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Customs : MT. Rainer belief custom of muckleshoot and surrounding tribes
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From: MSN Nicknameitzonlyme1976  (Original Message)Sent: 2/27/2007 12:12 AM

Mt. Ranier, Washington, USA


No future events announced

Report May 8, 2004:

Mt Rainier, also known as Mt Tahoma or 'white consciousness' shared her appreciation of our healing-ceremonies by sending us a RAINBOW, it was a magic Blessing....the same as at the time of the activation when Bennie LaBeau, Eastern Shoshone Spiritual Elder, was present and co-creating with us at the Sunshine Point Camp, on the Nisqually River, connecting the top of Mt Rainier/Tahoma w/the oceans! In the typical showers for the Northwest-coast-spring-weather, Mt Rainier/Tahoma choose to wear a 'hat' during our healing ceremonies, with lots of 'activities inside the clouds'....

There were multiple healing-ceremonies taking place, surrounding Mt Rainier/Tahoma area. Brian Molby and Laura Cyr, Rainbow Many Colors, co-facilitated & offered their prayers at the Mountain View Healing Ceremony, Sumner, Washington, where Cathrine West, Tyee Dances With Salmon, shared her openning prayers, and Native American Children Dancers shared their gifts as part of their love for Mt Rainier/Tahoma, and we thank Cori, Ricky and Tanja, together with their Mom, Lorainne, and Anastacia Townsand who assisted, and participated. Annie, a Peace Elder and a friend of Dalai Lama shared her wisdom. Linda, a Vancouver Island woman sang "the Woman Warrior Song". The Duwamish people were represented by Arnold Troe who shared words of wisdom and healing-songs. The Master Shaman and Storyteller, Johnny Moses, was attempting to join this circle but instead prayed at home. His Spirit, together with Grandma Lillian Pullen, the Muckleshoot Elder who passed on a few years ago, were very much present at the Sunshine Point Circle where Olga, Nada, facilitated and everyone shared in co-creating the INTENT of healing, their Heart-prayers, drumming & singing. With prayers of appreciation, four Native American Healing Songs, were shared by Olga. Here we were blessed by the prayers to Ancestors by Wendy Dalpiaz, Turtle Mt Chippewa, Cree, Ojibwe and her infant-son, Benjamin.

The Creator answered our prayers for dry weather during the peak-healing work, & the Spirit of Mt Rainier/Tahoma sent words of wisdom through everyone who attended, too numerous to list all here but we consciously connected our healing-circle to each sacred-power-point on the Medicine Wheel, plus many that were co-created locally and around the planet Earth. More important than how many people attended the ceremonies is what energies people brought with them, and what they choose to share during the healing-ceremonies....we are deeply grateful to each and everyone, everywhere who spread positive, loving energies this day!

Mt Rainier/Tahoma, by Jeff Owrey, May 9, 2004

Our fourth coordinator, 'Sierra' Chris Willoughby, had to work, lucky for him, at Mt Rainier Paradise visitor's center on May 8th. Thanks to Sierra, we're finally granted the special-permit to hold the gathering at the Sunshine Point Camp, in writing, only a day before the healing ceremonies which complicated our prep-work....Sierra lovingly-greeted many visotors to Mt Rainier/Tahoma, despite the weather, it was snowing at his elevation of @ 5,000'. Sierra met members of Puyallup and Nisqually Tribes who also shared their love of Mt Rainier/Tahoma. According to Sierra, the Puyallup people were there because of their concern for the mountain being used beyond its original purpose. The snow fell very heavily when the Puyallup folks came to the visitor center, and they said it was a message to go down from the mountain. What Sierra learned that day was the insight that the mountain reflects your worries/intentions/ expectations. During his break, about the time of the peak-ceremony, Sierra was shown a vision of Rainbow-Medicine-Wheel in the sky, a rainbow ring around the sun in the cirrus clouds. Earlier in the day, Sierra & Sloan shared life stories with the mountain during the sunrise at the Sunshine Point Camp while Hilah & Patty drummed the heartbeat of the Mother Earth on May 8th in preparation for 10 to 1pm, larger circle healing work. The Puyallup people shared with Sierra earlier in the week that the Grandmother mountain loves offereings of personal stories.

In Helen Keller's words: "It gives me a deep comforting sense that ‘things seen are temporal and things unseen are eternal."

Around sunset, all 4 coordinators gathered in another healing-circle, w/several other participants, at the Sunshine was then, that the magnificant Rainbow appeared near Mt Rainier/Tahoma.

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_Sent: 2/27/2007 3:18 PM
Oh Anna!
These pictures are
simply beautiful!
So majestic!
The story behind them
is very interesting.
Thank you for sharing
your customs with us.
Love and Light