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From: MSN NicknameUma7777  (Original Message)Sent: 10/12/2008 10:51 AM


3893okvbtywi5y-1-2-3.gif picture by leprechaunlight

Hello dear cyber family,another precious meditation from carrie. Lots of love, light, hugs and blessings.

&, Uma


A Wonderful Day to Be Alive


Today is a wonderful day to be alive, to feel each breath flow through your body, to look around and see the world in its sparkling wonder.


Today is a day to revel in nature, to take a leaf in your hand and study it, marveling how creation is like this, how everything, even the very smallest, is minutely detailed and uniquely formed.


Today is a wonderful day to marvel at your own uniqueness and to celebrate it.  You are completely unique and utterly precious in the sight of God.  You, exactly as you are in this life of yours exactly as it is, are a marvel of creation.  Like that leaf, you are unlike any other in the world, and yet you are also part of a larger system.  You are part of the tree, whose branches reach up to the heavens and whose roots go deep into the fertile earth.


This is your glory,  to be one with all that is, the leaf, the tree, the roots sinking into the fertile earth, the branches kissing the sky, the clouds that float, the entire earth and beyond.  All of this is who you are in your highest and widest, a being who reaches across time into the timeless, across space into all that is, embracing it and being it, all one, all love.


And yet you are also blessed with having this adventure of a life that you are living right now, right here.  This life is a gift.  It is to be treasured and loved, embraced fully in gratitude.


Today, spend a little time outside and feel your connection, breathe it in.  And then, deeply connected, and at one and at peace, give thanks.


~Assembled by ~Uma~