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From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_  (Original Message)Sent: 10/9/2007 4:54 PM

The Ladybug

The ladybug is a member of the beetle family. They are found in nearly all climates and latitudes. They are hemispheric in shape, have short legs and are usually bright colored with black, yellow or reddish markings. Most reproduce sexually and females lay eggs. Their life cycle requires about four weeks, so several generations are produced each summer. This ties the ladybug to the energies of renewal and regeneration. Those with this totem are usually family oriented with strong morals and social values.

The name lady bug originated in the middle ages when this beetle was dedicated to the Virgin Mary and called the "beetle of our lady." This links the ladybug to spiritual idealism and religious devotion. Past lives associated with religion or the church are common for those with this medicine and some form of daily meditation or prayer are recommended.

This tiny little beetle packs a powerful message. Because the life cycle of the adult ladybug is short it teaches us how to release our worry and enjoy our life to the fullest.  When it appears in our life it is telling us to "let go and let God."

An adult ladybug can consume several thousand aphids and other scale insects within a few months. Since these can be harmful to crop production farmers and growers have long considered the  ladybug a good omen. Because of its diet the ladybug often has parasites and those with this medicine need to take care of their digestive system.

The ladybug is one of the few beetles that are well liked by humans. Unlike other beetles, the ladybug stirs a feeling of joy within us. Its small size denotes a delicate and loving nature. It emanates the energy of harmlessness and can show us how to stop harming ourselves.

The shell on its back serves to protect it from predators. Its wings fold against the body protecting its soft underside. Ladybugs have keen instincts and feel vibrations through their legs. This enables them to sense the energy of whatever they touch and is another form of protection. In spite of its size it appears to be fearless.  A messenger of promise,  the ladybug reconnects us with the joy of living. Fear does not live within joy. The need to release our fears and return to love is one of the messages it carries.

Ladybug teaches us how to restore our faith and trust in great spirit. It initiates change where it is needed the most. When ladybug appears it is asking us to get out of our own way and allow great spirit to enter.

The Leopard

The Leopard has a rosette patterned coat with a long dark tail.  Unlike most cats it can exist is areas without plentiful water supplies giving it an advantage for survival.  Because it has been given the generic name of Panther those with this totem should also study this cat.

Leopards are excellent at stalking prey.  They are silent and inconspicuous hunters and are able to move in and out of situations without being seen.  This invisibility allows them to observe every situation they encounter with clarity.  Leopard medicine people have strong intuitive abilities.  Learning to trust and respond to their inner instincts is part of their life lesson.  They are also highly sensitive and need to pay attention to what they feel and then respond accordingly.  Caressing touch in various forms is important for those who hold this medicine.

As with all cats, the whiskers of the Leopard have specialized sensory hairs that can register very small changes in air pressure enabling them to avoid objects whilst moving around in the dark.  Whiskers are also used to establish the position of prey and locate the exact position for the killing bite. Because leopards kill by biting the back of the neck and do not attack their prey from the front, those with leopard energy often have difficulty confronting conflict head on.  Sometimes this can be beneficial and at other times harmful.  Learning how to conquer conflict in a balanced way is part of what the leopard teaches.

The Leopards huge strength, powerful limbs and neck muscles enable it to carry its kill (often a full grown antelope or young giraffe) to higher places in trees to keep it away from other animals.  Those with this  medicine have strong bodies but need to remember to release pent up anger, frustrations and other emotions or physical health issues related to the limbs and the skeleton could occur.  When leopard energy is contained within and not expressed outwardly arthritic type conditions can develop.

Those with this totem would benefit by imitating the leopard in its movements. Any form of dance, tai chi or rhythmic practice would be beneficial. Because the leopard is a strong and powerful leper it can show us how to leap over obstacles efficiently and gracefully. They are masters at negotiating their environment and will continually serve to encourage that master ship in those who hold this totem.

The Lion

The lion holds a variety of energies and is never what it appears to be. Their is great myth and lore surrounding it. The Egyptians linked it to power and wealth.  When Moses took the Israelites out of Egypt, each tribe was gathered under its own banner,  a lion was depicted on one of them. Today, mankind associates the lion with fearlessness because of its mighty roar.
mankind associates the lion with

Unlike other cats the lion lives in groups called prides. They live together in harmony and seldom fight amongst each other. The exception to this rule is related to the female. The male lion is passionate and extremely jealous of the lionesses. If challenged it will act aggressively.

Lions make their homes on the Savannah's of Africa. The coarse grasses and scattered trees of the Savannah's offer it little protection from the outside world and make it a prime target for  hunters. Lions are often spotted lying around not doing much at all. They seem to be saying don't bother me "I am busy relaxing."  This is one reason why the energy of fearlessness has been associated with this beautiful creature. Lions can teach us the art of fearlessness if we allow ourselves to relax long enough to learn from it.

Those with this totem will find that their life lessons will involve dealing with groups and community in some way. They will also need to pay attention to the particular role they play within that group and work with others cooperatively. Lion people have the ability to be balanced leaders but need to keep jealous tendencies under control.

Within the pride the females are the best hunters. Lions as a general rule are clumsy hunters by themselves but they have learned to develop excellent cooperative hunting techniques for their survival. The females do most of the hunting as well as the rearing of the cubs. The male lion does very little work and is recognized by the beautiful man that frames its  face. This gives it a regal appearance and is why it is known as The King of Cats. Both male and female lions are excellent parents caring for the young with gentleness and patience.

Lions do not fight for the sake of fighting. They avoid confrontation and will leave the scene of danger whenever possible and can guide those with this totem out of unpleasant situations.

The Lizard

The lizard is an expert at subtle perception. They are sensitive to vibrations in the ground. Their eyes are sharp and can detect the slightest movement.  They also have excellent hearing. Those with this totem have  the ability to utilize all aspects of psychic perception.

Through myth and legend the Lizard is associated with the Dream time.  Dreams contain some of the subtlest perceptions of the mind of which we may not be conscious.  The lizard reveals hidden messages through the dream state. If lizard is your totem pay attention to the symbolic messages received in your dreams.

One of the most interesting characteristics of the lizard is their ability to break off their tails to escape predators. The tail is left behind writhing to distract the predator while the lizard makes its escape. They can do this only once, however, since the replacement tail they grow is made of cartilage instead of vertebrae.

The power of lizard lies in its ability to save itself from danger by leaving a part of itself behind. When lizard appears in a persons life it suggests the need for immediate change in one or more areas of their life. This change represents letting go of outdated ideas, actions, or lifestyles because the old now endangers you in some way.

Since lizard can discard its tail only once it advises you to make decisions wisely for what you decide can follow you around for a very long time. If something isn't working for you it is time to let it go.

The psychic characteristics inherent in the lizard teaches those with this medicine how to awaken their own abilities by making choices that honor every part of ones life.  When lizard appears it signifies a need to go within and analyze your present reality and once done, move with confidence and conviction out into the world of new beginnings.  A powerful totem to have, lizard reveals your weaknesses, your strengths and prompts the energy of change.

The Llama

The llama is a member of the camel family.  Intelligent and curious the llama shows us how to adapt and preserver in all situations. They have a high thirst tolerance and incredible endurance.  Llamas are used to  carry heavy loads traveling 15 to 20 miles per day. Their ability to subsist on a wide variety of  forage has made them as important transport animal.  Gregarious animals with a  gentle disposition they hold the teachings of true service.   If maltreated, the llama will lie down and spit, hiss, kick and refuse to move. Those with this totem have easy going personalities although if treated unfairly they can become stubborn and willful.

Llamas were used in sacrificial ceremonies in pre Colombian civilizations.  On the first day of every lunar month 100 pure white llamas were driven into the great square, Huayaca Pata in Cuzco, moved to various images of the Gods and assigned 30 priestly attendants each representing a day of the month.  Sacrificed chunks of flesh were then thrown onto fire and the powdered bones were used for ritual purposes. Symbolically this suggests that those with this medicine have a tendency to sacrifice their own lifestyle to accommodate another.

Llama medicine people carry the weight of the world upon their shoulders.  They are giving caring people that strive to serve others sometimes forgetting to serve themselves equally.  Responsible and hard working those with this totem need to remember to take time to enjoy life and allow others to solve their own problems.  Balanced action and reaction is one of  the soul lessons associated with this animal.

Llamas are happier in the company of other llamas and do not like being alone.  Those with this totem can feel uncomfortable and sometimes fearful without close friends or group support.  They make friends for life although care in the type of friends they choose is advised.

Female llamas first breed at 18 to 24 months of age.  Llamas don't have a heat cycle, but are induced ovulators, thus they can be bred at any time of the year.  Women who hold this totem find that  pregnancy can occur at any time. Menstrual cycles are unpredictable and health concerns related to the reproductive system are common.  Proper medical attention will ensure optimum health. Those who do not want unexpected pregnancies should take extra birth control precautions.

To many native tribes the llama has been the source of meat, wool, leather, tallow and fuel in the form of dried dung.  When the llama appears to us lessons involving service, sacrifice, and  balance are at hand.  They show us how to  incorporate patient persistence, equality and inspired action into our life.

The Locust

The locust is a species of the short horned grasshopper and both will be discussed here.  As with all insects, they are cold blooded and are more active when it is warmer.  There are about 10,000 species and  each has its own unique song.  With a few exceptions only the males can sing.  During courtship, male grasshoppers take turns singing songs, competing to outdo each other for the attention of the females.

One of the gifts these insects hold is the power of song and sound.  Song is an ancient way to alter consciousness and communicate with our animal and spirit relations.  Some Native American songs date back at least 20,000 years.  If these insect singers have caught your attention with their song they may be asking you to honor your ancestors and reconnect with your true heritage.  Listening and responding to your inner voice as well as using it in a complimentary way towards self and others is equally important.

The grasshopper-locust is associated with astral travel.  They have the ability to leap through time and into space where the true mysteries of life exist.  People with this medicine have the wisdom   necessary to overcome obstacles efficiently and are able to jump into successful ventures without preparation or planning.  When the grasshopper-locust appears to us we are being asked to take a leap of faith and jump forward into a specific area of life without fear.  Usually that specific area is one that we have avoided and is often connected to change on a larger scale.  This can represent a change in location, relationships, career or just in the way we perceive ourselves.

Overcrowding and food shortages turn normally peaceful grasshoppers into the dreaded locusts, capable of stripping a forest or farm in the blink of an eye. They turn almost black, so that they can absorb more sunlight to have heat and energy to maintain swarming.  They will continue this frenzy until they reach a place with enough food, or enough of them die or are killed to control the population.

Those with grasshopper-locust as a totem must remember that the gifts of mother earth are available for everyone if used in sacred and practical way.  Sometimes a person forgets that sacred balance and takes more than is needed.  This can also signify individuals taking from you.  Are others demanding too much or your time or energy?  Is responsibility being placed on you that is not rightfully yours?  These are some of the questions to ask yourself if the grasshopper-locust presents itself to you.  Remember life becomes more difficult when we refuse to leap forward into the magic of change

The Loon

The loon is a diving bird with a strong tapered bill, small pointed wings and webs between the front 3 toes. Their legs are placed far back on the body, which makes walking difficult.  Those with this totem often have challenges associated with maintaining equilibrium. Leg and foot problems are also common.  Benefits can be received from exercise that strengthens the muscles, bones and joints.  A diet rich in calcium is also helpful.

Loons can swim great distances underwater and can dive from the surface to a depth of 200 feet. This reflects the ability to know the secrets that lie beneath the surface.  When a loon appears it is asking us to take a plunge and dive into the unknown waters of our subconscious mind. Exploring the subconscious assists us in understanding ourselves better.

The loons voice is distinctive including guttural sounds and eerie wailing cries which gave rise to the common name loon. Strong communication skills are common in those with this medicine although care is needed to protect and nourish the throat chakra due to past life ties relating to improper or unjust speech.  Chanting and singing are beneficial therapies for those with this totem.

A loons nest is a heap of vegetation at the waters edge. Both parents share the task of incubation. For those with this totem this symbolizes a need for unity between the male and female energies. One energy should not dominate the other,  rather, both should work together as one, with a collective goal in mind.

The loon is a powerful flyer. They have tremendous energy and don't tire easily. It holds the gift of endurance and discovery.  If loon is your totem remember to go the distance into the discovery of your true self.  Dive into your subconscious without fear and awaken your true gifts.

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