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*Candles* : Candle Making Safety
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From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_  (Original Message)Sent: 7/25/2007 8:34 PM
Candle Making Safety

Don't leave melting candle wax unattended.

If you are using your stove at home, give it a good cleaning before you make your candles. Ensure the little drip trays beneath the rings are clean since they tend to collect grease. If you have a wax fire, the last thing you need is any grease catching fire to aggravate the situation. After you are finished the candle making process clean your stove again, making sure you have removed all of the wax from your stove.

Keep any flammable materials away from your work area. If you have kitchen curtains close by remove them from your windows until you are done.

Read and follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. Learn about the materials you are using including their flashpoint and melting points, and use a thermometer.

If using your stove at home, start at the low setting and work your way up until the desired temperature is reached. I found in most cases I never had to go beyond one setting above low to reach the desired melting point temperatures when using a double boiler. Never, ever set your rings at maximum!

Always use a wax melter or double boiler. Don't put wax in a pot on direct heat since heat is hard to manage and the flash point may be exceeded. Never fill a pot all the way to the top with the candle wax you are using.

Always wear protective clothing while working with hot wax. Oven gloves, a heavy apron, long pants and shirtsleeves, shoes and socks will help to protect you.

You should always work in a well ventilated area.

Always make sure your candle supplies are locked up and out of the reach of children.

If hot wax is being used keep young children away from your work area. Older children who are participating in the candle making process should always be supervised by an adult and educated on candle making safety before you begin.

Don't pour left over wax down the drain. It is bad for the environment, as it cools it will clog your sink, and you will layer your pipes with a flammable material. Pour it into a jar or milk carton and over several batches you will have made a layered candle.

For those considering selling candles

Always include a warning label.

If the candle is for decorative purposes only, make sure it is labeled as such.


Keep a bucket or sink full of cold water close by. If you get some hot wax on your skin, dunk the affected area immediately into the water and leave it there until the candle wax has cooled completely . THIS WATER IS NOT TO BE USED ON A CANDLE WAX FIRE. If it is a small minor burn you can then peel off the wax. If it is a more serious second or third degree burn (blistering or charring), after dunking, leave the wax on and call your doctor or go to the hospital.

Candle Safety

Never leave burning candles unattended.

Burn candles on a level, protected surface.

Keep flammable materials well away from a burning candle... don't forget the drapes!

Keep burning candles away from open windows or drafty areas.

Don't let the candle wick smolder after blowing it out.

Always use a candle holder.

Do not place candles in high traffic areas where they can be knocked over easily.

Trim the wick to ¼ inch each time before burning.

Do not burn the candle for longer than the manufacturer recommends.

Keep matches or lighters out of the reach of children.

Make sure your house is equipped with a smoke alarm.

Some decorative items with candles are meant to be decorative only.

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