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From: MSN NicknameUma7777  (Original Message)Sent: 10/17/2008 8:30 AM

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Good morning dear cyber family, Carrie sent us an essay that is perfect for us to stay in the moment. I feel like we must stay in the moment, so we can enjoy each other in our group and enjoy three and a half month we still have with msn. I think if we just watch and listen carefully we will find out that maybe is better what is happening now, so we can advance faster in our growth and everything will happen in Divine order. Also I think we should wait and see what msn does with that live group idea they have, we might love it even more than we like ours now. I think all of us staying put in our group till we make a wiser decision is much better. This way we can enjoy the holidays together, then we have january and most of February to make a decision. They said that they will give us the tools to help us move whereever we want, so by then we will be better informed. I did not even knew there was a Multiply before yesterday, so I went and looked and they seem to be the only one that have the same tools to make our web sets and tags, I might be mistaken but I have never seen any other group except msn have the same tools. They are the same and they set it up just like msn except theirs is blue lol!! This is my opinion and I might be wrong about not noticing those tools anywhere else but they do have them and I love to have them in a group I am putting together for myself or one I belong to, because I love making them! I am not saying lets move there because all I did was check it out. I have to really go in and see if I will like it at all. Waiting to make a decision seem like a better idea to me. Is anyone in our group belong to any group in Multiply? Well I let you enjoy Carrie's essay "Dont' Lose This Moment", and there are many more of her meditations coming up to keep us center. Lots of love, light, hugs and blessings for everyone.

&, Uma

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Don't lose this moment.  Don't miss the opportunity to fill this moment right now with joy and love, because you are worrying about what will happen next.  Don't miss the chance to take action right now, because you are thinking about yesterday's missed opportunities.


Are you confused about where your life is heading?  Then take action right now.  In this very moment, there are things right in front of you that you can do, to make your body healthier, to make your home more beautiful, to make your relationships more loving, or to move your business or career forward.


Don't miss this moment. It will never come again, exactly like this, exactly as you are and as it is, with the people that are in it right now.


No matter what happened yesterday and no matter what is going to happen tomorrow, right now, there is peace and love inside you, waiting to be expressed, waiting to be given form in your life.  Don't miss the chance to create a wonderful moment, right now.

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~Assembled by ~Uma~

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