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^j^Angels^j^ : Children Angel Miracle: Dress Rehearsal
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From: MSN Nicknameleprechaunlight  (Original Message)Sent: 7/18/2007 8:06 AM





This is a very special children angel miracle, Is the first of many, I hope you guys love it as much as I do, Lots of love, light and hugs.

&, Uma


Dress Rehearsal

  Twelve-year-old Dolores and her family were moving to a great but unusual house in San Antonio, Texas. It was L-shaped, and the smaller wing contained just two rooms: a recreation room with sliding glass doors that led onto a patio, and an isolated bedroom with its own

space heater that could only be reached through a passageway leading from the rec room.

Her parents would probably take that out-of-the-way bedroom for their own, but Dolores longed to have it. As the oldest of seven children, she never seemed to have any privacy. She currently shared a room with a younger sister who was always messing up her stuff. And her brothers would barge in at the worst times, asking, "Can you play baseball, Dolores?" Or they'd yell, "Who are you talking to?" while she was on the phone. She loved her brothers and sisters, but they just didn't understand.

But her parents had a surprise for her. "The room in the smaller wing will be yours," they told their delighted daughter on moving day. "You deserve a little solitude."

Dolores happily settled into her new living arrangement. The rec room, of course, was noisy all day everyone played there or watched television. But after dinner, when the family settled down to read or do homework, things grew quiet in her wing. Dolores was never nervous about being away from everyone else. She enjoyed her peaceful surroundings.

One evening, Dolores was lying on her bed reading, when all at once she felt as if she was being watched. She looked up at the little window: Its curtains were closed, and everything seemed secure. Then she looked over at her bedroom door.

In the doorway, filling the doorway, was a luminous figure, obviously looking at her. Dolores stifled a scream, for somehow she knew there was nothing to be afraid of. Mo are you? she asked silently.

There was no answer, but Dolores felt a sense of happiness and wellbeing. The figure was, well ... nice. Then, as she watched, it seemed to dissolve, "kind of like what happens to the people on Star Trek when they go into the transporter," she says.

Dolores lay awake for a while that night, trying to re-create the scene. Had it been a trick of light? No, for the figure had been there long enough for her to know it was real. Then why had it come? What was the point? She didn't know.

The next night, as Dolores sorted her clean laundry on the bed, the same feeling stole over her. Someone was watching her. Slowly she turned. The shining shape was back at the door. Dolores felt the same sense of contentment again when she saw the figure. Why are you here? she asked in her mind.

The apparition answered in the same way, without sound. Follow me, it said.Why? Dolores asked.

Follow me. You are safe. Everything will be all right.

Slowly Dolores walked toward the figure. It turned and led her into the passageway toward the rec room, lighting up the dark narrow area as it went. But when Dolores reached the rec room, the shape had disappeared agam.

Dolores tossed and turned that night. Everything will be all right, her unusual visitor had told her. But everything was all right now. What did the figure mean? And who was it?

The following night Dolores watched her doorway, but the luminous apparition did not come. She didn't know whether to be relieved or sorry when she finally turned off the light and crawled into bed.

But was she dreaming now? There seemed to be smoke, and a crackling sound It was so very hard to breathe. Suddenly she was choking, coughing .

And there was the figure again, calling her with words she could hear in her heart: Come, follow me. Everything will be all right. Somehow Dolores was stumbling after the light as it led her down the passageway. She was gasping for air, crying ....

"Dolores!" she could hear her mother screaming as the patio doors rolled open and a man, wearing something that felt rubbery, reached in and grabbed her.

"She's all rightl" the person was shouting, placing Dolores in the arms of her father and mother. Why, it was dark and the whole family was outside!

"We thought you were trapped in your room." Her mother was weeping while her father held her tightly. "How did you escape? There's smoke everywhere."

Escape? Dolores wondered what they were talking about. But her head was clearer now, and it was easier to breathe. She could see flames shooting through the rec room, firefighters aiming streams of water through the open patio doors. The L-wing was on fire!

"Looks like that space heater was defective," reported the fireman who had lifted her out. Puzzled, he looked at Dolores. "But the heater flames engulfed your bedroom doorway first. How did you get out of the room without being burned? And how could you have found your way down that dark passage to the patio doors? Even if you were still conscious, the smoke was too dense you couldn't have seen anything."

Her father had a strange look on his face, too. "I awakened first," he told Dolores, "but only because you called to me. 'Daddy, get up,' you said. Yet I couldn't have heard your voice. You were much too far away."

Everything is going to be all right. And suddenly Dolores knew how, and why, and even who. "My guardian angel had known what was going to happen," she says, "and he came early to prepare me to follow him, kind of like a dress rehearsal."

And she follows him still.




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