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^j^Angels^j^ : Eighth Day Angel Miracle: Saved From Suicide
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From: MSN NicknameUma7777  (Original Message)Sent: 12/20/2007 5:54 PM



 vicChristmaspic-1.jpg picture by integratedmimi

img5611.gif picture by leprechaunlight

umachristmas.gif picture by leprechaunlight

img5611.gif picture by leprechaunlight

Lets all enjoy the eighth day of Christmas, with the angel miracle, "Saved From Suicide" Lots of love, light, hugs and happiness.

&, Uma


img5611.gif picture by leprechaunlight

Angie W. relates the harrowing story of what happened to their family on Christmas Eve:

"My dad was an alcoholic. When he drank, he'd become verbally and physically abusive to me and my mother. We always dreaded the holidays, any holiday, but Christmas was especially stressful.

"On Christmas Eve, my sisters and I were in the living room watching television. As we were sitting there on the couch, an inner voice told me to get up and go into the kitchen. It felt really weird. I was asking myself why I wanted to go into the kitchen when Dad was in there. We were having a moment's peace for a change.

"I figured he was probably drunk and slumped over in one of the kitchen chairs. But, I heard this voice again, and this time it was louder and more persistent: 'Go into the kitchen - NOW!' I got up and went. As soon as I got in the kitchen, I saw my father with a gun pointed at his head .

" 'Oh, no, Lord help us, please!' I cried. My father turned in shock. Then I saw the strangest white light erupt in the middle of the kitchen. It was like seeing the light of the sun or something. This light engulfed everything.

"My dad started convulsing. Then he started crying like a baby. 'I feel the arms of an angel around me!' he cried.

"From that day, he really began to change. We sought help. It was a gradual thing but Dad kept getting better and better. He never could get what happened to him in the kitchen out of his memory. He knew he had to change.

"I saw this light myself. And he felt the arms of an angel," remembers Angie. "Our Christmases from that time forward have been beautiful!"

img5611.gif picture by leprechaunlight



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