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From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_  (Original Message)Sent: 10/9/2007 5:01 PM

The Okapi

The Okapi is found in rain forests of the Congo region and was unknown to science until around 1900.  Because of its late discovery, its shy disposition and solitary lifestyle it holds the medicine of elusiveness. It is a member of the giraffe family and those with this totem should also study the giraffe.  The giraffe's neck extends into the sky giving it the ability to see into the distant future.  The okapi however, has short legs and a short neck and focuses its sight on the present and near future. Clairvoyant abilities are common for those that hold either one of these medicines.

The okapi can help those with this totem understand their present reality and their immediate future.  The giraffe however, should be called upon if information  relating to the future is needed. Although both the giraffe and the okapi are individual totems they often work as a team when necessary.

The okapi's coat is sleek with a deep brown, almost purple color.  Its buttocks, thighs and tops of its forelegs are horizontally striped with black and white and the lower part of its legs are white with black rings above its hooves.  These markings are symbolic.  The colors black and white are associated with  spirit and form, density and light and represent polarity on the earth plane. Those who hold this medicine often carry life lessons relating to polarity.  Learning detachment from rigid thinking, set agendas, right or wrong behavior patterns is part of the okapi's teachings.

Okapi's are able to stand in total silence without fear. What they hear increases their perception.  Within the silence truth is known. Listening and reacting are two different things.  Those with this medicine need to master the art of listening and let go of the need to react.

A master magician the okapi has the ability to move through life unnoticed. Its markings camouflage its presence in the wild.  When okapi medicine is fully developed those that hold this totem can slip through life unseen and unheard.  If this medicine is underdeveloped a person can appear clumsy, awkward and draw unwanted attention to themselves.

Unique in both its appearance and its habits the okapi "dares us to be different."  It asks us to break out of limited reality and explore the unconventional. Entering into a world that is not society's idea of normal serves as a catalyst for growth both in self and in others.

The Opossum

The opossum is a crafty animal that shows us how to play different roles. It knows when to act, when to hide, and when to show its true colors. Opossum is a master at recognizing truth as well as falsehood. When it wants attention it gets it. When it wants to be left alone it plays dead. It is a strategic animal that knows how to mold each situation according to its needs. It has the ability to decode hidden messages and read between the lines.

A supreme actor, the opossum can be aggressive or submissive depending on the situation. The opossum knows that each situation has commonalties as well as differences and reflects on them carefully before it responds. This links the opossum to the energies of practicality and ingenuity.

Always full of surprises and unpredictable opossums are masters at playing dead. When the time is right they can suddenly spring back to life. Playing dead is a self induced state in which the heartbeat actually slows and the pulse becomes minimal. This ability serves to confuse many predators giving the opossum an escape from life threatening situations.

Opossums are nocturnal and raise their young in a pouch on their mid section. The young are born blind and rely on their feelings to guide them to their destination. They learn to sense their way around at an early age developing strong instincts by the time they reach adulthood. These instincts are complimented by their inherent ability to disguise themselves. The opossum is a multi-faceted actor that continually changes its appearance. It does not allow its emotions to consume its actions and partakes in the game of life with strategic maneuvers. Part of what the opossum teaches to those with this totem is emotional and mental stability.

The opossum is a craftsman in the art of appearances. When it appears in your life it is telling you to wake up and pay attention. Things are not what they seem to be. By observing your actions, reactions, thoughts and feelings, deeper insights emerge. This emergence leads to self-empowerment. Congratulations and welcome home!

The Orca

The Orca is found in all seas from the Arctic to the Antarctic.  The familiar black and white coloring of the Orca is significant.  From a spiritual  point of view it represents lessons of a soul nature regarding polarity. Orcas assist us in acquiring balance within a world of opposites.

From a physical point of view it is a strategy of camouflage. Seen from above their dark back blends in with the darker water below them, while from below, their whiter bellies blend in with the sunlit waters above. This symbolizes the ability to move through life seen or unseen depending on the situation. Learning the art of camouflage is advantageous for those with this medicine. Proper action and reaction, observation and expression are all linked to this art.

The orca swims in formation either in a line or in rows.  This indicates good organizational skills and the ability to work cooperatively with others.

Orcas do not migrate in the same sense as baleen whales, but have seasonal movements which are tied into prey movement and environmental changes.  Two distinct sub groups of the orca are described as resident and transients.   Residents live in larger pods and have a matriarchal system in which two or three females and their descendants live together throughout their lives. Transient groups tend to travel longer distances and are known to hunt and kill other mammals.  The name killer whale originated when whalers and mariners observed transient orcas eating other whales.

Each pod has its own distinctive dialect which allow members of the same pod to recognize one another even if they get separated.  Those with this medicine are able to instantly identify members of their original soul group. Although personalities may differ a strong sense of family is known.  Life lessons as well as spiritual aspirations are similar. Reuniting with members of the same soul group can trigger a sense of great joy or it can awaken heart felt grief as memories surface about a previous loss.  Those with this totem should remember that once a reunion has been established, emotional support for one another will always be available.

Orca medicine people are very creative although they can have a tendency to keep their creativity hidden or allow their creativity to rule their lives. Those with this totem should pay attention to the way in which the orca appears to them.  If it is seen breaching out of the water it is asking you to surface from the depths of your inner reflection and express yourself outwardly in a grounded and creative way.

If seen injured or beached it could indicate a need to take care of your health.  Orcas often get parasites,  bacterial and fungal infections.  Hodgkin's disease has been recorded in killer whales.  From an emotional perspective this disease is linked to low self esteem and the fear of being accepted. The orca holds the teachings of fearlessness, beauty, power and balance.   It can awaken these same qualities within you. All you need to do is ask.

The Ostrich

The ostrich is the largest bird known to man and unlike others birds it cannot fly.  This is very symbolic. Flight signifies new and uncharted territory. Because the ostrich cannot fly it gathers most of its wisdom from the earth walk.  Almost half of its height is its neck. Because the neck symbolizes a link between heaven and earth, the ostrich can teach us how to use our physical capabilities to work with that of the ethereal mental realm in a practical and grounded way.

The ostrich has an ambiguous role in mythology.  The Egyptians venerated the ostrich.  Its feathers were a symbol of Maat, the goddess of truth and justice and were used in the judgment hall of Osiris to weigh the heart of the deceased.  Ostrich feathers were worn in headpieces of goddesses who upheld the virtues of truth and fairness.

This bird has excellent eyesight and can detect the undetectable.  Very little gets past the ostrich's keen perception. This can be both a blessing and a curse for those with this totem. The ostrich's eyes are actually bigger than their brains.  In man this symbolizes a  tendency towards dreamy  flaky thoughts. Using common sense is advised.

Some cultures believed the ostrich possessed clairvoyant abilities and worshipped it. Others were afraid of this all seeing bird.  Those with this medicine have the uncanny ability to know the truth of any situation.  They are not easily fooled by others.   Learning how to use knowledge in a non threatening way is one of the challenges an ostrich medicine person faces.

The ostrich can go without water for long periods.  Their diet consists mostly of plant matter although some meat is taken in.  They have been known to swallow stones, pieces of iron and other such debris without it affecting their digestive system.  Those with this totem have hardy constitutions and can eat almost anything without causing major physical problems.   A  healthy diet is recommended however.

Ostrich relies on its strong legs and feet, uniquely two-towed, with the main toe developed almost like a hoof to escape its enemies.  Frightened ostrich can achieve speeds of 40 miles per hour.  If cornered it can deliver dangerous kicks.  The ostrich is a visible bird.  To escape detection from enemies, chicks and adults may lie on the ground, necks outstretched with  heads buried in the sand.  This habit gave rise to the legend that they bury their head in sand when danger threatens. If the ostrich appears to you in this position it is asking you to become less visible, less vulnerable and protect yourself in some way.

The Otter

There are two kinds of Otter, the river and sea.  Delightful creatures to watch in the wild otters have a strong curiosity exploring every nook and cranny they can find just to see what's there.   Their curiosity reminds us  that everything is interesting if looked at from different angles.  They know how to float on the currents of life enjoying the beauty that it holds. Their relaxed attitude reminds us to laugh with life and not take things to seriously. They offer us the gift of  laughter, trust and playfulness.

Otters are agile and fast in the water. They are often seen floating on their backs with their paws extended out of the water,  sliding on their bellies playfully, or performing acrobatic maneuvers. Water has long been associated with the emotional energies in man. Otters glide through the emotional ups and downs of life with ease and can teach us how to do the same. They represent the creative, nurturing energies that live within us and show us how to honor them.

Otters are excellent parents and care for their young longer than most other marine mammals. They enjoy the company of other otters and are rarely seen alone.  Those with this medicine benefit by living on or close to the water and find comfort in group interactions.

The otter is very talkative.  When frightened their calls take on an erie piercing sound similar to a baby screaming. They have few natural enemies and are not afraid of humans.  During the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska, otters were one of the few creatures that would allow humans to hold them without putting up a fight.  As the oil was wiped from their bodies the otter would lie very still in the arms of the one caring for it, unafraid and trusting.

When otter appears in your life it is asking you to let go of worry and pain, lighten up and enjoy what life has to offer.  Trust your inner knowing , develop trust for others and embrace the world with excitement and enthusiasm.  Life is what we make it.  The otter shows us how to create a joyful future. All we need to do is follow its lead.

The Owl

There are approximately 135 species of Owl, seventeen which are found in North America.   Their secretive habits, quiet flight and various calls from whistles, screeches and hoots,  have made them objects of superstition and even fear in some parts of the world. Some native tribes see the owl as a symbol of death while other tribes believe they embody the mysteries of shamanism and sorcery.   Individuals with this totem are private complex people and don't like others to know what they are really thinking. This can sometimes lead to misunderstandings especially in the area of personal relationships.

Owls have many abilities which set them apart from all other birds. Their wings which are extremely soft and thick, allow them to fly silently as they can swoop down on unsuspecting prey.  They are able to slip in and out of places unnoticed and can  teach us how to do the same.

Their eyes are large and forward facing giving them a wise appearance.  They have a greater range of motion in their necks than any other animal with a spinal column. Owls turn their heads rather than their eyes, which are stationary.  Their night vision is so powerful that they can see prey when the light is the equivalent of a candle burning 2500 feet away!

Their powers of vision are matched by their almost otherworldly hearing abilities.  In studies done with owls that were placed in totally light free rooms, the owls were able to locate a mouse by sound alone. Those with this medicine are usually gifted with clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities.  Souls who are born with this totem have chosen a path which suggests a need to refine and perfect these gifts for the aid of others. They make excellent therapists, psychologists and counselors.

Active at dawn and dusk owls are sometimes referred to as the night eagle, a messenger from the darkness and a guide through all the mysteries that it contains. It teaches us how to embrace our personal darkness without fear.  Owls are sometimes thought to come to those that are about to die.  This does not mean a physical death as much as it means the letting go of some part of yourself that is not serving you.  Owls with their spectral senses help guide us through the dark tunnels of fear, change and uncertainty to the brilliant  light shining at the other end.  If the owl appears in your life thank it for its willingness to guide you through its shadowy realm to the other side of promise and joy.

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