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From: MSN NicknameUma7777  (Original Message)Sent: 2/12/2008 6:23 AM


The Wall


There is a high wall in front of you.  It has always been there.  It goes so high, you cannot even see the top.  And you believe that this wall stands between you and all that you desire.  You think that this is the wall of your failings and shortcomings and that if you could somehow cut it down to size you would be able to reach your dreams.  You think that you must become other than what you are, must improve, in order to deserve what is on the other side, in order to earn it. 


But you misunderstand, for this is the wall of I Am.  This is the wall of your greatness, just as you are, just as all is.  You do not need to climb it and you certainly do not need to make it smaller, for your greatness cannot be made smaller.  You need only to recognize your greatness, recognize that your power is fully expressed within you just as you are.  You need only see that this wall is permeable, that you can simply step into it.


And what happens when you do this, when you step into your own greatness?  You expand.  You expand up into the limitless heights of being, while still being you, just as you are.  You simply step into what you have seen as a barrier and recognize it instead as yourself, right now.  In this moment, with everything exactly as it is, you are fully capable of stepping into your greatness.


It requires only that you see that this great barrier is no barrier at all.  It requires only that you accept that this was an illusion and that there was only your illusion separating you from all that you wished to accomplish.


Reach in your hand.  See how it is not solid at all.  Now step in.  Feel the wall.  Become one with it.  Feel its power, surging through you.  Feel how, here in this wall of greatness, the wall of I Am, that you are fully expanded and expressed, unlimited. 


Feel here that you are the beauty of the angels�?song, the sparkling wonder of the brightest star, the kiss of the gentle breeze and the roaring power of the ocean waves.  You are all of this, because you are all that is, expressed as you, just as you are, exactly now.


Now, step all the way through the wall.  Step into the garden of life and see that you can live here as an expanded being, fully empowered.  And if you begin to feel any doubt or fear, you can simply step back into the wall of greatness and empower yourself again.


You are this.  You are power.  You are life unending.  You are love and beauty fully expressed.  You are, in fact, God made flesh.  This is who you are.


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