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~DAILY MESSAGES~ : "Intergalactic Commentaries On Local Planetary Events"--July 22, 2008
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From: MSN Nicknameguardianaction8  (Original Message)Sent: 7/24/2008 8:54 AM
This is the 3rd in a weekly series of “Intergalactic Commentaries�?from the Higher Forces of Light, who are very benevolent, human appearing E.T.’s that surround this planet in Guardian Action, in their Merkabah Light Ships. They will channel through me, Michael Ellegion, and comment upon different significant news events that are posted not only on web site, but also will comment on different news stories or e-mails that I receive from other sources. These channeled “Commentaries�?will give an Intergalactic and often “behind-the-scenes�?perspective, from the Higher Forces of Light, to enlighten humanity in their ongoing Mission of making sure this planet will not only survive all the challenges it is facing, but open the way for more open, Divine Intervention, on your behalf in the near future by these Higher Forces.

This week’s item, that the Spiritual Hierarchy wishes to “comment�?on, is in response to an e-mail that was forwarded to me a couple days ago, titled “What Hit The Pentagon�? by Karl Schwartz. Schwartz, who has quite an extensive background in aerospace engineering, has documented quite thoroughly how it was definitely a much, much smaller jet aircraft that struck the Pentagon on 9-11, than the alledged official version of it being Flight 77 (a 757 airliner--which was way too large to have caused that much smaller hole on the side of the Pentagon) . But it was part of this much larger e-mail, that I was being guided by the Higher Forces to allow them to “comment�?on regarding some other very important information that he stated in the e-mail. I had heard parts of it before from other individuals who were “blowing the whistle�?on the true facts surrounding the “false-flag job�?known as 9-11.

This specific information revolved around his statements that the real reasons for even attacking Afghanistan, was not to be searching for the individual known as “Osama bin Laden�?. In fact, as other reputable “whistle blowers�?have stated, Osama bin Laden was really a C.I.A. former counter intelligence espionage operative who had some major health problems and actually died in 2002. However, the cabal continued to pretend not only that he was from the Middle East, but continues to maintain that he is still alive. (Al-Queda is also a C.I.A. Middle Eastern “urban legend�?which does not really exist!) Also, the reasons for going to war in Afghanistan, just as it was for going to war in Iraq, is mainly to control all the natural resources, primarily oil. In the case of Afghanistan, it was to gain control of the Trans-Afghanistan pipeline, which had been by another much smaller foreign oil company known as the Bridas Corp. This pipeline was built to ship oil from Turkmenistan to the ocean. Bridas Corp. made a deal with the Taliban, to allow them to build and set up this pipeline before the larger and more powerful U.S. oil companies could do so. (Oil companies which Bush, Cheney and several key members on the 9-11Commission happen to own stock in!!!!) This was the entire reason the scam of 9-11 was created. The cabal would have an excuse to go into both Iraq and Afghanistan and control the sources of oil in both countries. Through the illegal war in Afghanistan, they illegally stole control of the oil pipeline from Bridas Corp., as well as betraying the Taliban (who were originally allies with the U.S. when Russia was supposedly our enemy). Because of the betrayal, the Taliban have been attacking the U.S. forces in an attempt to gain back what was originally theirs. Supposedly they are now the “terrorists�?of Afghanistan, who we must eliminate in order to stop taking control over that which was illegally stolen from them in the first place.

“Greetings in the Light of Our Radiant One, this is Lord Ashtar of the Ashtar Command, of the Intergalactic Confederation. I wish to Comment on the e-mail that this channel read, regarding the true conditions surrounding the Middle East situation, and specifically the country of Afghanistan. I do wish to confirm the authenticity of what was already commented on by this channel, and the analysis of the reasons for becoming involved in this war. All wars in recent centuries upon Earth, especially in recent decades have been to control all the natural resources.

“This is not a new analysis, it is just that in recent years, the desperation of the forces referred to as the cabal, have caused much more death and destruction than ever before by their manipulations and out-of-control tactics, that have engulfed so much of the world by the effects of the aftermath of their actions and misuse of power.�?BR>
“Despite all attempts to continue the momentum of war for profit and control by these forces, a major shift in the planetary frequency has occurred and we of the Federation have spoken about it through this and numerous other clear Channels throughout the planet. Things are about to dramatically change for the better. Yes, a strong desire of the majority of all souls on Earth is to end all war and suffering, despite recent efforts to increase this program of war. The war effort will not be allowed to continue, as the world community demands an end to this unnecessary death and suffering. In fact, within the next few years, all such hidden agendas and covert plans for more wars--as well as the ability by the cabal to control any of these natural planetary resources--will come to an end. Know this within the core of your being.

“We are, of course, stepping in powerfully behind the scenes, to Overshadow and Inspire all souls to help create and manifest vast magnificent changes for the better. All the hidden plans will be totally exposed within the next few years for all the world to know. As we have predicted before, all Truths and realities will be exposed in this process. These “planetary wounds�?of Mother Earth shall soon be healed, never to be allowed ever again. Blessings to all, and a Promise of a most wonderful and beautiful future. NESARA will finally manifest and the Golden Age of peace finally arrives. As always, we are also getting much closer to the imminent mass planetary Divine Intervention, also known by many as First Contact. So until next time, “Keep your eyes on the Skies!�? Adonai Vassu Berogus!�?BR>
Michael: Thank you Ashtar for your “Intergalactic Commentary�?and about how eventually true Accountability and an end to all wars (and all the suffering) will indeed take place, though maybe not as fast as we would like, but at least it will occur. I will be channeling and sharing other “Intergalactic Commentaries�?from our Friends Upstairs every week as I receive them. For those who have not had a chance to visit my web site, go to The previous commentaries are also archived on my web site in the ‘Channeled Material�?section. I was originally trained through the “Edgar Cayce�?method of Channeling, but then in 1979, I was physically taken on board a Merkabah Light Ship of the Ashtar Command/Federation, and in the presence of these Higher Dimensional Elohim E.T.’s, I was “Cosmically Activated�?to do my Transformational Channeling sessions that help fellow Light Workers to fulfill one’s mission and purpose for being here on Earth. I do these very Empowering sessions either in person or over the phone. Also, I Am about to publish my first book within the next couple months, which will help to Prepare humanity on a mass level for the upcoming planetary Divine Intervention. Those wishing to order a copy of the book, either as an E-Book or to obtain a paperback copy, please visit my web site.

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