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From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_  (Original Message)Sent: 10/9/2007 5:25 PM

The Tasmanian Devil

Active at night, the tasmanian devil is the largest carnivorous marsupial in Australia. Animals of the night time have long been associated with magic. Within the blackness of  night creatures from the underworld awaken. The underworld holds the power and the magic of shape shifting realities. Physical and non physical entities congregate together in ritualistic practices. Ritual when used appropriately can have profound benefits.  Ritual used inappropriately can be disastrous. Those with this totem are often attracted to shamanistic practices as well as various forms of witchcraft.  Although those with this medicine are powerful healers caution is advised.  The right use of power is one of the main  lessons you are learning.

The tasmanian devil has a large powerful head with a wide jaw and sharp teeth.  The head symbolizes higher consciousness and the jaw represents verbal communication.   Because those with this medicine have past life ties associated with the mis use of power the devil offers you the components necessary to clear past life mistakes.

One of the most interesting features of this totem is its pointy pink ears that turn red when it is angry.  This is due to an increased blood flow.  Proper care of the circulatory system is essential for those with this medicine.

Found on the island state of Tasmania it lives in coastal scrub and eucalyptus forests.  The devil is a solitary creature,  relatively shy and prefers to live alone.  They spend their days sleeping out of sight and conserve their energy by going into a state of 'tupor' where the body heat drops to match its surroundings. This ability is similar to the art of slowing down ones heart beat practiced by select yogi masters. Yoga breathing exercises can benefit those with this totem.

The tasmanian devil is non aggressive unless fighting for food in which it will become very protective and kill other devil's if necessary. They prefer to eat dead animals and their powerful jaws help crush bones so they can devour the whole carcass, meat, fur and bones leaving nothing to pollute the environment. They remind us to honor and care for the earth on which we stand.

Devils are very loud especially in groups ranging in sounds from barks to snorts to screams. If the devil screams into your life ask yourself how you are using your energy?  Do you have power issues that need to be addressed?  If the devil quietly slips in the back door your personal power is probably being manipulated by another.  The tasmanian devil is a no nonsense totem pushing and prodding you into the right use of your personal power.  Although a challenging totem to have the rewards it offers are great!

The Tiger

Tigers are magnificent animals that hold an air of independence and confidence. Solitary animals,  males and females come together only during the mating season. The cubs stay with the mother into their second year partly because they are born blind. To compensate for this their inner sight is fully operational. This is symbolic for those with this medicine. Children born into this medicine are natural clairvoyants and prophets.

Mysticism and mythology surround this animal.  The Chinese believe that the tigers head often carries the chinese "mark of wang," or king, on its forehead.  This is can be seen within the patterns of its fur.  One vertical line with three horizontal ones passing through it.  Because of this Tiger is one of the 12 signs of Chinese astrology.

Muscular, powerful and agile the tiger can travel great distances in search of food. The distance they cover depends on how much prey there is to eat.  The less prey the further their territory extends. Walking on their toes with the back part of the foot raised tigers stalk their prey or lie and wait and then spring unexpectedly on them. Tigers are nocturnal hunters and hold the teachings of focus, patience and surprise.

Tigers are also known for their healing properties.  Their body parts are sought for use in traditional Chinese medicine and exotic herbal remedies. Their orange gold coloring symbolizes vitality and regeneration.  Those with this medicine heal quickly.

The tigers sight, smell and hearing is excellent.  They have round pupils and yellow irises, except for the blue eyes of the white tiger.  Due to a retinal adaptation that reflects light back to the retina, the night vision of the tiger is six times better than that of humans.  Tiger teaches us how to see into the world of the extraordinary.

Those with this medicine have a strong sensitivity to touch and make excellent body workers.  Creating sacred space where others cannot enter, spending time alone in order to gather the energy required to move tirelessly throughout life is advantageous for those with this totem. When tiger appears get ready for adventure, challenge and change. The power, passion and vitality of tiger will activate the same components within yourself.

The Tortoise

The tortoise is a land bound creature and is exclusively terrestrial. In myth and folklore the tortoise represents determination and longevity. Tortoises have high domed shells and heavy elephant like hind legs. The weight of its shell keeps it from moving too fast. The heaviness of its hind legs gives it the strength to carry heavy loads. Those with this totem often carry the loads of others as well as the burdens of self. They make good therapists but must be careful not to take on the problems of other people.

One of the most ancient and adaptable creatures, the tortoise holds the energy of patience and perseverance. They are very sensitive to the environment in which they live and have a strong psychic connection to mother earth. Extreme changes in climatic conditions can affect their overall disposition. Tortoise medicine people need a stable environment for their overall well being. Without this stability they are prone to mood swings.

The tortoise feels vibrations within the earth and reacts strongly to them. By observing the tortoise's behavior we are forewarned of any imbalances within the earth's core before an actual change occurs. This helps us prepare for geophysical changes in a balanced way.

The tortoise is self-reliant and self determined. Its ability to survive for as long as it has is partly due to its talent to stay focused. When this medicine is fully developed within us we use these gifts efficiently. If this medicine is underdeveloped staying centered in spite of the constant distractions that appear in our day-to-day life will be our greatest challenge.

Tortoises are vegetarians and are very terrestrial. Those with this totem can benefit from a similar diet and often place a great deal of importance on a stable home environment. The tortoise carries their home on their backs and reminds us that although stability in our life is important true stability lies within ourselves.

Moving slowly through life the tortoise observes and processes everything efficiently. This movement compliments its inner wisdom. When the tortoise shuffles into your life it is ready to share that wisdom with you. All you need to do is slow down, pay attention and begin to move with patient persistence. In this way longevity, inner strength and a harmonious lifestyle are attained.

The Toucan

The toucan is a large billed bird of the tropics. Their thick bills can be up to a third of the length of their body. It is saw edged and distinctively colored. Most toucans have similar body patterns, mainly black with a bold breast color. The bill is believed to have a frightening effect on other birds, including hawks.

Although it is rare for both the hawk and the toucan to fly into your life simultaneously, it can happen. If it does ask yourself why you are frightened of the message spirit has for you.

In feeding the toucan will juggle pieces of fruit in its bill and then abruptly toss the head back before swallowing. Its theatrical movements and strong presence suggest natural talent in the acting field for those with this medicine. Its wings are short and rounded and the tail is usually long.

The characteristics of this bird have strong significance. The large colorful bill is an attention getter. Those with this totem are often colorful speakers. They have a good command of language and can use words to their advantage. They know what to say and when to say it.

On the other hand, sharp-tongued individuals will need to tone down their speech and those that have difficulty expressing themselves will need to speak up. Words have a great impact on us and care needs to be taken when we communicate. Toucan medicine people are either heard loud and clear or completely misunderstood. Balancing these extremes can be a constant challenge in their life.

Toucans are somewhat gregarious, tending to roost high in tree holes. They are one of the noisiest birds in the forest. Their repertoire of sounds include loud barks, bugling calls and harsh croaks. Those with this medicine would benefit from sound therapies of any kind.

Because the toucan represents speech and its proper application, those with this medicine need to pay attention to how their words affect another. When the toucan flies into your life ask yourself the following questions. Are you are using your gift of communication in a constructive way? Are you saying things you shouldn't? Are you speaking without thinking first? Are you keeping quiet when you should be expressing yourself?

Toucans can be a bit unpredictable. They do what they want, when they want to. This trait can be both a blessing and a curse for those with this medicine. Appropriate action, proper speech and a strong sense of self are the teachings this bird holds.

The Turkey

Wild turkeys are opportunistic feeders with broad tastes. They eat nuts, berries green foliage, grasshoppers, lizards, salamanders and more. The turkey can fly powerfully for short distances but has difficulty maintaining that power in longer stretches. For those with this totem it is important to learn how to channel their energy in a balanced way. Quick bursts of energy can lead to undesirable results. A person can tire quickly and have no energy left for other activities. Tai Chi or other forms of martial arts would be beneficial. In addition, variety in diet is advised for optimum health.

Female turkeys lay an average of 12 eggs. One plus two equals three. Three is the number of reoccurrence and those with this medicine often have reoccurring themes or situations to deal with in life.

The medicine power of the turkey is renewal. To the native peoples, the turkey was a sacred bird because of the abundance of them and because of their good tasting meat. Wild turkeys were an abundant food source for the early European refugees, as well as the native peoples. But uncontrolled hunting virtually wiped them out in several central and northeastern states. When reintroduced, they renewed their populations very rapidly, growing to many thousands. If turkey has gobbled its way into your life, its message may be that you need to cultivate and care for those renewable resources that benefit your life.

Wild turkeys were almost eliminated because they were taken for granted. Those with this totem need to remember that nothing is an endless resource if it is not honored and nurtured. Remember to ask yourself if you are relying on something in your life that you always expect to be there, but are taking no steps to treat in a sacred way? This can pertain to a human partner as well as a resource. If so, learn from the turkey and realize that everything has limits.

The Turtle

The turtle is a creature of the water. Because of its great age and its slow metabolism the turtle is associated with longevity. Turtle medicine can teach new perceptions about time and our relationship to it. It can also help us grow old gracefully and in harmony with our environment. When the pace of life becomes too hectic the turtle shows us how to slow down and go with the flow.

Turtles have amazing survival skills and strategies. They sense vibrations in the water through their skin and shell. Turtle totems hold the mystery of awakening the senses on both the physical and spiritual levels and can stimulate clairaudience.

Turtles carry their homes on their back. The shell is actually the backbone and ribs of the turtle and serves as home and shelter for it. Those with this medicine should remember not to acquire more possessions then they actually need. The burden of responsibility can become a heavy weight for you to carry.

When turtle is flipped on its back it uses its strong neck to right itself. This can be a reminder to use your own head and inner knowledge to right yourself when your world gets topsy-turvy.

All turtles must come ashore to lay their eggs and they are usually buried. When the eggs hatch they make their way to the water. The link between water and land especially for the purpose of reproduction has great significance.

When turtle shows up in your life, it is time to get connected to your most primal essence. Go within your shell and come out when your ideas are ready to be expressed. The turtle cannot separate itself from its shell and we cannot separate ourselves from what we do to the earth. The way to heaven is through the earth and both are interconnected.

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