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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameUma7777  (Original Message)Sent: 10/13/2008 9:40 PM


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Hello my sweet cyber family many members have asked me how to open your heart to these very special meditations from Carrie, because they want to clear their heart  so they can receive their messages well. Because of these very challenging times Carrie herself sent us a very special meditation to do so. She is also sending us  a meditation a day, thru out these trying times, so we can enjoy all the coming holidays. She is a  very sweet and special  lady. I hope you will all enjoy it as much as I do. I will send the meditation after this post, because MSN is acting up lol. Lots of love, light, hugs and blessings, Uma
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Dear Friends,

I woke up this morning with my heart aching and this message flowing to me, with a strong directive to write it down and send it to you.  I hope you find it helpful.

And please remember, in these challenging times, not only to follow a morning routine like that described below, but also to monitor your language, speaking and thinking of the desired outcome, not of that which you fear.  It harms you to sit with friends and bemoan the state of the world; it helps all of you immeasurably to talk of the wondrous direction you are turning your own life, the new disciplines you are building, the change you are welcoming into your heart, and the positive actions you are taking. My love reaches out to you and I wish you all the best.

Love & peace, Carrie

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~Assembled by ~Uma~

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameUma7777Sent: 10/13/2008 9:41 PM


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A Morning Clearing


The fear is much more crippling than what you fear.  The obstacles and challenges can make you stronger; the changes can open new doors.  But the fear only weakens you and makes you numb, unable to climb that hill or walk through that opening door into newness.


And so, when you are in the clutches of fear, you must first overcome that fear and clear a space in which you can know, see, feel and hear what is true.  For fear does not tell the truth.  And if you listen only to fear, you will miss the loving and true guidance that is there for you.


Each morning, develop a routine you follow faithfully, no matter what.  Adjust it as you learn what works best.  But do not skip a single morning.  If you care to, you might hold a crystal in your hand as you go through your routine, so that you may have it with you throughout the day.


Begin by breathing deeply several times.  If you are very tense, try counting down from ten as you breathe.  Breathe in, ten.  Breathe out, ten.  Breathe in, nine.  Breathe out, nine.  As so on down to one.


Then picture a relaxing scene, perhaps a deep blue lake with green trees around it and a few birds gliding across a blue sky touched with clouds.  A gentle breeze moves the trees and lightly touches your cheek, your hair.  Stay within your picture until you feel as calm and deep as the water.


Now, picture your higher self as a bright golden ball above your head.  This is the part of you that is eternal, that knows all, that contains intention and purpose, that is made of love and only love.  See and feel this presence strongly.


Now open the top of your head to this glowing presence.  Watch and feel as the bright channel of light shines down and enters you, gradually filling your body.  Let the glow enter you slowly from the top down, first clearing your mind of past regrets and future worries, then moving down to fill your heart with love.  Watch the glow spread out your arms and into your hand, where it fills your crystal with light and love.  Watch it move down to your center where the peace fills you like a deep well. 


Let the glow spread down and down, through your entire body, to your feet and beyond, into the earth.  Feel that everywhere you glow, you are filled with love and only love, a love so strong that fear and doubt cannot possibly survive there.  And when you are ready, breathe deeply again to feel how clear and clean you are, how free and unburdened.


Now would be an excellent time to receive guidance for your day.  Ask "What shall I do right now?" or "What shall I focus on today?" or "How shall I handle this situation?"  Ask a question beginning with "how" or "what" that focuses on the next and most important action for you to take in your life.


Do not ask why things as they are and do not ask what the future holds.  Ask only how you should act, and trust that the answer encompasses a deep knowledge of your highest intention as well as the likely future unfolding before you.  Then write down the answers you receive. 


And throughout the day, when you become stressed or anxious, touch your crystal; recall the feelings of love and light in your mind and body; look at the guidance you wrote down.


Learn to recognize this glowing feeling as the place where you can make excellent choices.  Develop methods for reaching this place easily and quickly, so that you are never asking for guidance or making decisions out of fear.


And above all, remember that you are deeply loved, surrounded by love and guidance at all times.  It is your job to become quiet and clear so that you may feel and know this love and hear the angels as they sing your name.

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~Assembled by ~Uma~