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Animal Totems : Animals S Cont.
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From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_  (Original Message)Sent: 10/9/2007 5:22 PM

The Shark

Sharks are viewed stereotypically as dangerous.  Singly, and when they are not hungry, sharks tend to be quite peaceful.  They can be trained to do simple tasks such as distinguishing certain objects from others in the water, and the ringing of a bell for a meal when in captivity.  In large groups however, they can become unpredictable and may frenzy.  In order to remain calm and centered shark medicine people require time to themselves.  If they do not have time alone they can become irritable, anxious and aggressive in their behavior.

Sharks have incredibly sensitive noses that can smell one drop of blood in 50 million times as much water. They can feel the pressure waves made by a struggling fish and are sensitive to electromagnetic currents. They teach those with this totem how to develop and refine their own sensory abilities.  The study of aromatherapy would benefit those with this medicine.

The shark has no swim bladder and must swim perpetually to keep from sinking to the bottom.  Water has always been associated with emotional transformation. By observing the sharks swimming patterns we learn how to rise out of our emotional discord efficiently.

Sharks have been known to inspire great terror because they have the power of the predator, fearless and unpredictable.  The shark offers the power of protection to those who resonate to it.  When there is something in your life that you need to frighten away call upon the shark to help you.  In the course of our learning we can attract events and people that are disharmonious.  Working with shark medicine gives you the  power and confidence to drive off negative elements or eliminate them completely.

The Skunk

The skunk is a powerful totem with mystical and magical associations. Skunks are slow moving solitary creatures and spend most of the daylight hours underground.  They dig their own dens but will also take over abandoned homes of foxes, marmots and rabbits.  They hold an air of self confidence and can teach us how to develop self esteem and self respect.

Throughout history skunks have carried a reputation that  is respected as well as feared.  If a skunk feels threatened, it raises its tail and stamps its front feet.  If that doesn't scare off the intruder, it hisses, turns around presents its tail and sprays.   A skunk can spray 10 to 14 feet with accuracy.  This noxious liquid irritates the eyes blocking vision temporarily. Those with this medicine need to develop inner vision and use it to see beyond what the physical eyes perceive.

The skunk smell is one that everyone can recognize.  Author Ted Andrew states that those with this medicine  find  the use of fragrances will elicit dynamic responses in those they associate with.  People will respond to the fragrances you employ. A study of aromatherapy would benefit those with this totem.

Skunk teaches us how to comprehend a warning.  Many times in life our instinct can foresee trouble ahead, but our mind gets in the way and inhibits this knowledge.  By watching and learning from skunk, we learn how to honor that part of ourselves which like the skunk, gives us many warnings before an actual problem or disaster develops.  When a skunk appears in our life it could very well be our intuition sending us a signal of imminent danger or caution.

The stripe running from the head to the tail of the skunk is linked to the creative life force within.  When this medicine is fully developed those with this totem have the ability to direct their creative energy to manifest a desired result. If underdeveloped a need to awaken consciousness and look beyond the perimeters of ones immediate world is important.

Skunks go about their business quietly and those with this medicine are advised to do the same.  Unbalanced skunk people have a habit of tooting their own horn looking for recognition.  Because of the intense energy the skunk holds this can create problems in communicating with others.  Those with this totem are either well liked or disliked.  The art of attracting and repelling are inherent skills and can benefit us if they are mastered efficiently. Remember people are going to notice you.  How they notice you can be controlled by you.

The Sloth

The Sloth  is a tree dwelling mammal related to the armadillo and the anteater.   There are 6 living species in tropical South and Central America.  They weigh about 10 pounds and are about 24 inches long.  Their size is deceptive due to their thick fur which develops a thin coating of algae during wet seasons.  This algae creates a greenish tint on the sloths fur which helps camouflage it amongst the leaves.  The art of camouflage is one of the teachings the sloth holds for those with this medicine.

Sloths are excellent swimmers and can stay underwater for quite some time if threatened. They feel most comfortable in the water or in a tree but feel very uncomfortable when on the ground.   Sloths take their sweet time digesting food and consequently, only defecate once or twice in a one week period.  The defecation usually takes place at the base of tree. This event marks one of the rare occasions that sloths will venture to the ground.  Sloths do not like being on the ground because when they are on a level surface they are unable to stand and walk. They can progress only by reaching forward and, when a toehold is obtained, pulling their bodies along the ground.  Because of this they become easy prey for predators and often find themselves fighting for their lives.   Although the sloth is a fairly docile creature and gives the impression of being half asleep dont let false impressions fool you  This animal is a capable and competent fighter and its claws have been known to tear and shred when its survival was at stake. This is especially true for the two-toed sloth which tend to have a mean streak and are quick to bite with their self sharpening cannies.

Sloths can turn their heads almost 270 degrees giving them an uncanny ability to see all that is above, below and around them. They are often seen hanging upside down in the forests of South America.  Because of these abilities the sloth is linked to the realm of spirit and psychic visions.   Those with this totem often feel out of place on the earth and have a difficult time fitting into normal socieity.  Like the sloth they have an uncanny ability to see clearly and hold strong visionary gifts.  These gifts, however, should be nutured in a grounded way early in life in order to fully develop and be utilized  within a given life time.  The tendency to escape from earth reality is common for those that hold this medicine. Strong physical exercise can help bring this tendency into balance.

Sloths are solitary animals that only come together for mating.  Those with this totem are  loners and  do not enjoy being in crowds.   If their independence is threatened they become rebelious.  Relationships are challenged when personal space is taken away.  Sloth medicine people usually have a low rate of metabolism and dont have the ability to ward off illness easily, therefore, the strengthening and care of the immune system can benefit the overall health.
The Snail

Snails are found in gardens, ponds and even the sea.  Their soft bodies are protected by hard shells which they use as a defense.  When disturbed or alarmed the snail withdraws or pulls itself back into its shell.  It also retreats into itself and seals the entrance in dry weather to protect its body from drying up.  Those with this medicine know how to retreat when danger is present as well as seal themselves off from others.  This can be beneficial as long as the individual does not become too much of a recluse and inhibit their communication and interaction with others. Knowing when to retreat and when to act is an important teaching for those with this totem.

The snail creates a slime trail to travel on so it is easier to move over different surfaces and textures.  They remind us to take the easiest path to reach our destination.  When snail appears in your life ask yourself if you are taking a harder path than is necessary.  Because snail retreats into its shell during adverse weather conditions those with this medicine have the ability to build walls around themselves and withdraw until a situation improves.  Snail medicine people have clear perceptions and need to learn to honor those abilities in all situations.

Both male and female the snail can produce sperm and eggs at the same time.  Because of this duality those with this totem  have a tendency towards identity conflicts in their younger years. This conflict triggers issues of self esteem and confusion.  Fortunately as the person gets older their male and female characteristics align and begin to work together in a complimentary way.

Most active at night or on cloudy days the snail uses all of its senses equally and simultaneously.  Those with this totem often find they seldom have one intuitive gift more pronounced than another as all psychic abilities are utilized in any given situation.

The snail understands the value of slow movement and teaches us how to use that movement  to our advantage.  It holds the teachings of patience, perseverance and respect.  It asks us to be mobile and fluidic as we move through life, always aware of how our actions or lack of them affect others. The trail we leave behind  holds the history of who and what we are.  When snail enters your life your reputation is under review.  Past situations come to the surface to be healed or balanced in some way.  Snail asks us to "make right whatever we have wronged."  In this way spiritual growth  is attained.

The Snake

Snakes are fascinating creatures that deserve respect.  Throughout history the snake has had many legends associated with it linking them to creation, fertility and transformation.

In Israel the snake was regarded as the earth mother and played a beneficial role in fertility.  In Egypt the cobra was  known for its ability to expand the upper neck into a disc shape by spreading its ribs which symbolized immortality.  In Christian lore the snake is seen rising from the chalice of St. John wound around a cross sometimes portrayed with a woman's head to symbolize lust and temptation. In Eastern cultures a snake rising up through the spine represents the kundalini, or life force being awakened.

One of snakes most noticeable characteristics is the regular shedding of its outer skin as it grows. Once the skin is shed, the old inner layer becomes the new outer layer and a new inner layer of skin begins to develop. Crawling out of its old skin is very significant for those with this medicine. It is a metaphor for how we shed old ways and habits as we grow into higher spiritual energy symbolizing the death and rebirth process. It is also associated with astral travel and out of body experiences.

The eyes of a snake are always open protected by immobile transparent scales. Prior to shedding its skin the snakes markings become obscure and the eyes appear opaque or blue.  This gives it a trance like appearance as if it is looking right through you. Learning how to see into the hearts of others is part of what it teaches us. .

Snake has been a symbol of life and sexuality for thousands of years in many cultures. It is a totem of power, renewal and transmutation. Soundless in motion and invisible at rest snakes are unable to produce their own body heat.  They are often seen lying in the hot mid day sun.  The suns warmth coupled with the snakes behavior regulates their body temperature.  Not relying on the energy of food to generate body heat, they can survive on meager diets for extended periods of time. Those with this totem need very little food to energize themselves. They are usually cold and prefer warmer climates.  Their body temperatures are often lower than normal.

Snakes lack eardrums and external ear openings but have small bones in the head that conduct sound.  They are able to hear low frequency sounds and sense vibrations that travel through the earth. This links them to the underworld where secrets are stored.

The snake symbolizes healing on a cellular level. Because their bodies are lightweight and flexible they have speed and agility. When they enter into your world expect swift changes to sweep through your life. These changes signify a death of the old and a birth into untapped power, creativity and wisdom. Snake is a powerful totem to have. Only those with a high degree of spiritual training, be it past or present, will be awarded this totem. It is the guardian of sacred places and the keeper of hidden knowledge.

The Spider

Many stories exist about the weaver, Grandmother spider. She carried on her back the gift of fire in a basket that she wove and presented it to the people. In another story it is said that her web bound all things together and formed the foundation of earth..

These legends give the spider a link to the past and the future, birth and creation.  When the spider crawls into our awareness it is asking us to rebuild the web of our life in accordance with the design the creator gave us.

Spiders differ from insects in having eight legs rather than six and in having the body divided into two parts rather than three. The number eight laid on its side is the symbol for infinity.  The number two implies the union of two forces joined together. Together they equal ten.  Drop the zero and you are back to the starting point of one. The hidden message of spider is unity.  The study of numerology is beneficial for those who hold this medicine.

The construction of a web is linked to the geometry of creation. In the construction of an orb web the spider releases a sticky silken thread into the wind.  If the breeze carries the thread to a spot where it sticks the first bridge is formed.  Spider cautiously crosses the line reinforcing it with a second.  This process continues until a frame is constructed in which the web can secure itself.  Bridges serve as a link tying all things together and remind us of our interconnectedness to all life.

The spider shows us that the past, the present and the future are all interwoven.  It awakens our intuitive creative senses and encourages us to design the fabric of our lives from our souls original intention. If you see a spider in its web, or creating a new one, pay attention.  It symbolizes where you are in the weaving of your own destiny.   A study of the medicine wheel and the four directions is helpful.

Because spiders are actually very delicate they embody the energy of gentleness.  Spiders are not usually aggressive unless they are defending their lives. Moving forward in all situations with a gentle strength is a skill that often needs to be learned for those with this totem. In man, the bite of a poisonous spider symbolizes a death, rebirth process. Poison enters the nervous system and the body either transmutes it or falls victim to its venom and dies.

The spider signifies the tapestry of life.  The web we weave is the reality we experience. Choosing the appropriate path is one of the lessons associated with this medicine.

The Squirrel

When you observe the squirrel in nature they are always busy.  They seem to have an endless supply of energy.  Seldom do you see a squirrel inactive.  Focused on the task at hand,  agile and quick,  they are constantly preparing for the future by gathering nuts and seeds for later use. Although they are always prepared for what may come they have a tendency to forget where they store things. The forgetfulness of squirrel serves as a reminder to those with this medicine to slow down, pay attention and to stop running frantically in several directions at once.

Squirrels are sociable and communicative. They can be quite vocal both in work and play. Sometimes their continual chatter disturbs the silence, which creates an air of distraction and chaos. If you find yourself disturbed by their constant chatter the squirrel is telling you to speak clearly and effectively or to go within and be still, depending on the circumstances around your situation. Their gathering nature teaches those with this totem how to reserve energy and store things for future use. Honoring the future and readying yourself for change.

Squirrel embodies the quality of trust and is one of the few animals that will eat out of a person's hand. This symbolizes a need to let down your defenses and learn to trust more. The issue of trust can play out in all areas of a person's life from personal intimacy to trusting Great Spirit.  Because the squirrel is always prepared those with this medicine must remember that they will be taken care of. Establishing trust where it is presently absent would compliment the power of this medicine.

Squirrel represents balance within the circle of gathering and giving out. If squirrel has scampered into your life pay attention to the wisdom it has to offer you. Preparedness and survival skills can be learned from this powerful totem.

The Swan

Graceful elegant birds the swan seems to glide through the water leaving hardly a ripple behind.  Its persuasive beauty reminds us to move gently through the currents of life and not battle them.

Swans are one of the fastest fliers. During migration they fly in V formations at great heights.  Their wing beats are slow but steady.  This gives them the endurance needed to reach their destination quickly without tiring.  Those with this totem have the same abilities and should observe, then apply, the movements of swan when pursuing goals.

The swans large wings embrace the sky collecting and storing knowledge from the heavens. Their white plumage reminds us of the wonder and innocence found in the purity of spirit. Their long slender necks serve as a bridge between the mundane and the extraordinary.  Upon this bridge lies the wisdom for spiritual realization.

The swan mates for life. Courtship involves mutual bill dipping or head-to-head posturing.  They are committed devoted partners.  In personal relationships humans make commitments they cannot keep. By applying swans skills in our life we begin to honor what we have chosen. This in itself is a powerful lesson for those who hold this medicine. Honoring commitments increase ones personal integrity.

While feeding, swans do not dive into the water like other birds.  They skim its surface dipping themselves in and out.  In man, water is associated with the feminine principal of intuition and emotion. By following the lead of the swan we learn how to view our emotions without getting trapped by them. Our intuition helps us understand our feelings and the swan helps us process them efficiently.

Swans are sociable birds with a long life span.  They live about 20 years in the wild and 50 years or more in captivity. The swan is a totem that teaches us grace through movement and longevity through inner knowledge.  When we look upon the swan it invokes a feeling of tranquility in us and reminds us to experience the beauty and magic of life.

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