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^j^Angels^j^ : Angel Miracle: Jim McNamara's Miracle
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From: MSN Nicknameleprechaunlight  (Original Message)Sent: 7/17/2007 7:36 AM





Hello dear ones, here is a good angel miracle.Lots of love, light and hugs.

&, Uma



An "angel" who let me know about a very special healing is Jim McNamara of Mokena, Illinois. Years ago, Jim worked for Sears, Roebuck in the Chicago area, and his job involved calling upon people in their homes. "I had found the Lord, in a big way," Jim says, "so from time to time, I'd witness about him to customers, if they seemed open to it."

One day Jim had an appointment with an older couple, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lynch, who lived on Chicago's South Side. They were warm and hospitable, and Jim liked them immediately. ''After we concluded our business," Jim recalls, "I noticed a huge Bible lying on their coffee table. 'That's a very important book, isn't it?' I asked the couple."

They both nodded. "It certainly is." Briefly, Jim told them about how he had come to know Jesus. when he had finished, Louise Lynch nodded to her husband. "Tell him what happened to you, Sam," she said.

"Well," Sam said shyly, "I'm a carpenter. And one day I felt the Lord asking me to build a church for him. And so I did."

"You did? A whole church?" Jim was astounded.

"Well, I subcontracted some of the work. But I did the plans, and most of the labor. It's still open today. The LeClaire Missionary Baptist Church, on South Lavergne Street. My name is even in a piece of the concrete wall." Sam sat back.

But there was more to the story. "Tell him what happened after it was built," Louise prodded.

Sam squirmed in his chair. Apparently, this part was harder to relate. "When they were making plans to dedicate the church, the deacons and people wanted me to read the Bible from the pulpit," Sam explained. "I kept saying no, but they kept asking."

"Why didn't you want to read?" Jim asked.

The Lynches looked at each other. "He couldn't," Louise said softly. "Sam had been illiterate his whole life. In fact, my mother originally forbade me to marry him because he couldn't read. She didn't think he would amount to anything."

The couple had eventually wed, but they had always kept Sam's disability a secret. No one ever knew about it except the three Lynch children, who, as they grew, would read to their father from newspapers and books. Sam had a quick mind and a marvelous memory, so no one ever guessed his secret. But now, if people from the new congregation kept pressuring Sam, perhaps he would have to admit it. Neither he nor Louise was happy about that.

Louise came up with a solution. "We'll choose some verses," she told Sam. "And I'll read them over and over to you, and you'll memorize them. Then you can stand up at the pulpit, and it will look like you're reading. No one will ever know."

Sam relented. "We practiced pretty hard, every night," he told Jim. "But the verses were short, and no one knew what I was planning to read anyway, so I figured I could get through it."

The morning of the dedication came, and the church was full.

Louise was sitting in the first row, and she watched proudly as Sam ascended the steps to the pulpit, picked up the open Bible, and began to read. And then her heart seemed to stop.

Sam was not reciting the verses they had practiced together.

Nor was he repeating anything that remotely resembled material he knew or was familiar with. No, instead he was reading-loudly, confidently, even turning pages.

Jim, enthralled by the Lynches' story, asked, "How did the people in the audience react?"

"They didn't know anything special was going on," Louise answered. "Since no specific material had been planned, they just

assumed Sam was reading what he had selected. He went on and on. I don't think he even fully realized what was happening."

"I didn't," Sam added. "Not until I got home, and the whole impossible situation hit me. Then I picked up a book just to see if the whole thing had been some big mistake. And you know what? I could still read."

For the rest of his life Sam read, although sometimes a little slowly. Eventually he engaged a tutor, who came to the house and helped him progress even more. But he and Louise never forgot the marvel of that special day in church.


A Bee Bg


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