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^j^Angels^j^ : Nineth Day Angel Miracle: Angels In A Tailspin
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From: MSN NicknameUma7777  (Original Message)Sent: 12/26/2007 3:26 AM




hangingstockings.jpg picture by integratedmimi  

img5611.gif picture by leprechaunlight


 Lets all enjoy the nineth  day of Christmas, with the angel miracle, "Angels In A Tailspin" Lots of love, light, hugs and happiness.

&, Uma



Bobbie H. reports of a very special intervention by Christmas angels. "The day was gray. It was one of those mid-December winter blasts. I had been invited to a luncheon on the other side of town, way out in the country. "I had gotten ready and was in my car driving along this newly gravelled road. Driving on the new gravel was like driving on marbles.

"I had my seat belt on. Now, I was - and I repeat, was - one of those people who never wore a seat belt. But for some reason, I had felt a strong urge to put that silly thing on. "Then I hit a patch of loose gravel and lost control of my car. I started skidding all over the road. Suddenly, the car headed toward a ditch. I said a quick prayer. "The car hit the ditch but I was still moving. The front end was in the ditch and still moving. I had smashed into the hole at an angle. "Then, I felt the front end stop moving. When the rear end caught up with the front end, the car flipped over. As my car flipped, I opened my eyes and saw three angels in front of me. The angels were females with dark hair. They wore white robes with long sleeves. They were smiling at me, looking directly into my eyes. "They held me away from the steering wheel. Since my car was an old Dodge Dart, my seat belt didn't have a shoulder harness. I didn't close my eyes, but kept on looking straight at them as I was sliding along.


"Finally, the car ended up upside down. There I was, hanging inside the car. How was I ever going to get out of this thing? "A voice spoke into my ear. 'Undo the seat belt.' Slowly, I undid it and fell to the roof of the car. I had to roll down a window to get out. "I know that if it weren't for those angels that day, I would have been seriously injured. When the police officer came by, he was totally astonished that I didn't have any injuries, not even a scratch.

"I know now that angels are real and are here to protect us," Bobbie declares.

img5611.gif picture by leprechaunlight 



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