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From: MSN NicknameUma7777  (Original Message)Sent: 10/20/2008 9:28 AM

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Hello my sweet cyber family, another precious meditation from Carrie. I hope you are all enjoying them like I am. Lots  of love, light, hugs and blessings.

&, Uma

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Here is the power, the magic and wonder, of your endlessly creative mind.

You have a desire to be happy, to be filled with love and joy.  And so you build a formula in your mind, a formula that says, if I had this, a profitable, prosperous business doing fulfilling work, a loving spouse, well-behaved children, a beautiful home, wonderful vacations, leisure time, a secure financial future laid out ahead, if I had all of this, then I would be happy.

And you yearn for this happiness and joy, this feeling of love, abundance and safety.  You yearn and you chase your goals, from morning to night, without a moment of peace, full of yearning and incompletion and deep attachment to the attainment of the specific things you believe will make you happy.

Yet as you achieve your goals, the resulting joy and happiness are brief indeed, and very soon the yearning reattaches to yet another desire, another thing you need to achieve in order to finally reach that state of happiness.  Now, you think, if my job were only more meaningful, if my spouse were only more thoughtful and attentive, then I would be happy. 

But here is the power, the magic and wonder, of your endlessly creative mind.

If you begin, every morning and night without fail, putting yourself into the emotional state you desire, then you will actually create it, without having to achieve that long list of goals.

Every morning write "My life is overflowing with love, wealth, health and abundance."  Take a few minutes to close your eyes and feel what that would be like.  See yourself opening the bank statement to all those big numbers, looking at your desk completely clear of bills, planning that fabulous vacation, doing work that you love yet having time to leisurely lunch with your friends.  Bathe in the emotions that these pictures evoke. 

Picture your life, from the moment you awaken until you go to sleep, living the emotions of this life of your dreams.  Feel what it is like.  Let the joy flow through your body.  Feel the relief and freedom.  Feel the safety and security.  Live in that emotion every morning and every night.  And then, begin to create that emotional state during your day, no matter what is happening.  Over and over, every day, fill your mind and heart with the love, peace, joy and freedom you desire.

Do this more and more, in more and more aspects of your life, so that you are now essentially living the emotional state of having achieved those goals, without physically having done so. 

And now, step back and see what has happened.  Through the power of your own mind, you have in fact created exactly what you were seeking:   a heart full of love, a relaxed and peaceful life, and a storehouse of joy that bubbles up unexpectedly.

Stop and think about this.  You can achieve your desired state by telling your mind you are already there.  Is it that simple?  Yes, it is.  But it requires consistent practice; it requires a commitment to speaking and thinking from your desired emotional states.  But yes, it is that simple.  You have the power to live in a state of love and joy, peace and wonder, without achieving any great goals, but just by establishing some new daily habits of thinking and speech.

And then, the true miracle begins.  With your mind and body working together in the emotional state of love, peace, joyful acceptance, security and freedom, you begin to make different choices.  You begin to pursue different types of opportunities.  Different people are drawn to you.  And yes, the angels begin to sprinkle your life with newness, as it blossoms wide in possibility; new people, new events, coincidence and serendipity begin to grace your life.

And thus do you begin to create a new life through the power of your mind.  Does it take time to develop?  Yes, of course.  Time is required for the sapling to grow from the seed, then into a tree and begin to bear fruit.  Is it exactly what you had originally envisioned?  No, of course not.  For this is a life created by your spirit from the fullness of your heart, and your spirit is capable of much greater dreams than ever your mind could envision.

But you have all the time in the world for your life to evolve and unfold.  You are full of patience, for you have already achieved what you desired, the emotional state of a heart full of love and a mind full of peace.  This is already yours.  And now you have only to sit back in deep gratitude and watch the tree of your life reach toward the heavens and the golden pears begin to ripen on the boughs.

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~Assembled by ~Uma~