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From: MSN NicknameUma7777  (Original Message)Sent: 10/16/2008 12:32 PM

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Good morning dear cyber family,  hope everyone feels great, and that you will all enjoy this very special meditation. Lots of love, light, hugs and blessings.

&, Uma

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The duck swims gracefully, dipping down for food with her graceful neck and paddling in peace and ease, one with the lake.  Then she takes off with her fellow ducks and soars high, naturally and easily forming into a V for efficiency and ease, one with the sky. 


But when she walks across the land, she is clumsy and slow, and the very features that made her effortless in the water and in the sky are now a hindrance to her progress.


You are like this as well.  You have talents and skills that come to you effortlessly, areas of your life where you feel comfortable and at ease and where your very best features are put to good use, where you feel you are truly in your element. 


And you have other areas where you waddle along, feeling and looking awkward, yet managing to get by, squawking and complaining, like a duck among the dogs.


Go to the water; go to the sky.  Take your strengths and your talents and use them.  If the dogs have run away from you, be glad.  Do not run after them.  Instead, go to the water; glide gracefully and eat your fill.  Go to the sky and soar in grace and beauty.


Today, do not squawk and bemoan your fate.  Look to your strengths, your brilliance, where you shine naturally and effortlessly.  Remember who you are and go unafraid into the life that you were created for.


Every crisis is an opportunity.  Every door that closes opens another.  Every duck left standing in the dust is given a blessing, to remember her duckness, to use her wonderful webbed feet for swimming, her flat bill for catching fish and her wings to fly, to fly into freedom and joy.


Change is a blessing and chaos is anything but.  Chaos is the just the stirring up of the way things were into the way things will be, and the clever duck can use that moment to shake off the dust, to take to the sky and the water and show us who she really is.

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~Assembled by ~Uma~