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^j^Angels^j^ : Twelveth Angel Miracle: Angels In A Blizzard
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From: MSN NicknameUma7777  (Original Message)Sent: 12/26/2007 1:04 PM


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Lets all enjoy the twelveth day of Christmas, with the angel miracle, "Angels In A Blizzard" Lots of love, light, hugs and happiness.

&, Uma


Kevin H. and his wife Sharon of Bismarck, North Dakota, have a lot to thank their Christmas angels for. The husband/wife duo was driving to visit Sharon's family for a weeklong Christmas vacation outing. Little could they have realized that this simple cross-county trip would turn into a life-or-death ordeal. Even though it was one of those on again, off-again, snow-filled Decembers, they thought they could handle the trip. After all, they did have a four-wheel drive vehicle with snow tires. What started out as a light snow turned heavy. In less than two hours, the snow and ice became so terrible that they had to pull over to the"'shoulder of the highway. ."It's okay, honey," said Kevin. "The snow will be over soon. Then we can start again."

But the snow and ice just wouldn't stop. "It looks like it's never going to let up!" exclaimed Sharon. Come on, Sharon. You know it will. As soon as it lightens up just a bit, we'll start driving again. "The waited. And waited and waited. After close to half an hour of constant bombardment, even Kevin began getting worried. "We're gonna be buried in here if we don't do something fast!" cried Sharon. "Let's try to get back on the Interstate." Kevin started the engine and tried to steer back onto the road. "We're stuck!" he exclaimed. Getting out of the car, Kevin tried his best to clear the snow from the wheels. But it was useless. The ice was unyielding. Now their car was stuck. And if it kept on snowing like this, they would soon be buried.

Pulling out their cell phone, Kevin received nothing but ear-crackling static. They knew they were in a terrible situation. Immediately, Kevin got out and retrieved his emergency equipment from the trunk. This gear consisted of some orange cones, flares, an extremely warm Air Force blanket a first-aid kit and some canned food. Kevin began getting really worried. Not wanting to let his wife see him panic, Kevin played it cool, as cool as he could under such circumstances. Because he didn't want to wear down the car batteries, he now began rationing the car's heat. It must have been ten below zero outside, and felt just as cold inside the car, but at least they didn't have the stabbing icy knives of wind to cut them.

 Eventually, their hopes of being rescued began to fade. Sharon suggested trying something they usually never did. "Let's pray," she suggested. "What?" "You know, pray." "I haven't prayed since I was a little kid in first grade," said Kevin. "Well it's probably time you 'started again " answered his wife. Kevin hesitated, He didn't think he could remember how. After all, he was always an in-charge, take-charge kind of guy. He had never thought he would have to, ask God for anything. Realizing that they were in a very bad situation, he finally agreed to pray as he clasped his frigid hand into his wife's.

 "Dear Lord, please, please send us one of your angels to help us ,"they prayed. Although every passing minute seemed like an hour, they prayed and prayed. Then, Kevin opened his eyes with a start. "Did you hear that?" he asked anxiously. His wife opened her eyes and looked around. "It's still snowing. I can't see anything." "No.I think I hear a motor!" Quickly getting out of the car, Kevin saw a large green tow truck, complete with snow plow, slowly making its way toward them through the falling snow

"Right here! Hey! Over here!" he yelled, jumping out into the middle of the road. In a moment, the truck came to a halt. Two large men got out of the truck. They were wearing white parkas. The men's faces were obscured with green scarves with dark slits for eye holes. Kevin didn't need to do much talking because both the men nodded and quickly got to work. Before long, the car was able to get back onto the road.

As they were ready to roll, Kevin turned back to thank the two men. Both the men and their truck had disappeared. Kevin insists he couldn't see them because of the bad weather conditions. But Sharon insists that they literally disappeared. "I saw them flash their lights at us as if to say goodb-ye," she remembers. "Then, as I turned to look back, they were gone!  "To this day, they have no logical explanation how a large tow truck could abruptly disappear within seconds of driving down a straight road, snow or no snow.

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