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^j^Angels^j^ : Angel Miracle: Miracle At The Mall
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From: MSN Nicknameleprechaunlight  (Original Message)Sent: 11/8/2007 7:22 AM

Introducing another great Angel story. "Miracle At The Mall" Ever since I read this angel miracle the first time, I have wondered what happened to the two guys that were trying to open the doors. I mean they knew they had taken the battery out of the car, and then saw the car start,and take off, so I wondered if they quit doing what they were doing, after witnessing such a miracle, what do you guys think?. Lots of love, light and hugs.

&, Uma





Occasonally, a story's origins can't be completely traced. But people who knew the late Howard Conatser, founder of the Beverly Hills Baptist Church in Dallas, recall his integrity. They know he would have to be personally convinced that an event was authentic before sharing it with others. His widow, Helen, and some members of his former congregation now attend Church on the Rock South in Duncanville, Texas, and remember this story well.

"Howard heard it, ossibly from the father himself At a Christian convention in California in the late '70s," Helen Conatser says. The pastor came home and told the story to others, including a nationwide television audience during a sermon. "A lot of miraculous things seemed to be happening in our congregation and to people we knew at that time," says Helen. "This was just one more, so we accepted it as a gift from God, and never felt the need to try and prove it." Hence, the

trail has come to an end. But the wonder remains.

Beth" and Margie';, two teenage sisters, had enjoyed shopping in the large enclosed mall. But by the time they were ready to leave, it was dark. Standing at the mall exit, they could hardly see the outline of their car, the only one left in that section of the dimly lit parking lot.

The girls were nervous as they waited, hoping a few customers would come along so they could all walk out together. Both were aware of the current crime wave. There had been muggings and rapes in area shopping malls, and they remembered their father's warning: "Don't stay too late!"

"Dad's going to be furious," Beth said.

"Then we'd better get going-now!" Margie shifted her packages, pushed open the door, and walked as fast as she could. Beth followed, glancing from side to side. Street traffic had subsided, but the lot seemed a bit too quiet.

They had made it! Beth shoved the key into the car lock, got in, and reached across to open Margie's door. Just then the girls heard the sound of running feet behind them. When Margie turned around, her heart almost stopped. Racing toward them were two ominous-looking men.

"You're not going anywhere!" one shouted.

Margie screamed. Terrified, she scrambled inside, and both girls locked their doors, just in time.

With shaking fingers, Beth turned on the car's ignition switch. Nothing happened. She did it again, and again. But only the sound of the key clicked in the silence. They had no power!

"Beth, try again!" Margie was frantic. The men were pulling the door handles, pushing at the windows.

"1 can't!" Beth cried. "It won't start!"

The girls knew there were only seconds of safety remaining.

Quickly, they joined hands in prayer.

"Dear God," Margie pleaded, "give us a miracle, in the name of Jesus!"

Once more, Beth turned the key. This time the engine roared to life. She shifted into gear and raced out of the parking lot, leaving the men behind.

The girls wept all the way home, shocked and relieved at the same time. They screeched down the driveway to the garage, stumbled into the safety of their house, and toid their father what had happened. He held them both close.

"You're safe-that's the main thing," he soothed them. "But you could have been hurt or even killed. Don't ever put yourself in that kind of situation again!"

"We won't," Margie promised, wiping her eyes. Her father was frowning. "It's strange, though. The car has never failed to start. I'll check it out tomorrow."

Early the next morning, he raised the car's hood to look at the starter. And in one stunned glance, he realized Who had brought his daughters safely home the previous night.

For there was no battery in the car.

This webset page was assembled by Linda using one of the many auto-scripters available at  Chat_Central_Gateway  All rights reserved KENDOC 2005


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