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*Candles* : Milk Carton Mold
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From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_  (Original Message)Sent: 7/25/2007 8:49 PM
Using a Milk Carton as a Mold

Candle Making Tools

�?Wax melter or double boiler
�?Stainless steel measuring cup
�?Popsicle stick

Candle Making Supplies

�?Candle Wick
�?Square metal wick tab
�?Milk carton
�?Candle Wax
�?Candle Stand
�?Wax paper

Cover your work surface with newspaper to catch all the drips. Melt the wax you are planning to use for your candle. Cut a milk carton to the size candle you want to make. Use a milk carton as a candle mold step 1

Cut a piece of wick that is a couple of inches higher than the top of your milk carton. Insert one end of the piece of wick through the square metal wick tab. Press the metal points in around the wick to keep it secure. Dip the wick into the melted wax. Lay the wick out flat on wax paper until the candle wax is completely cooled and hardened. Wrap the free end of the wick around the middle of a popsicle stick. Using a stainless steel measuring cup, scoop up and pour a small amount of wax in the bottom of the milk carton. Insert the end of the wick in the metal wick tab into the melted wax. Hold it in place until the wax hardens.

Hold the popsicle stick and wick in place with one hand while pouring with the other. Using a stainless steel measuring cup, scoop up and pour some of the wax into the milk carton mold. Use a milk carton as a candle mold step 3
Fill the carton mold to within 1/4" of the top of the carton. Let cool until the candle wax is hard. The wax will shrink. Top up your candle with enough wax to make the candle top level again. Let the wax cool completely again and repeat the top up if necessary. Trim the wick to 1/4" from the top of the candle. Use a milk carton as a candle mold step 4
Insert a knife between the milk carton and the candle and lift it all around the edges to loosen it from the mold. Make a small cut in one side of the milk carton mold. Start tearing the carton and keep tearing it until the candle is completely free of the mold. Use a milk carton as a candle mold step 5
Place your candle on a candle holder. Make sure it has a large enough base to catch the excess wax that will drip down when you burn the candle. Use a milk carton as a candle mold step 6

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