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From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_  (Original Message)Sent: 10/9/2007 5:14 PM

The Rabbit

There are two dozen species of Cottontails in the United States, all with similar characteristics. Rabbits are vegetarians eating the inner bark of saplings and shrubs as well as leaves and fruit. They provide a perfect illustration of Nature's balance. Their rapid rate of reproduction is countered by the fact that almost every predatory animal eats them. Cottontail rabbits are quite timid, never venturing too far from the safety of their warrens. Rabbit teaches us through its timidity, to be gentle with ourselves in all situations.

The rabbit is often associated with fear because of the nervous energy it expends. They move suddenly and unpredictably. They hop and leap through life asking those with this totem to  pay attention to their personal movement.  Growth is assured if one is moving in balance with what is in their life.  If they are moving to fast or to slow an imbalance occurs and growth is stifled.

Rabbits are most visible during dawn and dusk. The sun rising and setting from horizon to horizon holds an air of mystique about it. It is a time when the invisible becomes visible and nature spirits are more pronounced.  Because the rabbit and the fairy realms are active during the same time of day it has a strong connection with the magic and mystery of other worlds. To enter this world all that is required is a leap of faith.

Sensitive with keen observation skills, the rabbit has strong reflexes that help them dash to safety quickly protecting themselves from danger. They can be seen, disappear and reappear in the twinkling of an eye.  Fast, agile and clever they hold the teachings of spontaneous decisive movement.  Always knowing which direction to go and when. When rabbit appears it is enabling you to take advantage of opportunities that may only present themselves for brief moments.

Rabbits are guides into the shadow world, where all of our personal fears lie. When the rabbit appears it is time to examine those deep reflexive fears that hold you back from growing. Do you keep dashing for the safety of your old patterns every time something new or challenging presents itself? If so the rabbit asks you to face your fears with compassion for yourself. Accept that it is part of human nature to feel fear at times, but also believe that our fears need not paralyze our growth and movement.

The Raccoon

Primarily nocturnal, raccoons travel in small groups of one or two families foraging for fruits, vegetables, and small animals. They are excellent swimmers although they feel more at home in trees. Raccoons are often seen sloshing their hands and food in water before eating. Symbolically hands represent holding or receiving. If raccoon appears to you it might be asking you to let go of a situation, person or habit.  On the other hand it could  be telling you to reach out and embrace the gifts being offered to you by Great Spirit.

Raccoons are often found sitting high in trees. From this vantage point they can observe everything around them and see danger long before it arrives. Extremely curious it leaves no stone unturned. Curiosity has its advantages and its disadvantages. Following ones curiosity can open doorways into new and exciting territory, although curiosity applied without caution can lead to trouble.

These masked bandits are persistent robbers and do not tire easily. They are often spotted around camp grounds foraging for food.  Because of its masked face the raccoon holds the energies of disguise, magic, and secrecy.  Hiding behind its mask it can take on several identities at once and play out different roles. Seldom does it reveal its true identity. It loves adventure and leads us down a road to new discoveries.  Shape shifting is part of its magic. Those with this totem do well in  professions relating to the theater.

Raccoons have an air of indifference around them when caught in the act of a robbery, although if provoked they can become ferocious. Strong and muscular the raccoon can hold its ground in most all situations and teaches us to do the same.

The raccoon is a powerful ally and holds the gift of transformation. When it appears in a persons life the many faces of self are about to be revealed.

The Rat

Rats would probably not be so successful if it weren't for humans.  Our living habits have provided them with homes and food and we have eliminated many of their predators.  Because of this rats hold important teachings about waste, over consumption and survival for those who have this totem.

Rats can  eat a quarter to a third of their body weight a day.  They gnaw on things to keep their teeth, which are always growing, short and sharp.  Pack Rats are famous for collecting things.  They have been known to strip a sealed cabin in the woods of everything that they could carry.  One species is called the Trade Rat because it leaves a stone in the place of what it takes.

Black Rats carried the fleas that led to the Black Plague.  In Norway some years ago, hungry Rats infested a bird sanctuary and ate, among other things the birds.  They even managed to grab seagulls and hold them down while killing them.

Those with this totem are survivors.  Their tendency is to hoard what they have because they fear that they don't have enough. This fear prompts them to acquire large quantities of things and fight aggressively to maintain what they have acquired. Rat medicine people are not selfish but they can appear that way to those who do not know them well.  Holding onto everything and being the pack rat is their way of feeling secure in an insecure world.

Fortunately rats adapt well  to environmental changes and can survive on just about anything.  They hold the teachings of resourcefulness. Their fear of not being provided for can be healed by participating in supportive group activities, meditation and prayer.

The other side of Rat is that it reflects back to us our own human capacity for greed, taking so much that others needs are denied.  They will sometimes overeat and throw up rather than let food go by.  They will dispossess other small animals of their homes if they can, wanting no competition for food.  They truly personify humankind's imperialistic drives, which are making life on the planet more and more tenuous.  If Rat has come to you, look at ways you may be participating in wasteful consumption or fear based emotions and begin to change your habits appropriately.

The Raven

Ravens have a long history of myth and lore associated with them. In some native tribes they are known as the "keeper of secrets." They hold the teachings of mysticism and magic. Ravens are linked to the void, where universal secrets are stored. Their inky black color is the color associated with darkness. The darkness is a place where unconscious fears live. Raven, a master magician, embodies the energy of transformation and shows us how to eliminate our inner demons.

Ravens are the largest songbirds in North America. They are extremely intelligent and are clever mimics. They incorporate and mimic calls of other species and can teach us how to understand the language of animals. They have also been known to learn some human words.

The raven knows the mystery of life. They have an intimate association with death and rebirth. Because raven would feed on the corpses of the dead hanging on the gallons, early European settlers feared this bird and considered it to be an ill omen. In truth, however, raven should be respected not feared.

There are many stories in native cultures about this illusive black bird. Shamans know the power of an unexpected piercing sound in altering consciousness. Ravens exercise this power, emitting a variety of sounds and can aid us in shifting our consciousness into various dimensional realms. This is one reason why the raven is known as a shape shifter with magical powers.  Anyone with raven as a totem can expect continual changes and spiritual awakenings throughout their life.

Raven picks its students according to their accumulated wisdom. It flies into a persons life carrying the energy of magic and healing. If it decides to settle in and take up residence, it will stay as long as necessary to aid you in transmuting your karma then return you to the light. It will push, prod, and lead you into the discovery of your multidimensional self and reunite you with the secrets of the multidimensional universe. Those with this totem should remember to meet raven, not with fear, but rather with an appreciation for the teachings that it holds.

The Red Panda

The red panda is a smaller relative of the well known giant panda.  It is slightly bigger than a large house cat, has rusty red fur, a long light and dark striped tail, a short white nose, and dark tear tracks. It is active around dawn and dusk and well adapted for climbing, spending much of its time in trees partly to escape predators. It feels safe high above the ground below and never ventures too far away from this source of security. Those with this medicine need to develop a secure foundation and always maintain trust in great spirit.

The panda is a solitary animal except during mating season. They are territorial and will fight other males that enter their area. Because the panda spends most of its day sleeping and descends to the ground in the evening to hunt for food, those with this medicine are usually night owls and do their best work after the sun goes down. Inspiring ideas and perceptive visions are received within the silence of  the night.

Red pandas are slow moving agile climbers and teach us the value of slow movement and patient persistence. They hold the teachings of trust, flow and balance.   The pandas range extends through Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Burma and China. Those with this totem often have past life connections in these areas as well as strong ties to Eastern beliefs and practices.  The study of martial arts is beneficial.

In the wild, red pandas eat mostly bamboo leaves although they supplement their diet with berries, mushrooms, grasses, bark, bird nestings and insects.  The panda depends on bamboo as a main food source. Each species of bamboo has a unique reproductive cycle. Bamboo flowers and dies once every 40 to 120 years. It can take approximately 5 to 10 years for it to regenerate to the point of being a reliable food source again. Its specialized diet, low production rate and low population density makes the red panda vulnerable.  In humans this can manifest in difficult pregnancies or childbirth and dietary imbalances. Proper attention to health is important.

Because the  red panda has a simple stomach and short  intestine it can not get complete nourishment from  its low calorie diet. They must spend a large portion of the day feeding. Those with this totem would benefit by eating small amounts throughout the day to avoid becoming hypoglycemic. A vegetarian diet is helpful. Pandas have a strong connection to plant life and those with this medicine would benefit by studying the healing properties of plants and herbs.

Red Pandas lounge around during the day and appear to be somewhat nonchalant with a carefree attitude.  When they appear in our life they are asking us to play more and worry less.

The Rhinoceros

The rhinoceros is a survivor of the age of giant mammals and are basically solitary creatures. They are descendants of ancient times and bring with them the energy of comfort in ones own solitude. They teach us how to quiet a busy mind and relax within ourselves. Rhinoceros prefer their own company and know how to create and enjoy their personal space.  This in itself is a powerful teaching for those that hold this medicine.

The rhinoceros is characterized by one or two horns on the snout.  Its most distinguishing feature may well be the cause of its extinction. Their horns are prized by traditional Eastern cultures. They have been carved into daggers and ground into powder thought to have healing powers. They have also been used as aphrodisiacs. Their horns, composed of a mass of keratin, a fibrous protein found in hair are used for digging up roots and other edibles. Their poor eyesight compensated by their acute hearing and sense of smell teaches those with this medicine how to sniff beneath the surface and use discrimination in all the choices they make.

This amazing animal holds the energy of spiritual idealism. In part this is due to their peaceful and timid nature. Although the rhinoceros has a reputation for being dangerous, especially the black rhino,  it is generally quite passive and only becomes aggressive when threatened.  It is often seen going out of its way to avoid trouble.

Spiritual idealism can be a blessing or a curse depending on how it is applied in ones life. If a persons ideals are so high that the achievement of that ideal is unattainable depression can set in. Those with this medicine should remember to stay grounded in their pursuit of spiritual growth by taking things one step at a time.  Patience and perseverance are the cornerstones of this medicine.

The Rhinoceros holds the secrets of survival.  It is a guardian of ancient wisdom and reminds us to tread gently on earth and respect all life.  In this way spiritual idealism is attained and peace on earth is established. When you call upon the rhinoceros these ideals await your discovery.

The Roadrunner

Roadrunners are ground dwelling cuckoos ranging in length from 20 to 24 inches from the tip of its tail to the end of its beak. Legend has it that the roadrunner got its name from running on the road alongside horse drawn carriages. Also known as the chaparral cock this legendary bird is famous for its distinctive appearance, its ability to eat rattlesnakes and its preferences for scooting across the American deserts as seen in Warner Brothers cartoons.

Because of its lightening quickness, the roadrunner is one of the few animals that preys upon rattlesnakes. Using its wings like a matador's cape, it snaps up a coiled rattlesnake by the tail, cracks it like a whip and repeatedly slams its head against the ground till dead.  It then swallows its prey whole, but is often unable to swallow the entire length at one time.  This does not stop the roadrunner from its normal routine.  It will continue to meander about with the snake dangling from its mouth, consuming another inch or two as the snake slowly digests.

Although speed is its ally time is irrelevant to the roadrunner.  It can do several things at once and isn't bothered with completing one thing before moving on to the next.  This is partly due to its great mental agility represented by the crest on its head..  Many native cultures believe  a "crest"  symbolizes quick and efficient thinking capabilities. Those with this medicine have the ability to think quickly on their feet, flow with rapid change and understand the proper use of speed.

The roadrunner is a large black and white mottled ground bird. It has strong feet, a long tail and an oversized bill. It can run up to 17 miles per hour. When the roadrunner senses danger or is traveling downhill, it flies, but it cannot keep its large body airborne for more than a few seconds and so, it prefers walking or running.  It has a clownish gait when running or walking and reminds us to laugh with ourselves and not take things too seriously.

The roadrunner is a vocal bird producing a variety of sounds from crows, chuckles, clacking and coos. Roadrunner asks us to use sound to benefit ourselves. Distract unwanted influences or say the right thing at the right time. By listening to the roadrunner we discover the right tone to use in any situation from a low coo to a screeching chuckle. Sound as well as speed can pierce through a situation and change its energy.  Shamans are known to use both to shape shift realities when necessary.

Roadrunners are uniquely suited to desert environments and inhabit open, flat or rolling terrain with scattered cover of dry brush, chaparral or other desert scrub.  When spring arrives, the male roadrunner acquires food for himself and then offers choice morsels to a female as an inducement to mating. He often dances around her while she begs for food, then gives her the morsel after breeding briefly.  Roadrunner teaches us the importance of honoring our personal needs first before giving to others.  Some might think of this as a selfish act but in truth it is a balanced one. Although roadrunner has an ulterior motive when offering the female food (that of breeding)  it carries the message of survival.  Take care of yourself first and then assist others.

Because roadrunner is always thinking of ways to get what it wants it reminds those with this medicine to use the ingenuity of their minds.  If a problem occurs "think" yourself out of it. Highly intelligent, roadrunner medicine people have the mental capabilities to fix or change any situation. Procrastination is not part of this medicine. Roadrunner reminds us that mental alertness, speedy action coupled with the right use of sound always produces harmonious outcomes.

The Robin Redbreast

The robin redbreast is a bird of Spring, a time of new growth and new beginnings. It flies into our lives on the winds of change asking us to weed our personal gardens and plant new seeds for our future. Rebirth and renewal require changes in all areas of life that have become stagnant and outdated.  The robin redbreast teaches us to how to make these changes with joy in our hearts. Its song is a happy one reminding us to let go of our personal drama and learn to laugh with life.  If this medicine is underdeveloped those with this totem are continually challenged by the prospects of change. Difficulties arise and emotional discord can surface.  Learning how to release our attachments to the old is one of the life lessons the redbreast helps us master.

This bird packs a powerful punch.  It holds strong significance in ancient myth and lore.   One legend had its origins in European mythology, in which the bird of Spring was associated with the New Year and  represented divine sacrifice and the rebirth of the spirit.

In Medieval Europe the robin redbreast was often depicted attending the Christ child, an emblem of the Passion to come.  It was told how, at that fateful hour, it was the tiny robin who flew to Jesus' Crown of Thorns, striving valiantly to pluck the spines away with his beak.  Unfortunately the bird succeeded only in tearing his own breast on the thorns. Ever since then it was thought that all robins wore red feathers on their bosoms as a badge of honor.  The robin redbreast is a bird of divine service. Those with this totem often have past life ties to the Christ energy.  They make excellent priests and missionaries.

The red coloring of the robins chest is linked to the kundalini in man.  This life force lives coiled up within the base of the spine. When sufficient spiritual growth has been attained it uncoils, rising up the spine to create heightened awareness.  This process enhances psychic vision which leads us into enlightenment.  Those with this medicine are dedicated spiritual seekers. Growth can be slow and arduous. With patience, compassion and proper focus spiritual ideals are achieved.

Robins lay powder blue eggs. This is the color associated with the throat chakra in man.  It is also linked to heavenly inspiration.  Because the throat chakra's main function is to express the will of God and the egg is symbolic of new life, this helpful little totem teaches us how to assert the creative will of God in all we do. It leads us into new beginnings without fear by restoring faith within our hearts.

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