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From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_  (Original Message)Sent: 10/9/2007 4:57 PM

The Magpie

Related to the crow the magpie is an intelligent and adaptable bird.  Ancient folklore associated with the magpie suggests that when two or more fly into ones life good fortune is coming soon.  Since magpies are opportunists and seldom miss a chance to get something for nothing those with this medicine should pay attention to subtle omens that appear in their life then act accordingly so opportunities are not missed.  The magpie asks us to wake up and be conscious in every area of our life.

Magpies are curious and have a reputation for steeling anything that they can carry away.  They use whatever they find and teach us how to be resourceful.  Magpie medicine people have the ability to succeed in life.  Those with this totem are usually eclectic and able to draw on a variety of resources to assist them in their pursuits. Being able to adapt to different situations in a spontaneous way is one of the magpies strongest attributes. Those with this totem often find that their interests are varied which make master ship of any one thing difficult although not impossible.

Magpies are extremely vocal especially in groups.  They help those with this medicine learn how to use their voice to attract attention, attain desired goals as well as acquire respect from others.  This applies only if this medicine is developed sufficiently.  Otherwise the voice and its expression may need improvement for positive results to be obtained. Proper communication is one of the lessons that needs to be learned by magpie medicine people .

The black and white coloring of the magpie associates them to the world of magic, prophecy and witchcraft.  They know how to live within the light and the dark simultaneously and understand the pros and cons of both.  Magic is symbolic of creation.  Occult knowledge must be understood fully before it can be used in a beneficial way. Those with this totem have the opportunity of creating a new and better life for themselves once they develop their psychic gifts completely and use those gifts with pure intention and self less service. Past life ties regarding the misuse of magic are common amongst magpie medicine people.  The gift of a new creation will be offered to you only when you are ready.  When the magpie flies into your life, get ready, your about to embark into the world of opportunity.

The Monkey

Monkeys are fascinating animals to watch. Their acrobatic maneuvers hold the energy of effortlessness and grace. They twist, turn, jump, and hang with the greatest of ease. They crawl up and down tree trunks and leap from branch to branch extending their long arms outward towards the next limb. Once they arrive at their destination they stop, look around and contemplate what is in their immediate environment.

Moving in all directions, forward, backwards and sideways gives the monkey the advantage of seeing things from different angles. They have excellent vision and are able to see that which is hidden from normal view. Their master ship of movement and keen observation skills help them reach their destination safely. Those with this totem have the ability to know where they are going and understand where they have been. Through perseverance, focus and fluid movement their goals can be attained.

Monkeys are flat-footed animals. They walk around using all four limbs. When they walk their whole foot hits the ground at the same time. This links the monkey to the qualities of stability and sure footed. Their agility of movement is a reminder to us to maintain balance in all that we think, do and say. Leadership roles are often granted to people that hold this medicine.

Curious and clever a monkeys mood can change instantaneously giving them an air of unpredictability. A general theme for those that carry this medicine is to "expect the unexpected."

Monkeys are most active during the day. Their brains are large denoting a strong intelligence. After sexual maturity, male monkeys are at all times potent. This sexual potency is symbolic of birth, rebirth and new creation.

The monkey is a powerful ally to have. A master at shape shifting realities it prompts us to explore all aspects of who we are and who we choose to become. By learning from the monkey and applying its skills of power, grace and observation, foundations are created that give birth to our choices. Eventually these choices will manifest in our lives so if monkey is your totem be careful of what you choose.

The Moose

The moose is one of the most ancient and unique of the power totems. The adult male can stand 7 feet tall and weigh 1200 pounds. Male moose bellow loudly during mating and can be heard over 6 miles away.  When they hear a moose cow answer they run to her prepared to battle anything in their path.  The moose is courageous and determined and will make its presence known when it chooses to.

On the other hand, the moose has an uncanny ability to camouflage itself, in spite of its great size and power.  It can move silently through its territory and never be seen.  These contradictions help it survive in the wild.  It holds the teachings of invisibility and  the power of presence.  Shapeshifing abilities are tied to mythology and incorporate the teachings of shamanism and magic. For those with this totem the refinement of these skills is enhanced through these studies.

When you see a moose in the wild the energy it embodies is awesome. The massive antlers that crown  its head grow  larger then any other antlered animal. Ancient myth refers to these antlers as "The Crown of Courage."  These antennae are linked to the crown chakra in man.  As the antlers grow the crown chakra opens and expands giving those with this medicine a direct channel to universal knowledge.

Contradicting and majestic the moose can appear awkward as well as graceful. Its highly developed sense of smell and hearing is complimented by its excellent depth perception. Its appearance of ungainliness is misleading and deceptive and it is this deception, which enables it to survive so well.

Moose calves are born with their eyes open. Individuals who carry this medicine are born with their inner eyes already open and can see things with exceptional clarity.  Psychic awakenings later in life are uncommon.  The moment of birth is the moment of awakening for moose medicine people.  The most difficult lessons in life are during their childhood. Their courage coupled with their direct connection to universal knowledge gives them the tools necessary to strengthen their self esteem and discover their place in society. A powerful totem to have moose will uncover the depth of who you are and align you with your inherent wisdom.

The Moth

Moths live in all but polar regions. The wings, bodies, and legs of the moth are covered with numerous touch hairs that come off if it is handled.  Because of this the moth is highly sensitive to touch. They can feel, smell, taste and determine temperatures with their feathery antennae. The tiny pegs upon them serve as receptors. This gives the moth the ability to perceive everything with clarity.  Those with this totem usually have strong psychic and healing abilities. They must be careful not to pick up other peoples problems and carry them around in their own energy field. If this happens confusion and irritability can set in.

The process of metamorphosis is part of the magic the moth holds.  The egg stage symbolizes the birth of an idea.  The larvae stage indicates the  laying of a foundation.  The chrysalis stage represents  the process of creating, and the winged stage allows it to take flight  and explore new territory.

One of the most interesting characteristics of the moth is how it wraps its wings around itself.  When resting, they either fold their wings, wrap them around their body, or hold them extended by their sides.  This suggests a basic nurturing quality and those with this medicine often find themselves in some sort of care giving role.

The hearing ability of the moth is acute.  They are capable of detecting ultra sound because their hearing organs are found on their legs. These  enable them to sense vibrations emitted around them.  Paying attention to what is being said and what isn't being said is part of the teachings the moth holds. Observing the body language of others is helpful.

When the moth appears in our life it is asking us to pay attention to issues of sensitivity.  Are you overly sensitive or insensitive to those around you? Are you  involved in a situation that needs to be reevaluated?  Are you honoring the integrity of all concerned?

The transformative qualities of the moth are numerous.  It shows us how to develop and refine our psychic gifts.  The moth is an optimist and an opportunist. It can teach us how to release unwanted influences and fly into the discovery of our personal joy.

The Mustang/Horse

The horse represents freedom and power. There is a lot of myth and lore associated with this majestic creature. Once wild horses numbered in the many millions. Eventually their lands were taken and they were hunted for domestication. Although the horse became a domesticated animal their spirit for freedom remained strong. They can be a bit unpredictable and have been known to revert back to their wild animalistic nature.

Horses feel things deeply and have strong emotions. They can sense the energy field of others and respond to whatever that energy projects. This sensitivity is associated with psychic powers. Those with horse as a totem find comfort in being touched and benefit from bodywork.

Before this continent became so populated, it was well suited for the mustang. The best stallions had huge herds that they alone led. They had adapted themselves to live in harsh environments on diets that wouldn't sustain most horses. However their need for freedom made them unsuited to a country whose people seemed compelled to control and dominate everything. Slowly the herds started to die and presently there are only a few herds left in parts of nine western states. Horse medicine people require space to roam and the freedom to live their own truth. If dominated or controlled by another they will run like the wind and never return.

Horses helped transform a continent. They pulled the wagon trains that allowed the West to be taken by the Europeans. They helped turn the Lakota and other Native nations into the powerful mounted warriors and nomads that they became.

The horse then, is freedom and the power that comes with being free. A horse gives its rider the safety of speed. They gave the natives tremendous power to run, fight, send messages, hunt and move their villages quickly.

To steal a horse was to steal power from another tribe. If horse appears in your life you are being given the gift of safe movement and passage into the new. Horses are very intelligent and although they have been trained to perform a number of tasks they still carry a majestic quality about them. The horse is sure footed and serves as a messenger of hope and a leader into freedom for those with this totem.

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