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From: MSN NicknameUma7777  (Original Message)Sent: 7/16/2008 4:18 AM


665405pvs1jq9iz5-1.gif picture by leprechaunlight


Wow,  it feels so good to know we can all be that close to ALL IS WELL,  by taking a simple step!  Lots of love, light, hugs and blessings.

&, Uma



Open to the New


Fear and doubt hold on to the past.  They know only what used to be and what was desired.  They know what worked before and what did not.  They know what other people have done.


What they do not know is how things are right now, what newness is surrounding you, what possibilities are sparkling around you that have never existed before this very moment.  On this, they are completely ignorant.


And since life is change and newness, this is exactly what you need to know, to access.  Nothing is ever the way it was.  What failed yesterday could succeed today.  What was a success yesterday could be a failure today.  All is change.  All is new, every moment creating the next moment, all flowing out in newness and discovery, in this great adventure of life.


Open to the new.  Use the knowledge and wisdom that you have accumulated over the years; use your talents and skills, of course.  But leave behind the old views of what is needed to make your way today, for it is not necessarily the same as what worked for others and worked earlier for you.


Go deep, deep into your center.  See the flame that burns there, the light of love.  Let that light expand and expand, until it clears your body and mind of fear and doubt.  Let it glow within you until you feel cleansed and new, until all worry and anxiety are cleared away from your body and mind.


And now ask:  How shall I approach my life today?  How shall I approach this particular person, this situation?  And be open to the answer, if it comes in words or pictures, in feelings or in a flash of knowing.  Write it down, for the impression may fade over time.


Use your intuition and your connection in this way, reaching above and beyond the narrow confines of fear and doubt, into the wider reaches of a deep connection with all that is.


You have the ability to know, at whatever way knowing is communicated to you, all that is at this moment and all that is likely to be.  You have guidance and love surrounding you in every moment, waiting for you to pay attention.


So pay attention.  Remove the blinders of fear and doubt and look around.  Look around at what is.  Look around at what is needed and how you can serve.  Raise your attention up into your highest levels and access the guidance that is there for you.


Know this:  your higher self and the universe are one, and at this level, your success and welfare are deeply desired.  Everything you need to reach a state of grace is made available to you in every moment.  Everything you are intended to do and be is there surrounding you and deeply within you.  Everything is known and you can access all of this knowledge.


Use your intuition.  Use your faith.  Use your ability to connect through meditation and contemplation.  Tap into it all and the steps before you will light up and your path will be made clear.


Then just take a deep breath, fill yourself with love and faith, and step.


Assembled ~  by ~ Uma ~
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     re: OPEN TO THE NEW   MSN NicknameTinaMarieK1  7/19/2008 12:10 PM
     re: OPEN TO THE NEW   MSN Nickname_Rainu_  7/19/2008 2:50 PM