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From: MSN NicknameUma7777  (Original Message)Sent: 10/18/2008 3:04 PM

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Good morning my dear cyber family (I am going to miss you all so much, if we do not find a place for all of us to be together, NO NO NO it can never happen!!) This Carrie post is very close to my heart because color mean so much to me, ever since I was 5, I refused to put on anything that did not match!!! Color in homes and outfits I wear have to be all color coordinated, dresses (I won't be caught dead wearing pants lol) is the first thing I notice when I meet people, I love matching purses, and shoes with dresses. I practically do everything she talks about in this essay-meditation she wrote today. To me surrounding myself with pretty colors is a meditation. Lots of love, light, hugs and blessings.

&, Uma

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You are an artist, a creator.  Your mind is the brush and your life is the canvas.  And all of the glorious colors of the universe are available to you.  You experience the world, pick up the colors, patterns and textures and store them in your emotional center, there for your mind to dip into and paint each of your days.

And so, as you give yourself space and time to slowly walk through a  forest, becoming one with the trees and birds around you, the colors and textures of the forest are stored within you, along with the colors of peace, silence, oneness and freedom. 

And as you take the time to spend with those you love, the texture of their skin, the color of their eyes and the sparkle of their smiles are captured and stored in your emotional center.  And all the broad spectrum of love is captured within you as you open your heart to its presence in your life: love of nature, love of life, love of animals, love of beauty, love of work and a deep and abiding love for yourself. 

All of the forms of love and beauty can be captured and stored within you, ready for your mind to use as you paint your day in the bright yellows of joy, the vibrant red and orange of passion, the dashing magenta of new adventure, the glowing pinks of love, the deep violet of spirit and the swirling greens and blues of peace.

Take the time to experience and fill your emotional center with the colors you wish to have in your life.  Consciously dip into beauty, feel it deeply and splash it on the walls.  And after a time, your mind will develop the habit of reaching for those colors effortlessly; it will skip right over that dull, opaque gray of doubt or that ugly stain of fear, and will go right for the bright and beautiful paints of wonder that you have trained it to use in creating the glory that is your life.

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~Assembled by ~Uma~

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