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ElderMeditations : Elder's Meditation of the Day - December 7
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From: MSN Nicknameleprechaunlight  (Original Message)Sent: 12/7/2007 8:05 PM





Another perfect Elder's Meditation. Lots of love,light and hugs.

&, Uma


Elder's Meditation of the Day - December 7

"A man should rely on his own resources; the one who so trains himself is ready for any emergency."
--Oral Tradition, OMAHA
Man is designed to function independently and to rely on the Creator for his resources. If we build our relationship with the Great Spirit, we are ready when emergencies occur. We need to build a trusting relationship with the Creator. We do this by constantly talking with the Creator. It's good to talk to Him many times a day. Then we will realize, even though we can't see Him, that He is always with us and He is ready to respond to our requests.

God, let me remember to talk to You many times today.




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