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From: MSN NicknameUma7777  (Original Message)Sent: 7/27/2008 4:51 AM


150809emz7sj9a4k.jpg picture by leprechaunlight


Hello  everyone, we have been blessed with another goodie from Carrie. Now raise your hand if you want to be laying in this hammock?  I have one, I can vouch for how wonderful it is to meditate on it LOL. Lots of love, light, hugs and blessings.

&, Uma

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Today will be full of choices.  Even though you may not be aware of it, even though you think you are just walking through your normal paces, you will be making choices every moment.

And so, today, you have two assignments.  First, be aware that the choice is there.  Every moment, be aware that you chose to do what you are doing.  And then, after you have begun to understand the truth of this, begin to choose love over fear.

Every moment, in every way, choose love over fear.  In the words that you speak, in the actions you perform, choose love over fear.

This may mean that you are kinder to people, more thoughtful, and certainly that you listen more closely.  But it also means choosing love of yourself over fear that someone else may disapprove of what you want to do.  Choosing self love is a very important thing and one that most people do not do. 

Every time that you want to say something or do something, but hold back because you are afraid of someone's disapproval, you have chosen fear over love, love for your own inner truth.  Every time you  decide to pursue the career that has historically brought you money over the one that your heart yearns and sings for, you have chosen fear over love, love for your own right to do work you find fulfilling.

Every time you set aside your dreams, put them in a closet and close the door, so that you might make room for what others want you to do or what you are afraid you must do, you have chosen fear over love.

But you ask, how can I choose love of my dreams and yet live as I must, making money , making my way in this perilous world?

Of course, there must be balance.  Of course, there must be transitions.  And of course, everything involves aspects that you may not absolutely love.  After all, the dishes must be washed in order to get the orderly house that then allows you the time and space to do what you desire.

And so, this then leads to another choice that you can make in every moment.  Choose to love what you are doing.  If you have chosen to do something, even if it is not something you would normally perceive as fun to do, then just take a deep breath and allow yourself to enjoy it,.  Think of how you did this as a child, making shapes with the soapy bubbles, using the sponge as a little boat cruising across the top of the dishwater. 

Choose to love what you have chosen to do.  This is another very, very important choice toward love.

Life is full of choice.  Life is nothing but choice, over and over, every day, every moment, every hour.  Choosing your words, choosing your actions and choosing your attitude.  Dealing with what comes your way, with the unexpected obstacles and gifts, deciding how to handle them and then always choosing love and truth over fear.

Your words, your actions, your emotions, your attitude, let them all point to love.

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Assembled ~  by ~ Uma ~


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