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^j^Angels^j^ : Angel Miracle: THE DENVER COP
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From: MSN Nicknameleprechaunlight  (Original Message)Sent: 7/11/2007 7:34 AM

Hi  everyone, another special police  angel story, I love them! Lots of love, light and hugs.
&, Uma
The Denver Cop

I saw an angel. First time I ever told this story, I was kind of embarrassed to say so, but in retrospect, I really did. I'm a retired Denver police officer, retired about four years. This happened back in 1971, when things were pretty turbulent out there on the streets.

We got a call to go out to a pretty rough area of town on a big disturbance, some kind of fight or something. At the time, we had just gotten those walkie-talkie units that you pulled out of the car, and that was the only communications we had.

When we got up to the scene, there was a pretty large crowd forming. This was early Saturday morning, and we wound up arresting a person. In the course of trying to put the struggling gentleman in the car, I set the walkie-talkie up on the roof. We finally managed to shove him into the backseat, my partner and 1.

It was pretty busy that night. We didn't have any cover cars or anything, so we were kind of out on our own. The crowd was getting quite hostile, and before we knew it we were virtually surrounded. I went to grab the radio off the roof of the car, and it was gone. That was our only communications link. So we couldn't call for help or anything else. I was in a panic-like I said, it was a pretty rough crowd! It was one-thirty in the morning, and here my partner and I were cornered by this angry mob.

I glanced around at all the people there. Standing in the crowd was this little girl with blond hair- I can close my eyes and see her as if she's standing here right now. She looked like she was maybe four or five years old, which is really odd to think that she was even out at that hour of the night. She had on a white dress with little puffy sleeves. I don't know what the style would be called, but I remember the puffy little sleeves, all in pink trim and everything. She was just smiling at me, standing there in little black patent-leather shoes. And she just kinda pointed over to the bushes.

Anyway, I went over, and to my amazement, I found the radio! Well, to make a long story short, I called for help, which finally arrived. And later on that day I told my partner, "Hey, if it wasn't for that little blond girl down there, I'd've never found the radio." And he said, "What little girl?" And I said, "The one in the little white dress!" And he said, "No way! I saw every person at the scene. There weren't any kids there!" So I figured it was an angel that pointed out the radio to me.




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