Hovering is uncommon amongst most birds and symbolizes the ability to use flight to its fullest advantage.  In a person this advantage plays out through the creative imaginative
mind strengthening ones intuitive agility.

Kestrel medicine people often have the desire to site or be placed in a position where a wide range of vision is possible. They also enjoy high places with an expansive view.  Their need to spend time alone is strong and a sense of independence is necessary in order to maintain healthy relationships. They do well in any type of work that requires planning and make excellent strategists and diplomats.

The kestrel teaches us how to discover our personal rhythm and respond to it accordingly.  As we expand our personal energy field and awaken our sight into a broader perspective we learn when to act and when to retreat.  The power of the kestrel is mental concentration, patience and precise action. It recognizes opportunities and acts upon them at the correct moment.

When the kestrel appears it might be asking you to stimulate your mental faculties and move quickly and gracefully into your desired future.  It teaches you to listen to the  rhythm of each situation and commit to your actions for the greatest success.

 The Kingfisher

Kingfishers are found worldwide but are mostly tropical. They are solitary birds that utter distinct rattling or piping calls that can be heard a long distance away.  The ability to express oneself in a clear and concise manner is part of the teachings it holds.

Their usual nest is a burrow in a sand bank or in a hollow tree.  Kingfishers have been known to tunnel into sand banks several feet.  This indicates the need for sacred space around them.  Those with kingfisher medicine will find that they must have time within their day for quiet contemplation where intrusions of any kind are not permitted.

Bold in its actions, the kingfisher will dive headlong into the water to catch small fish. It shows us how to plunge into the unknown with confidence and not with fear. Kingfishers have large heads, long and massive bills and compact bodies.  Their physical appearance is symbolic of the challenges and opportunities relevant for those with this medicine.

A large head can indicate past life connections relating to the misuse of the ego. In this life a need to keep the ego in balance is mandatory. The long and massive bill of the kingfisher suggests a need to use ones words carefully and their compact bodies represent a need for regular physical exercise and the toning of ones muscles. This need is sometimes a result of a past life influence relating to physical health or structural imbalances that is present in this life.

Kingfishers are found near the water. Water is associated with the emotional body of man and those who have this totem will find a strong need to live on or near the water.  An exception to this is the Kookaburra, a forest kingfisher who is less associated with water.

The kingfisher is a bird that holds many teachings. Most of its teachings relate directly to the spiritual, emotional and physical growth of those that hold this medicine.  When growth is achieved prosperity on all levels is attained. The kingfisher has the energy to accomplish various tasks in an efficient manner.  It is a powerful teacher and those with this totem would be wise to call upon it when the need arises.

The Kinkajou

The kinkajou are extremely curious and love to explore things. They are fascinated by the mysteries of life and often find themselves in unusual situations. They can also be shy and retiring depending on their mood. They are sometimes kept as pets and if treated gently they will return the favor.

If the kinkajou is angered or frightened it can deliver a sharp bite. Those with this totem need to exercise caution and never speak harshly or bite with a vengeance when provoked.  Balanced action and reaction is part of the kinkajou's medicine.

A member of the raccoon family, the kinkajou is distinguished by its long, prehensile tail.  Its large eyes denote its curious nature and its low set rounded ears are keenly attuned to sound waves within the elements of mother earth.  Some cultures believe that the kinkajou is able to predict upcoming earth changes because of its ability to hear sound waves and to feel subtle vibrations moving through the earths crust.

Kinkajous are highly intelligent and usually live alone or in pairs. They spend most of their time in trees and rarely leave them. Those with this medicine should go into retreat regularly in order to rejuvenate themselves on all levels. They should also spend time in the forest and stay connected to nature.

The Kinkajou feeds on fruit, honey, insects, small birds and mammals. They have a small digestive system and cannot tolerate heavy foods. A diet of whole grains, fruits and  vegetables would benefit those with this totem.

The kinkajou responds to subtle vibrational frequencies and within these frequencies lays the secret of a new life unfolding. If kinkajou appears to you suddenly and without warning  expect a new beginning in some area of your life.

This medicine teaches us how to hear what's really being said and assists us in opening up our clairaudient channels. Those with this medicine should use their minds in an exploratory way, especially in the exploration of sound as a healing tool.

The Kite

The kite is a bird of prey and belongs to one of three sub families.  They are lightly built with a small head and a partly bare face.  They have short beaks and long narrow wings and tail. They occur world wide in warm regions.  Their partly bare face is symbolic. It asks those with this medicine to allow their true identity to emerge. Take off your mask and express your true self with pride and dignity. Those with this totem will find that a warmer climate is best suited to them. The warmth of the sun promotes relaxation. When relaxation occurs the awakening of ones personal divinity begins.

Kites are graceful flyers slowly flapping their wings as they glide through the air with their wings angled back.  They appear to be buoyant in their movements and can teach us how to move through life with the greatest of east.  Holding the energy of calmness and certainty in all that they do they help us discover our own inner rhythm.  Those with this totem would benefit by studying their personal bio rhythm chart as well as the charts of those they interact with.  This study can aid an individual in discovering what lies beneath the disguise of the human psyche.  The practice of all forms of gentle movement is also advised.

Some kites live on insects, others are primarily scavengers eating anything from rodents to reptiles.  Proper diet is an important part of the message it holds.  To understand the proper dietary implications for those with this totem it is helpful to identify which sub family your kite totem is from. Efficient digestion and assimilation of food is essential to maintain optimum health.

Kites teach us how to respond to people and situations with grace and gentleness. It reminds us to give as well as receive.   When the kite flies into your life ask yourself the following questions.  Are you experiencing the gentleness of life? Are you nervous, tense or anxious?  Do you take the time to relax and enjoy the simple pleasures that life has to offer?  Are you expressing kindness to others as well as yourself?  The kite carries the  promise of joy on its wings.  All you need to do is listen to its message and apply yourself accordingly.

The Koala

The koala is one of the most admired marsupial mammals.  Their cute cuddly appearance appeals to people of all ages.  Koalas grow to about 21 to 33 inches long and are virtually tail less.  Their diet consists of a certain type of eucalyptus leaf.  One of the most unusual characteristics of the koala is that it seldom drinks.  The name koala is thought to mean "no drink" in several aboriginal tongues.  Their limited diet encourages a sluggish digestive system.  If those with this totem consume a large variety of foods digestive problems could occur.  Basic food groups are recommended with an emphasis on herbs and herbal remedies.

Koalas are solitary animals.  They are independent and a bit indifferent to family members.  At birth a young koala is about the size of a bee.  The mother will raise her young attentively until it is strong enough to be on its own.  Once this happens the emotional  bond between the mother and her offspring is broken.  Individuals with koala medicine often require periods of isolation and an environment with little noise.  Emotional expression is difficult which can make intimate relationships challenging.  The koala teaches us how to be comfortable with our own company.  Those with this totem  make excellent priests and nuns.

The koalas eyesight is poor although their cup like ears can hear acutely.  They also have a highly developed sense of smell. Koala medicine people have strong psychic and clairaudient abilities.  Sound that soothes the senses and aromatherapy benefit them.

Although they appear to be passive with a nonchalant attitude, koalas are very territorial.  They demand their personal space and accommodate one another accordingly.  They sleep as long as 18 hours a day and are most active at night.  Koala medicine people do their best work in the late evening and early morning hours.

Perched high in a tree the koalas grip is secure. As they move from limb to limb their footing is solid. When the koala appears in our life its reminding us to stand solid within ourselves and not be influenced by situations or events.

Seldom distracted and always focused, the koala is a master in the art of deep relaxation and concentration.  They hold the teachings of stress free movement and can show us how to create and maintain sacred space in our lives.

The Kookaburra

The kookaburra is the largest member of the kingfisher family. One of its most distinct features is its famous laugh heard at dawn and dusk when it is marking out its territory. Because of its laughter one would think that these birds represented peace and happiness.  Although its laugh is contagious don't be fooled by this daring and territorial bird.

A friend  told me a story about a camping trip he was on.  Sitting down to dinner with friends, cooked sausages had been placed on stick's awaiting their empty stomachs.  A fearless and determined kookaburra swooped down  and lifted the sausage off the stick and flew off to enjoy its meal.  The kookaburra launches itself from a perch to pounce on its prey, or in this case my friends dinner!

Excellent divers, the kookaburra is extremely focused.  They go after what they want when they want it.  Those with this totem have the ability to achieve their goals if they stay centered and maintain their focus.  If the kookaburra  suddenly dives into your life its telling you to manifest your dreams instead of day dreaming about them.

The kookaburra has many personalities to fit a variety of situations and  is known as the master of illusion.   Acquiring master ship is hard work.  Because of this the kookaburra demands respect and it usually gets it!  Individuals with this totem often achieve prominent roles in society that demand respect and recognition.  They make excellent leaders and diplomats.

Kookaburras form community groups which together share and defend their home territory.  These groups have a dominant mating pair and other lesser members.  A secure home life is important to those with this medicine.

Laughing Kookaburras do not build nests, instead they use existing cavities in trees. Although they can be aggressive when defending their territory of hunting for food they  hold an air of indifference when it comes to other activities. When the kookaburra laughs its way into your life ask yourself  these questions. Is your fear limiting your accomplishments?  Are you focused in your pursuits?  Are you determined to change unhealthy habits?  If your answer is yes call upon the kookaburra to help you.

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