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From: MSN NicknameUma7777  (Original Message)Sent: 2/12/2008 6:27 AM

BratsModernAngel252520Snag-1.gif picture by leprechaunlight




Hello sweet cyber family, here is another gem by Carrie, she is such a precious lady! I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did. Lots of love, light, hugs, and blessings to all.

&, Uma



It seems such a normal part of the human condition to be in a constant state of yearning.  You yearn for a better life, for closer relationships.  You yearn to regain things lost in the past.  You yearn for an imagined future.  You yearn to have, to learn, to become different, to achieve.  You even yearn for a cessation to yearning.

In this restless, unfulfilled yearning, there is a seed of a true hunger, a hunger not satisfied through acquisition or self-improvement.  This is the hunger not to change yourself but to become yourself, to be yourself at the deepest and highest and widest, to be the self that is, in fact, a piece of God.  This hunger may sometimes masquerade as other things, but it is the true hunger that needs to be fed, not a whimsical craving that comes and goes.

The answer to so many of your so-called problems is very simple:  you need to  allow yourself to be yourself. 

You have within you the ability to reach a state of grace, a oneness and connection.  And within those brief moments in which you touch this place of complete peace, you can feel there who you truly are, a being full of love and light.  And that light, when held in your human body, shines out through various talents and abilities.  And many of these you deny yourself in an attempt to meet other expectations.  There are so many things you truly love to do, but you are not doing them.  The reasons are endless, but most of them, in the end, have to do with fear and doubt, including the fear of displeasing others and the fear of losing income.

You must make as much space in your life as possible to be who you are, to do things that you do well, to do things that satisfy some inner part of you, even if it does not make rational sense that you would enjoy them.  For this is your life and your being, and when you are completely yourself, you will find a true uniqueness, a way you put things together that is unlike anyone else.  And somewhere within that true self, there is a genius, a person capable of seeing things in a way no one else can, capable of creating something utterly new, of shining a light unlike any seen before.

You just need to create a little space for yourself, a little room to breathe, so that you can go more deeply into the fulfilling exploration of your own territory, opening doors and throwing wide the widows, venturing into places you have never explored, an intrepid traveler into your innermost recesses.

A little time, a little space and a brave and courageous heart.  Do this and the other yearnings will begin to diminish as you come closer to fulfilling that primary hunger:  to meet yourself in all that you do.


Assembled by ~ Uma

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