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From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_  (Original Message)Sent: 10/9/2007 5:10 PM

The Peregrine Falcon

The peregrine falcon is a magnificent bird of prey. They are larger and faster then other falcons and are presently on the endangered species list. This is partly due to the buildup of chlorinated hydrocarbons in its food supply. These chemicals become concentrated in the peregrine's tissues and interfere with reproduction.

If this bird was not your birth medicine and has recently flown into your life, it can signify a need to guard your health with special attention given to environmental pollutants the glands, tissues and the reproductive organs.

All falcons are opportunists and act upon opportunity at the correct moment. They know when to act and how to commit to their actions for a successful outcome. Timing is important to the peregrine and patience is one of its virtues. Those with this totem will continually find themselves in situations where both of these skills are tested.

Peregrines stimulate a quick, graceful and agile mind using its mental faculties effectively and patiently to capture what it wants and desires the most. They are daylight hunters with bullet shaped bodies and long pointed wings that facilitate high diving speed. Strong and fast they fly high and dive with tremendous swiftness striking with clenched talons and killing by impact.

This bird is very adaptable and can withstand severe climatic changes. Peregrines build their nests high on ledges and cliffs in order to observe everything around them. They are incredibly focused and have strong concentration skills. Those with this totem would do well in any work pertaining to the mind. Meditation and disciplined spiritual studies would also be of benefit.

In the Native American traditions the peregrine falcon is associated with past life recall and can show us how to dive into ourselves without fear. It holds the medicine of precision, timing, grace, patience and acute mental perception. It teaches those with this medicine how to use their mental capabilities to the fullest, move in harmony with their own rhythm and strike with force when necessary.

The Pig

The pig is a mammal of stout body, short legs and thick skin sparsely coated with short bristles.  Contrary to popular belief the pig is a very clean animal.  Although their pig pens appear to be pig sties their mess is always an organized one.  They don't like things within their territory to be moved or misplaced and can be quite animate about this.  A friend of mine has a pig as a pet.  One day when she was cleaning its pen the pig repeatedly butted her. She finally got the message!  Those with this medicine need to be in charge of their personal space and will not tolerate others rearranging it.

Pigs have an uncanny intelligence and love the companionship of humans.  Domestic pigs are easy to train and make excellent pets.  Behavior problems can arise when a pig feels fear or distrust in any situation.  Usually docile, they can become aggressive if they think their safety is being threatened.  They have strong reasoning power and believe that the best defense is a good defense.  Pig medicine people will not accept unjust acts of any kind.  They can be overly trusting of others or have no trust at all depending on how developed the medicine is within the person.  Learning to attain balance within these extremes is advised.

Domestic pigs demand punctuality and dependability especially at feeding times.  A solid routine is important to this animal.  Any thing that disturbs their routine creates deep emotional stress and can cause illness.  A regular regimen of daily activities is beneficial for pig medicine people.  Those with this totem usually have past life ties associated with undisciplined behavior.  The pig teaches you how to remain focused and develop a solid secure foundation in your life.

The pig is swift in its movement.  They intuitively know how to respond in any situation. They are good swimmers and have great strength.  Their listening skills are acute. They actually "feel" sound frequencies and respond accurately to the vibration that it holds.  Clairsentient and clairaudient abilities are two of the pigs strongest attributes.

Those with this totem are reminded to view things from a pigs perspective.  When the pig appears in your life pay attention to its movement.  If it is charging towards you, its time to stop procrastinating and take action in some area of your life.  If a pig waddles slowly towards you its time to stop, reflect and listen to the sound of your inner knowing.

The Pigeon

Pigeons originally lived on the wild cliff faces of the European and Asian seacoasts.  Used by the Chinese for hundreds of years to send messages they also carried money exchange rates between banks in Canton and Hong Kong. Pigeons have been used extensively for delivering messages in times of war. Early navigators took pigeons to sea in hopes that, if they became lost the pigeon would show them the way to land.  Pigeons can fly for 550 miles in one day and can travel in bursts of speed up to 60 knots. They teach  us how to preserver and keep our focus on the goal at hand.

This amazing bird holds the qualities of home, security and maternal instincts.  Those with this totem often experience unsettling childhood's and will be challenged continually to acquire a solid secure foundation in all areas of their lives. The pigeon assists us in finding the stability of home that has been lost.

No matter where pigeon ends up or how it gets there, it knows the way home.  The Pigeons gift to us is the ability to accomplish.  They do not get lost because they are in tune with the natural ways of earth, and are always aware of their goals. They use all their senses equally and navigate their lives in a balanced way.  If Pigeon comes to you, it is asking you to keep your sights and sensitivities clearly set on where you want to be, and start moving.  Even if you don’t know exactly how to get there, by following your inner guidance you can find your way.

The Platypus

The duck billed platypus is a small semi aquatic mammal that lives in the lakes and streams of eastern Australia and Tasmania.  It is notable for having a broad flat rubbery snout that contains electro receptors enabling it to detect electrical fields produced by moving muscles of its prey.  When submerged in water the eyes and ears are closed by a fold of skin.  The sensitive muzzle of the platypus guides it while it swims blind.  Those with this totem have the ability to balance and ground energy currents as they move through the body.  For people who channel or work in any form of energetic healing this can be advantageous.  Platypus medicine people use their inner sight to guide them through life and are natural clairvoyants.

The platypus swims gracefully and expertly using the front feet.  The hind feet in conjunction with its flattened tail are used mainly for stabilization.  The tail also assists it in diving.  Water has long been associated with the subconscious and the secrets it holds.  Those with this totem are investigative, always searching for the deeper meaning of each situation they encounter.

The platypus finds its food chiefly in underwater mud and has an enormous appetite.  They emerge for feeding in early morning or late afternoon.  Foods grown below ground are often beneficial for those with this medicine.

Mating occurs in the water.  Poisonous spurs on the hind legs of the male are used to hold the female.  An unusual courtship precedes mating in which the male grabs the females tail and the pair swim in circles.  In ancient myth and lore a circle signifies wholeness. Those with this totem usually have strong karmic lessons associated with completion.  If this medicine is underdeveloped they find themselves unable to finish projects.

The platypus digs winding burrows with side branches in the banks of streams and lakes that it inhabits.  These burrows indicate its flexibility to move in different directions effortlessly.  It teaches us how to access the hidden chambers of our subconscious and move according to our personal rhythms.  The platypus is a powerful totem to have.  It is a unique animal in both its appearance and its abilities and can show us how to awaken our own uniqueness.

The Polar Bear

Polar bears are outstanding hunters.  They are the most aggressive and carnivorous of all bears.  They hold the same characteristics as other bears although the polar does have specific traits inherent to it.  Those with this totem should also read the information presented on bears in general for a deeper understanding of this powerful medicine.

The polar bear weighs up to 1600 pounds and can knock a 500 pound seal out of the water with one blow.  They are incredibly strong and more adaptable than other bears.  This adaptability compliments their excellent survival skills.  Those with this medicine have karmic challenges associated with flexibility, change and stubbornness and should ask the polar for help in overcoming these obstacles.

The polar will observe a situation completely before they act.  They know how to conserve their strength as well as their energy and use both at the most appropriate time for the best outcome.  This is one of the lessons that it teaches.  Those with this totem would benefit by learning the art of energy management.

Polar bears have no enemies in the animal kingdom.  Their only enemy is the human hunter.  They are intelligent and fearless.  Because of this native tribes throughout history have recognized the polar as a desirable ally and spirit helper.

The white color associated with the polar bear is very significant.  It represents "purity of spirit."  Since this bear is fearless and the energy of spirit only flows when fear is absent, the polar serves as a valuable ally in overcoming fear, both physical and mental.

The polar is known as the "Ice Man" in some native tribes because of its preferences for hunting on sea ice. The environment in which it appears to us is symbolic.  If the polar were spotted walking on ice its message would be connected to the frozen emotions stored within oneself and the need for allowing those emotions to express themselves.  If it is seen foraging for food, nourishment and replenishment of the body, mind and spirit would be its message.  It is important to watch the polar bear to understand what it is trying to tell you.  When it enters your life the awakening of your own true colors is at hand.

The Praying Mantis

The praying mantis has a great deal of myth and lore associated with it.  Its name comes from the manner in which they hold up the forepart of the body, with its enormous front legs, as though in an attitude of prayer.

Martial art forms in China have adopted specific movements of the mantis into their practices. These movements help the student reconnect with their personal chi or energy.  The discovery of how energy moves through our body, what it is projecting and where energy blocks are located can be a great aid in healing ourselves.   Those with this totem would benefit from prayer, meditation and martial arts.

These amazing creatures serve the earth and her people in various ways. They consume large amounts of insects helping to maintain ecological balance. Excellent hunters with an efficient attack strategy the praying mantis always knows the right moment for attack and for retreat. Time in the linear sense is irrelevant to the mantis.  They move according to their inner instincts and remind us to do the same.  Moving effortlessly between worlds the mantis is associated with time travel.
They help us break out of linear time and move according to our personal bio rhythms.

The praying mantis can remain motionless for an indefinite period. This ability helps them blend with their environment becoming invisible to predators. They hold the secrets of materialization and de-materialzation and awaken this ability in people who hold this medicine.  Perception through stillness is part of its teaching.

Patient, perceptive and focused this little totem holds a powerful message. When it appears in your life it is asking you to direct your energy, your thoughts or your actions in a different way. Asking the following questions can give you the insight necessary to motivate appropriate changes.  Have I lost patience with a particular situation?  Have I been too patient, and if so, has this had a detrimental affect on me?  Is my perception correct regarding a situation?  Have I become narrow minded? Am I focused on my objective?

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