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^j^Angels^j^ : My Own Angel Miracle Number Three
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From: MSN Nicknameleprechaunlight  (Original Message)Sent: 2/28/2007 5:38 AM
Hi  friends! Here is My Angel Miracle Number Three,  I hope you
 guys are enjoying reading them.  Lots of love, light and hugs.
    When my son was three, we were in the living room watching
Sesame Street,  when I went to the kitchen to get me some tea.
           It only took me about three minutes, so you can imagine
my surprise, when he was not where I left him. He had
learned to open the door, not only that, but my heart about
stopped, when I heard squeeling tires!
When I went outside my son was sitting in a
stranger's car bumper, smiling and the driver was
throwing up and saying; "I thought I killed him I
thought I killed him!", one minute  I was going to run
 over him, the next he was sitting in my car's bumper, smiling!! 
I sure was happy to have my baby back
 without a scratch on him!!!! I am still thanking our
 creator for that one.

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The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
Sent: 3/26/2007 3:15 AM
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 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname_Rainu_Sent: 5/7/2007 5:43 PM
That must have scared the life out of  you Leppi!
I can only imagine your fright when you saw him gone.
Again the angels were watching over him.
You have many blessings in your life.
I so enjoy your angel stories hon.
They are truly inspiring!
More Please!
Love and Light

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAztecLily1Sent: 9/11/2007 8:34 AM
Oh my goodness hun , That was really a scary one for you . But Thank God for Angels and the miracle of life............................Love ya!

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