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^j^Angels^j^ : Eleventh Day Angel Miracle: Angel In An Ice Storm
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From: MSN NicknameUma7777  (Original Message)Sent: 12/26/2007 12:25 PM

img170.gif picture by leprechaunlight

Lets all enjoy the eleventh day of Christmas, with the angel miracle, "Angel In An Ice Storm" Lots of love, light, hugs and happiness.

&, Uma

SMALLLIGHTS-1.gif picture by leprechaunlight


Mary W. from Topeka, Kansas, will forever be thankful to the Christmas angel who saved her life in 1990. "I had just gone through a divorce and my life was in chaos. As I was on my way to work on Christmas Eve day, the roads were sheets of ice. Most people had enough sense not to be driving. "The handful of cars that I did see on my way had either stalled or were struggling to move through. The car I had didn't handle well on ice either. But I had to go to work.

"As I carne up over a viaduct, I thought to myself, 'If my car goes into a tailspin now, I'm dead.' At that moment, I lost control of the car. It started spinning round and round "As soon as my car came to a stop, there was a young man standing by the car door. This really shocked me because I thought I was the only one on this entire road. I was wondering, 'Where did this guy come from all of a sudden? How come he doesn't have any trouble walking on this ice?' "I didn't have any idea how he got there so suddenly, but I was so shaken up I didn't know how to react. He was very nice and courteous, and he had this unusual air about him that made me trust him immediately. "Then he spoke up. 'Do you think you can get your car off this ice?' " 'I don't know,' I said. "He replied, 'Let me do it for you.' He was so full of kindness that I saw no need to question the offer. Something told me to trust him. So I did.

"I allowed this stranger to get in the car and help me drive back over the viaduct. I let him drive me onto the Interstate. Then, after we got to a certain part ofthe highway, he stopped at an area that was free of ice and snow. With the car idling, he turned and looked me in the eyes. His eyes were the clearest blue I had ever seen.

" 'Will you be all right now? You think you can handle it from here?' he asked. " 'Yes, I think so,' I replied. 'How can I ever thank you?' He just smiled at me and waved goodbye.

"'Just consider it an early Christmas present,' he said. Then I watched as he walked on down the highway in the opposite direction. I shifted into drive, then looked back in the rearview mirror to see what car he would get into - only the man was nowhere in sight! He had totally vanished, as if into thin air!"

SMALLLIGHTS-1.gif picture by leprechaunlight

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