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~DAILY MESSAGES~ : The Unfolding Rose in Your Heart
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From: MSN NicknameUma7777  (Original Message)Sent: 4/7/2008 8:00 AM

214653w6hn7oxkjf-1.jpg picture by leprechaunlight

Love it, hope you love it too!

 &, Uma


The Unfolding Rose In Your heart


Today dawns glorious in its wonder. Today, everything is exactly as it should be. In this moment, you are just as you should be, and everything you have done or left undone was exactly right, for it led to this moment, and this moment is exactly what is needed.

And we refer here to this moment. Not to this situation, which is full of judgment. But to this moment which is above judgment, beyond judgment, for it can be no other than what it is.

And you can choose to use this moment in thinking about the past and the future, but doing so does not honor this moment. To fully honor this moment, you must be present within it, alert and yet relaxed, looking out at what this moment holds, seeing its sparkling possibilities, seeing how the action that you take here, right now, is the force of power in your life.

So first, fill this moment with love and gratitude, simply for its existence. You are having this experience, here, alive and breathing, able to dip down into the moment and feel its peace, its wonder, its beauty and glory. Take a deep breath and be glad, be glad simply to be alive for one more day. Fill your heart with love, for yourself, for this moment, for all that is. Now look around with fresh eyes, clear of any expectations. Feel in your center the truth and peace of this moment. Feel it open in your heart like an unfolding rose, spreading its perfume across your life. Take another breath and see how the unfolding rose in your heart is beginning to create a garden all around you.

With each breath, realize that the unfolding rose has the power to color the entire world. Close your eyes and watch how the perfume from this rose flows out across the world, slowly, slowly, and as it flows, it transforms. It turns the burning sand into a fertile soil. It fills the dry river beds with sweet flowing love. It causes grass to spring up, flowers to open and tress to grow and then to bear sweet, luscious fruit.

The perfume spreads and spreads, from your heart out into the world, an unfolding rose of great beauty, its transformative perfume creating an abundant garden of love and life.

It flows and flows and what appeared barren is now fertile and growing, green and luscious. The golden pears hang from the trees; the streams of love burble and flow. The sweet grass, damp with dew, feels glorious under bare feet. It is a garden for you and for everyone else who enters your life, for you are transforming an entire circle of life. And as long as you continue to live in this moment, as long as you open your heart like an unfolding rose and send its perfume out, you can hold this enchanted garden for everyone whose life touches yours.

You have this power. For you are the moment. You are one with everything that is. You are one with all of the power in the universe, all of the beauty, all of the love. You hold within you the rose of love that transforms. And you can learn to transform the world around you through this great power of love that is yours. And then your circle of love can begin to expand and expand.

So begin here, in this moment. Take a deep breath as you quietly feel the presence of the rose in your heart. Watch it slowly open. See how the unfolding of each petal releases perfumed love. See it flow out into the waiting world, to bless the land with abundance and each heart with deep blessings of love, peace and joy. Then breathe again and give thanks, for this flowing love and for the power of the unfolding rose in your heart.

Assembled by ~ Uma~

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