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From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_  (Original Message)Sent: 10/9/2007 5:18 PM

The Salamander

Salamanders most commonly occur in freshwater and damp woodlands, principally in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. They are generally short bodied, four legged, and moist skinned animals with bold patterns and bright colors. Patterns and colors have different meanings to different people. Examining the patterns and colors of the salamander can help us discover the intricate patterns that govern our lives. Unwanted emotional patterns can be restructured or eliminated by the study of sacred geometry and meridian alignments.

Like other amphibians the salamander absorbs water through their skin and needs a moist habitat in which to live. Those with this medicine need to be around water for their overall health and well being. Breeding often occurs in the water although certain members of this family breed on land.

The word amphibian comes from two words--"amphi" = "double" and "bios" = life. Amphibians divide their life between land and water. From a symbolic aspect, this can reflect much about what has often been taught in lore about its power. Salamanders are often regarded as the keeper of dreams. Their ability to live in water and on land can reflect that lucid dreaming is going to be stimulated.

The salamander hears and responds to low frequency tones rather then high pitched ones. These tones are primal in nature and can help us gain entry into the underworld. To strengthen ones sensitivity to such sounds playing the didgeridoo as well as drumming is helpful.

Typical salamanders undergo a larval stage that can last for a period of a few days to several years. The development of a child with salamander medicine is usually slower than other children their age. Specific periods of major transitions are common and easily pinpointed. Those with this medicine will find themselves continually learning, growing and developing their body, mind and spirit throughout the early part of their life. In their adult years knowledge gained as a child will surface.

Salamander medicine is a subtle teacher, from its patterns and colors, to its connection with the elements. Those with this totem will often find themselves living a double life. Their thoughts and actions can seem odd and unusual which gives them the power to assist others in shape shifting their reality.

The Salmon

There are several different types of salmon located on both the Pacific coast and the Atlantic.  Their acute sense of smell is one of their most amazing features.  This ability helps them find their way back  home to spawn.  They have the uncanny ability to find the one stream that they were hatched in based solely on its odor.

Salmon usually return to their place of origin every 5 to 7 years. They have solid bonds with  their history.  For those with this totem life changes are prominent within this time span.   At the end of a cycle a new beginning emerges.  Swimming upstream and overcoming all obstacles is part of what the salmon teaches us.  When this medicine is underdeveloped it could be asking us to stop battling the currents of life.

Because  its origins are so important to it, the salmon reminds us to honor our true heritage. Those with this medicine have strong spiritual desires and work tirelessly to manifest them. They make excellent priests, nuns, spiritual counselors and teachers. The study of geneology is important..

Incredibly determined, a salmon will jump 10 foot waterfalls and struggle past eagles, bears and many other predators, including humans, to reach their home waters.  Their drive to reach their place of origin is remarkable.  They rarely eat on their journey home and have little interest in anything but getting to their destination.  Once there they spawn then die.

When the salmon is seen laying eggs in the coarse sand and gravel beds of streams it suggests that the birth of a new idea is at hand.  It cautions however to make sure that the new idea is not  laid on a rough foundation.

The salmon shows us how to swim the sacred waters upstream, overcoming all obstacles to return to the source.  Although  struggle is part of its journey the salmon teaches us how to focus our energy and attention on an objective and maintain the discipline necessary to accomplish it. Sometimes it takes single minded determination to overcome obstacles and achieve a desired goal.

Salmon medicine people are hardy and can persevere when others cannot.  They often choose a life full of challenges because they know that within each challenge lies the opportunity for growth.

The Sea horse

The sea horse is an amazing creature. It lives in sea grass beds, mangroves and coral reefs.  They consume up to 3000 brine shrimp daily.  Because they don't have teeth they swallow food whole. Many people regard the sea horse as mythical creatures perhaps because of their odd form.  They have a horse like head, bony plated body, brood pouch and a prehensile tail.  Sea horses have been credited with potent magical and medicinal qualities. Chinese and other asian cultures have been using sea horses in medicine for 400 to 500 years.  Believed to cure impotency and asthma, lower cholesterol, treat thyroid and heart disorders and prevent arteriosclerosis the sea horse is widely hunted.  Those with this medicine are often prone to one or more of the above ailments but also have an uncanny ability to heal them.

A slow swimming fish the sea horse must rely on camouflage to escape capture from humans. It can change its color to match their background and grow long appendages so they blend in better with the algae.  Storms are also a threat because they tear them from their holdfasts to be cast ashore or die from exhaustion.  The sea horse teaches the art of camouflage and energy management.   Because it is used in healing it also holds the energies of service and sacrifice, giving up its life for the sake of another.

One of the most fascinating aspects of the sea horse is that the male becomes pregnant when a female deposits her eggs into his pouch.  The male provides oxygen through a capillary network in the pouch, transfers nutrients and controls the pouch environment to ensure that the young are born healthy.  In nature the single parent family is the overwhelming rule and that parent is usually the female!  This act by the male indicates a gentle strength combining both feminine and masculine characteristics  When the sea horse swims into our life it asks us to examine and then balance those components within ourselves.

Another interesting fact about the sea horse is that each eye moves independently giving it a broader range of vision. It sees things differently than other creatures and offers us the gift of clear sight.  Those with this medicine usually have good peripheral vision and
need to honor what they think their imagination is seeing!

This fascinating creature teaches us a variety of skills that are necessary to perfect our imperfections. When we open up to its teachings we return to the creative source of all that is.

The Seagull

Seagulls generally live  by the water near seaports.  They are often seen diving into the water  or bobbing on its surface.  The seagulls connection to the water is symbolic for those with this totem.  Water represents the emotional side of a persons psyche.  Because the seagull is a messenger its actions should be studied in order to know what it is trying to tell you.  If it dives into your life this can indicate deep seated emotions that need to be healed.  If seen bobbing on the surface its asking you to let go of worry, go with the flow and enjoy yourself more.

Seagulls are considered untidy birds as well as scavengers.  They make their nests out of vegetation and garbage.  Some people consider them pests and others admire them.  When the locust invasion of 1849 threatened to destroy crops in California, huge flocks of Gulls fed on the insects and stopped the invasion.

Scavengers as well as fishing birds they will eat almost anything.  When several gulls find food, the one who gets there first gets to eat.  They seldom fight over their dinner.  Seagulls hold the teachings of fairness and respect and show those with this medicine how to create relationships based on these two principals.

Relaxed and easygoing in all of their pursuits seagulls bring us the gift of a carefree attitude. They are casual about how they build their nests and where they live.  Those with this totem are sometimes untidy in their appearance and disorganized in their life.  Although  comfortable with these characteristics friends and family
often find these habits distasteful which creates challenging living situations for those with this medicine.

For those with this totem try to remember that the complementary side of a carefree nature is the proper acceptance of responsibility.  When you commit to something and others are depending on you its not appropriate to just fly off if the mood strikes you.  It is good to temper a carefree attitude with a responsible nature and to know when each behavior is appropriate.

The Seal

Seals are at home in the water but give birth on land. During the mating season the males can engage in ferocious battles one minute and be playful and amusing the next. Seals have the agility to move from anger to complete calm. Being excellent swimmers they know how to flow with the ever changing currents. If seal pops its head into your life you are being asked to review the ebb and flow of your thoughts and emotions and maintain a point of balance.

Water is a creative element and represents the feminine imagination and intuition. When a seal appears in your life it is a signal to pay close attention to your imagination and insight both in the dreamtime and in the waking state. Much of what your imagining may have, and usually does, a strong basis in reality no matter how far fetched it appears.

Seals do not have external ears, just small openings. This signifies its kinship with their inner voice and can show those with this totem how to listen to the sound within. That sound is a inherent part of ones creative, imaginative powers.

Seals swim above and beneath the water enabling them to experience both the inner and outer worlds. They teach those with this totem how to flow, how to hear, and how to discover the deeper mysteries of their true nature. There are no limits to the creative energies stimulated by this medicine. The seal is the keeper of wisdom and shows us what is hidden deep within ourselves. They teach us how to integrate the our imagination with the reasoning power of the  intellect. Doing this promotes balance and harmony on all levels.

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