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^j^Angels^j^ : Fifth Day Angel Miracle: Blessed By Angels
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From: MSN NicknameUma7777  (Original Message)Sent: 12/18/2007 6:48 PM


img102.gif picture by leprechaunlight

This is the fifth Christmas Angel miracle, may you encountered many angel miracles coming your way. Lots of love, light, hugs and blessings.


Cecilla P. of Saskatchewan, Canada, has an amazing Christmas angel experience to tell. "Many years ago, my father was an Indian Agent on a reserve in Northern Saskatchewan province. He was a no-nonsense sort of man. He didn't believe in anything unless he--saw it with his own two eyes. "It was almost dark that cold, wintery day when a very distraught man pounded on the door. His ten-year old daughter was missing It seems she had taken a horse and ridden down the road several miles to visit a friend at about 4:30 p.m. He became concerned that she hadn't come home, so he went out looking for her, expecting to run into her on the way "He went to the friend's house and found out that she had never been there!

Worried, he headed back home, stopping along the way to see if she had gone elsewhere, but no one had seen her. "So the man came to talk to my father, who arranged a search party. Fifty men with lamps searched late into the night for any sign of the girl. "It started snowing heavily. And when it began to snow, the men knew the chances of finding the child now weren't very good at all. Not a trace of her was found, nor of the horse. My dad first thought that the horse might've bolted and thrown her. But when the horse didn't come home either, the town was full of somber face and sorrowful hearts. "At daybreak, the men met on the main road. They walked slowly, and as they came round a curve in the street, one man gave a startled yell. Everyone stopped. "There, standing in the middle of the field, were the girl and the horse! My father stood and watched as the girl's father ran out into the field and gathered his little daughter in his arms. She was smiling and didn't look as if she had been out in the cold the whole night. And, man did she have a story to tell us.

"Trotting down the path, she had seen an old couple in traditional native costume standing in the middle of the road. She didn't know them, but when she got closer, they smiled and held out their hands to her. Unafraid, she slid down from the horse and started walking with the old couple.

"They stood on each side, of.her and asked her to talk awhile with them as they walked over the deep snow. The couple told the girl about her Native American heritage and of the native ways and customs. Then they took her to a log cabin where they sat and talked some more."Finally, they said it was time to return, and as they said goodbye to her, the old woman pressed an amulet into her hand to protect her from all harm. The next thing the little girl remembered was being in the middle of the road with her father running toward her.

"As she told this story, she held out the amulet for all to see. Her father gave a cry and dropped down to his knees, tears streaming down his cheeks. He asked her if the old people had known her secret name. She said they had. The couple had also told the girl that her family was blessed by angels,. her fafher told her that she had described her own grand parents. But they had died in a fire just before she was born. The cabin where the girl said they took her had been destroyed by fire before she was born!

"My father knew the truth - that the man's parents had come back as Christmas angels to guard and guide their beloved granddaughter and teach her what she needed to know." 

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