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^j^Angels^j^ : My Own Angel Miracle Number Two
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 Message 1 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameleprechaunlight  (Original Message)Sent: 2/28/2007 12:07 AM
Hello again! My  Own Angel Miracle Number Two, enjoy.
Lots of love, light and hugs.
&, Leppi
When I went to see my sister with my kids, I had to drive
1,000 miles. I decided to go in september, because  I did
not like driving in snow. All of a sudden there was a snow
storm that came out of nowhere and I could not see to drive.
I hit ice and my car started spinning out of control. I asked
my angels for help and all of a sudden, I saw an eye in my
windshield!   I felt an overwhelming peace when the car turn
itself around going the right direction. I asked the kids if they
  saw anything in the windshield. They say yes mom, I see an
 eye in the windshield!
From that moment on I could see where I was driving. When the
 snow  storm stopped, the eye disappeared from the windshield
and I had a good trip the rest of the way. I knew my angels were
us all the way back home. Thank God, for sending my angels!

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The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 2 of 7 in Discussion 
Sent: 3/26/2007 3:11 AM
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 Message 3 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_Sent: 5/7/2007 5:34 PM
How blessed you have been Leppi!
By comparison, January 2005,
on 750 mile trip from Georgia to Ohio,
at about 1:30 AM in Kentucky,
rain at the Tennessee border had turned to sleet
and then to snow and 18-wheelers surrounded me
and paced me as their roadwash blinded me.
As I slowed down to let them go on, they slowed down too.
As I got an opening to pass them in the passing lane,
the lead truck swerved over into my lane blinding me again
as I found myself swerving out of control on snow-covered ice.
I watched the center wall approach as I was barreling into it about 60 mph.
First time I ever had an air bag discharge in a vehicle.
My mixed blessing was surviving with minor scratches
on my wrists and forehead.
Out of all who passed me for next 20 minutes, nobody stopped.
My adventure continued after a state patrol came and took the
accident report and got a wrecker to pry the front end away from the tires.
I got to continue to drive in that weather with a door that wouldn't close because it was bent out around the edges, one surviving headlight which only pointed to the sky on that stormy night,
and other drivers cutting right in front of me as soon as they passed to give me their roadwash which froze the windshield wipers on the frozen windshield.  God let me survive 5 hours like that before daylight and then another 4 hours driving in daylight, stopping often to scrape the windshield.  Arriving at my destination, fortune continued to smile on me as the insurance company totalled the 4-wheel drive jeep (which I had felt safe in) for over $2000 less than I still owed on it, leaving me that much further in debt and without the jeep.
Any chance you could have your angel talk to my angel about
improving customer service?
(Repost for Dash)

 Message 4 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_Sent: 5/7/2007 5:37 PM
Wow MDashR, that was some day you had!!!! 
The only thing that I know is that I have always felt the light coming from
your posts, so I know you are very spiritual. The only thing I wondered is
if you ever asked for help when you need it,  like in that terrible day, that you
should have never gotten out of bed! hehehe  I remember screaming for help
anytime I have needed help and getting help immediately. So remember to ask if
you ever have a problem  again. Sometimes I think we just  write all that stuff into our life so  we can learn from them, don't we know we are so perfect already we do not need that?hehehe  Lots of love, light and hugs.
&, Uma
(Repost for Leppi)

 Message 5 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_Sent: 5/7/2007 5:38 PM
Oh wow!!
All I can say is thank goodness
you both are ok. The angels
were truly watching over you both
in your times of need. They are amazing
spirits and only want to help.
Such loving souls.
Thank you for your posts.
 To You Both
Love and Light

 Message 6 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_Sent: 5/7/2007 5:40 PM
Hi Leppi & Rainy -
Yes, I'm not one of those guys who stands beside his car with a tire iron and spare tire waiting for God to change the flat tire.
But I have been scrupulous about asking for help, almost always starting with the people who either are mandated by law to help me or those who are in the position to most efficiently help.
That's people...I have always asked God for His will first.
I am careful not to ask people for help who are obviously in no position to be able to.   The opportunity to help or be of service to our fellow humankind is a privilege.  So I don't ask a whale to help me cross the desert nor a camel to help me cross an ocean.  If God chooses to supply me with angels or airplanes to fly over either, I won't object, but I don't expect more than "daily bread."
I've been using 3 little space heaters to warm my house since my furnace was killed by a mouse in January.  Things could be least I have a house.
I like these angel events you are documenting and look forward to the next one.
(Repost for Dash)

 Message 7 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAztecLily1Sent: 9/11/2007 8:30 AM

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