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From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_  (Original Message)Sent: 10/9/2007 5:04 PM

The Panda

Pandas are white and black bear like mammals found in the forest areas of west central China. Their coloring holds the energy of polarity. The panda reminds us to broaden our vision and not get caught in one side or the other. For those with this totem personal challenges relating to polarized concepts are common. Past life ties associated with the light as well as the dark forces is also indicated.

The giant panda grows to a length of five feet and weighs about two hundred pounds. It feeds almost exclusively on bamboo and is able to grasp the young stems and leaves of this plant with the aid of a special thumb like structure on its front foot. In metaphysics the thumb symbolizes will power. The panda teaches us that anything can be accomplished if the desire is strong enough.

Although the panda feeds on bamboo its digestive system is that of a carnivore and so the animal is unable to digest cellulose, which is the main constituent of bamboo. Consequently, the panda must consume enormous quantities of bamboo in order to obtain from this plant the nourishment it needs. Panda medicine people often develop problems with their digestive system so extra care is advised.

Pandas have a lumbering gait on the ground but are agile tree climbers. They prefer being up high watching whatâ??s happening on the ground below. From this vantage point the panda is able to maintain a spiritual connection with the seen and unseen forces.

Pandas live alone except when breeding, indicating a solitary lifestyle. Those with this medicine will be happiest when living by themselves. Relationships can be acquired and maintained but only if a partner respects the need for privacy and sacred space. Although relationship issues are common for those with this totem a panda medicine person will be forced to rely on their intuitive voice for nourishment and guidance. This aids them in developing a deeper understanding of who they truly are. From the perspective of spiritual growth this understanding is a fundamental requirement for the souls evolution.

Some might say that panda medicine is full of difficulties and others may see its true value. Whichever way you choose to perceive this ally one thing is certain. The panda is a powerful teacher. All that is needed by the student is a willingness to learn.

The Panther

The name panther is often associated with a particular species of leopard or jaguar and sometimes the cougar.  The black panther is smaller but more fierce than lions and tigers.  They are agile climbers and excellent swimmers.  Because they can sprint with great speed they hold the teachings of quick decisive action.

Panthers have over 400 voluntary muscles that can be used at will when the need arises.  This symbolizes an ability to shape shift realities using all parts of the body to perform a task. They can move gracefully in and out of situations as well as freeze and not be noticed.  Because the panther is not a good long distant runner those with this medicine should incorporate movement therapies into their life that enhance endurance. They need to learn how to pace themselves and not push to fast or hard on any one task.

The power of the panther is the power of silence. It is extremely quiet when hunting or stalking. It knows when to make its presence known and when to become invisible.  The panther holds the secrets of unseen worlds and is associated with lunar energies.  Within the darkness of night lies the truth of creation. Those with this totem hold knowledge of a galactic origin. They have a responsibility to care take this knowledge and caution must be applied when sharing it with others.  When the student is ready the teacher appears. If the student isn't ready the information received could be detrimental.

Panthers have acute sensitivity. The hairs on its body especially on the face pick up subtle vibrations. This is symbolic for those with this totem. It indicates a need to pay attention to their feelings and honor the messages those feelings convey.  Touch can be an important avenue to explore to awaken ones  hidden gifts. The black panthers coat, sleek, smooth and sensual has been linked to sexuality.  When panther appears in a persons life it might be asking you to resolve old sexual issues or to embrace your sexuality fully.

The black panther has great mysticism associated with it. It represents the life and power of the night.  It can show us how to embrace the darkness and awaken the light within it. When you experience the presence of panther one of its most noticeable features is its unblinking stare.  It appears to see right through the body. Those with this medicine use their eyes as a healing tool and have the potential to heal on a cellular level.

Author Ted Andrews states that in Egyptian rituals a panther tail was worn around the neck or waist to help protect and strengthen the individual.  It has been a symbol of the "Argos of a Thousand Eyes," who guarded the heifer IO who was loved by Zeus.  After his death, the eyes were transferred to the feathers of the peacock.  A powerful totem to have the panther always brings a guardian energy to those to whom it comes.

The Parrot

The parrot is an alert bird with a good temperament.  They are very intelligent and have been taught to mimic humans. A bird which can speak the human language is considered to be a link between  mankind's world and the world of nature. They serve as a bridge in which both can cross to gain a deeper understanding about one another.  This understanding allows both  kingdoms to live in harmony.

One of the most outstanding features of the parrot is its range of coloring.   Parrots invoke a sense of  hope and promise.  Just looking at its brilliant feathers gives us a feeling of excitement and wonder.  For those who identify with this totem opportunities to renew their dreams and visions are offered.

Parrots teach us the power of magic.  Their feathers are used in healing rituals to invoke the properties of color and light.  Color and light therapy have been used by many native tribes to heal the sick or injured.  For those with this totem the study of its colors will reveal a lot about yourself.

Parrots can be very vocal or very quiet depending upon the situation they are in.  In humans this indicates an innate ability to know when to voice ones opinion and when to be silent.  Lessons associated with discernment are always present in a parrot medicine person. The parrot is a feel good bird and is a great ally in healing depression.  When the parrot flies into your life it is asking you to recapture the magic of living.  It is time to enjoy your life and all it holds.

The Peacock

The peacock is a bird of the pheasant family. The male is actually a peacock and the female is a peahen, both are peafowl. The most distinct features of the peacock are its feathers and its eerie call. Two species of peafowl are the blue, or Indian peacock of India and Sri Lanka and the green, or Javanese peacock from Burma to Java.

These stunning birds hold an air of self confidence. Their train of tail feathers are brightly colored either a metallic green or blue and formed of the birds upper tail coverts which are enormously elongated. Each feather is tipped with an iridescent eyespot that is ringed with blue and bronze. These eyes represent their ability to see into the past, present and future and can teach those with this medicine how to awaken their clairvoyant gifts.

Peacocks have much lore and myth associated with them. Peacock feathers are believed to have protective powers and are used in Indian and Shaman rituals as an aid in healing. A tail feather is moved over a sick or injured person in gentle strokes to remove negative psychic imprints that have attached themselves to a person's energetic field. Those with this medicine are highly sensitive and proper maintenance of their personal energy field is essential. When an individual with this totem has acquired a strong and solid aura they have the potential to become powerful ritualistic healers.

In courtship displays, the cock elevates his tail, which lies under the train thus elevating the train and bringing it forward. At the climax of this display the tail feathers are vibrated, giving the feathers of the train a shimmering appearance and making a rustling sound. This display along with the eerie call of the peacock draws attention to it. They stand with dignity and demand to be noticed. Those with this totem often gain recognition for their talents and have the potential to be prominent leaders in their chosen field.

The peacock reminds us to see the beauty in all aspects of life. Its eerie call sounds similar to a laughing screech and reminds us to laugh with life and not take things so seriously. As it presents itself with confidence and awes us with its beauty it teaches us how to keep the ego under control and to set all vanity aside. Past lives associated with superiority has been linked to peacock medicine people. By observing the peacock we can learn to strut our stuff with dignity and grace.

The Penguin

The penguin is an amazing animal with unusual characteristics.  If you ever see one in the wild it will be hard to forget.  Highly specialized for their flightless aquatic existence their binocular vision is poor. Some penguins have no binocular vision at all.  A sideways stare acts as a method of focusing on threatening objects. They  see better in water than on land and their sense of smell is weak.

These unique animals exude an air of properness and good manners. Gathering in groups they walk bolt upright forming several lines denoting a sense of order and purpose.  They waddle with determination and focus.  Those with this medicine have the same inherent abilities.  If this medicine isn't fully developed call upon the penguin  to help you refine and perfect these skills.

Both male and female penguins bow to one another before entering or leaving the nest.  The bow is a behavior demonstrated most often in pairs. Penguins may also walk about the area while bowing.  Bowing is considered to be both a form of appeasement and a tool for maintaining social  bonds.  Penguin medicine people are either well mannered and polite or need to learn these abilities. This bird teaches respect to all who cross its path.

The penguins striking black and white attire suggests formality.  The Emperor penguin, the largest of  this aquatic bird, dressed in a tuxedo looks as if its ready for a dinner party.  Those with this totem are careful about their appearance and enjoy life styles related to high society.  They are social and feel at ease in any type of situation.  This gives them leadership qualities and denotes an air of self confidence.

Penguins are master acrobats.  While swimming their movements are graceful and fluid. They twist and turn in a variety of ways then shoot high out of the water landing solidly on their feet.  When traveling long distances on ice the penguin toboggans on its stomach using its fins to push it along.  They have been recorded at speeds up to 25 miles an hour. The penguin teaches us how to connect with our inner rhythm, honor our body and move with agility.

Because of their association with water astral projection and out of body experiences are  keynote. Their movements both in water and on land indicate an ability to glide easily from one dimension to another. Penguins have the ability to consciously go out of body.  They  teach those with this medicine how to embrace and understand all realms of  life. Individuals with penguin totems are vivid dreamers and often receive messages through the dreamtime or in a meditative state.

The colors of the penguin are also symbolic. The color black represents the hidden or the unknown and the color white reflects the light or awakened consciousness. The merging of the hidden with the known produces a balanced state of being.  Penguin teaches you how to blend, merge and balance the dark with the light.

Penguin is a powerful totem to have and helps you change your reality, move between the worlds and awaken full consciousness. If this master bird appears in your life get ready for a life altering course of mystery, intrigue and transformation. Once you have explored uncharted waters there will be no turning back.

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